Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 63 Monster Level Alchemy Apprentice

Chu Chen soon held his breath and concentrated on refining the medicine for the second time. This time, his control over the flame, spiritual power, and properties of the medicine was more proficient and sophisticated than the last time.

Qingyue on the side suddenly felt that Chu Chen was more like fighting than refining medicine. Every movement was extremely precise, and the control of every trace of spiritual power was almost perfect, and he controlled everything smoothly. .

Perfect operation close to textbook level!

Chu Chen is obviously just an apprentice in alchemy, so why does he have the aura of a master?

In less than half an hour, when a clear scent of medicine emerged from the small red medicine furnace, the round, green-blue medicine pill in the void was finally completely formed, and was Chu Chen used his spiritual energy and flew to the small disk that had been prepared nearby.

Senior Sister Qingyue picked up the small porcelain plate and looked at the "Qingxin Pill" carefully for a while. She raised her head with a look of disbelief. The hand holding the disk was also shaking. She took a deep breath and tried her best. Trying to calm down, but in vain, she found that her hand could not be steady at all, "Is there something wrong? How... is it possible? The quality of this Qingxin Pill is actually a treasure!"

Different elixirs have different levels. For example, most body tempering elixirs are first-level elixirs, while Ziyun Golden elixir is a second-level elixir.

In fact, even the same kind of elixir is divided into different categories according to the quality of the elixir after it is released. It is divided into inferior elixirs, finished elixirs, good elixirs, rare elixirs and higher quality elixirs. respectively.

For the same Qingxin Pill, a defective pill can only exert 50% of its efficacy. Only the finished elixir can exert 80% of its efficacy. Only high-quality elixirs can be considered truly good elixirs that can exert 100% of their efficacy.

As for the treasure-quality elixir, it is enough to exert twice the effect of normal elixirs!

Even some rare elixirs can produce some special effects.

So it's no wonder that Qingyue was so shocked. Chu Chen made medicine for the first time, and the first pill that came out was of rare grade. This was almost impossible.

Nowadays, among the markets of Biquan Immortal Sect, the most abundant ones are defective elixirs.

However, most disciples will choose finished elixirs, firstly because of their efficacy, and secondly because their properties are stable and will not have a negative impact on their practice. If they are good products, only disciples with relatively rich wealth will pursue them.

Rare elixirs can be encountered but cannot be sought.

So far,

Among the entire Biquan Immortal Sect, Elder Lingxin is the only alchemist who can stably refine rare-quality elixirs.

For other alchemists, the chance of refining rare elixirs is about the same as winning a lottery.

Did Chu Chen win the prize? ! After just one failure, he was able to refine a precious elixir the second time. This junior fellow apprentice can only be described as a pervert.

It was probably due to luck. The first successful elixir for a newcomer was said to be of good quality. Qingyue forced herself not to be too shocked.

After successfully refining an elixir, Chu Chen worked non-stop and once again plunged into the intense steps of refining the elixir. As the medicinal ingredients flowed between his palms one by one, his whole body seemed to turn into a busy machine, operating accurately and skillfully.

The third and fourth consecutive failures!

At this time, Qingyue's mood became very complicated. On the one hand, she regretted that the miracle she had created for her junior brother was only for a moment. On the other hand, she told herself that returning to reality would be beneficial to her junior brother's future practice of refining medicine.

But Qingyue discovered that people are often not as good as nature, and a miracle happened again.

The fifth time, success, treasure!

Seeing the second treasure "Qingxin Dan" spinning in the small jade disk, Qingyue felt that her eyes were about to turn green. Another treasure appeared without warning?

The reason why treasures are called treasures is because they are rare! ?

Could it be that the junior brother's luck is so good that he has the chance of encountering two treasures in a short period of time.

The sixth and seventh times of refining the medicine failed!

The eighth time, success, treasure!

Success again! The third treasure! With such an exaggerated probability of treasures, Qingyue felt that her heart was almost unable to hold on and was about to explode. How could she bear such ups and downs? In a short period of time, Chu Chen failed consecutively and only succeeded three times, but All three times were treasures.

For a novice pharmacist, the success rate of 30% is actually very high. Not to mention the apprentice pharmacist, even the junior pharmacist only has about 10%.

What's even more perverted is that every time Chu Chen succeeds in refining something, it's a treasure. All this makes Qingyue feel that the whole world has become unreal.

She secretly pinched herself several times to confirm repeatedly that she was not dreaming.

The ninth time, success, treasure!

The tenth time, success, treasure! ! !

When the last treasure-quality elixir fell on the small jade-colored disk.

Qingyue's face was numb. Even if Chu Chen refined a Qingxin Pill that was above the level of treasure, she would be able to accept it in her heart.

The Qingxin Pill is only the lowest grade among the first-level pills. Chu Chen actually refined this entry-level pill into five treasures. This...this, all of this can only make Qingyue completely speechless.

Chu Chen raised his head and found that at this time, a bright moon was quietly hanging on the horizon.

"It was a waste of five medicinal materials." Chu Chen frowned, feeling slightly distressed.

Refining elixirs one by one, the probability of destroying elixirs is already so high. I think back then, Elder Lingxin only used one "Purple Cloud Grass" to refine eighteen Purple Cloud Golden elixirs at once. Each one was The quality of real treasures, how strong is the skill of Elder Lingxin in refining medicine? I am really far behind.

"You boy!"

Seeing Chu Chen still feeling sorry for the five ruined medicinal materials, Qingyue patted her head and felt like she was about to go berserk. This guy is really annoying! You know, even if she uses her own skills to refine these ten medicinal materials and can refine five elixirs, she will probably be happy to pray to the gods! And they dare not guarantee the quality.

"Elder Lingxin's rules for refining medicine are too strict. It's such a waste of materials." Chu Chen suddenly couldn't help but sigh again.

"What rules?" Qingyue couldn't think of any rules for the elder Lingxin who had no taboos.

"The rule of only refining treasures!" Chu Chen said with a painful look on his face, "The rule of only producing treasures is such a waste of medicinal materials."

"Elder Lingxin has no such rules!"

"Ah! I see that her shots are always treasures. I thought that following her, every pill must be a treasure before it can be released." Chu Chen let out a long breath, with a look of relief on his face, "I had known this, I also made other elixirs."

Qingyue felt that she was really going crazy at this moment. It turned out that the other 50% of Chu Chen's failures were because he gave up directly because he could not refine the treasure.

This kid is definitely a pervert. Although the Qingxin Pill is the easiest pill to refine, its 100% yield rate and five treasures are far superior to those of the spiritual elders in their youth.

"I'm tired after practicing all day. Go back and rest quickly. I'll just clean up here."

Senior Sister Qingyue was packing her things numbly, but she still couldn't come to her senses. She had prepared a bunch of excuses to comfort Chu Chen who failed to refine the medicine for the first time, but now she had no use at all.

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