Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 107 The beautiful lady at the foot of the mountain

Chu Chen looked at the sky, and there was already a hint of fish belly white in the east.

Deciding to go down the mountain immediately, he freshened up, packed a few changes of clothes, then got up and walked down the mountain.

Leaving this familiar world of cultivation and entering the unfamiliar world of mortals, Chu Chen couldn't help but look forward to it.

Three hundred miles north of Biquan Xianzong, there is an important secular town "Ganyang". The city is bordered by the Biquan Immortal Sect to the south, the Xuantian Sword Sect to the west, and the Supreme Sword Sect to the north. To the east is the junction of the secular "Daliang Kingdom" and "Daxia Kingdom".

Located at the junction of three major sects and two kingdoms, Ganyang City has always been a very important city. It is an important place for contacts and negotiations between sect disciples and secular businessmen, so it is extremely prosperous.

This city, because there are many sects nearby, is much more prosperous than other cities in the secular world. The particularity of the place where the two major countries meet makes it not just as strict as a sect.

After driving for more than a day, Chu Chen felt a little dazed as soon as he entered this bustling city.

Because this environment is completely different from the uninhabited wilderness where grass grew and orioles flew all the way.

But on the street, pedestrians lined up in rows, shoulder to shoulder, filling every corner. There are people everywhere, hawkers, stall owners, drinking, eating, quarreling...

"Why is this person standing here in a daze?"

"Maybe it's the country people coming to the city!"

"Ignore him, be careful if he asks you for money."

Chu Chen didn't care what the people who passed him said, and suddenly wanted to open his spiritual senses and look for Ling Xuan. However, the world is so big, and this "Ganyang City" is just a drop in the ocean, how can he find it easily.

Although he thought so, Chu Chen couldn't help but open his spiritual sense. The moment he closed his eyes, a holographic image of Gancheng appeared in his mind.

There are also a large number of treasures rising into the sky in the east of the city. Without asking, Chu Chen knows that this is where the auction house in the city is located, but that is not what he cares about.

But in this huge city, is there a girl in black named Ling Xuan?

Chu Chen's spiritual sense filtered through the sea of ​​people over and over again, and he was disappointed over and over again.

Take back your spiritual sense,

Chu Chen couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The world is so big, how could he meet her so easily, but this girl always worried him.

Let's go straight to the destination. In less than half a stick of incense, Chu Chen walked through the crowd and arrived at the largest auction house in Ganyang City, "Jubao Pavilion".

According to passers-by, Jubao Pavilion, as the largest trading house in Ganyang City, is one of the few places in the city where sect disciples can directly do business.

This Jubao Pavilion is obviously much larger than the largest auction house in Biquan Xianzongfang City. Although the decoration is a bit secular, it is better than the huge one. From a distance, the closely connected warehouses look like Like undulating hills.

When I walked into Jubao Pavilion, I found that there were more people inside than on the street outside. Huge shelves were lined up one after another. There were detailed descriptions on each item of goods, all of which were rare from all over the world. baby.

An auction house actually has the feeling of a small market. It can only be said that the owner of Jubao Pavilion is definitely a big spender.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, a somewhat familiar voice in the crowd came from behind, with a hint of surprise, a hint of joy, and a hint of hesitation: "Little Medicine Saint, why are you here!"

That voice was gentle, elegant, and generous, with a unique sense of controlling the overall situation in her intelligence, which was extremely special.

Chu Chen turned around and saw a familiar blue figure in the crowd. She was a dignified and beautiful girl with picturesque features and skin as white as snow.

Her expression was calm and elegant, but she was as calm as if everything was under control. She was actually the daughter of the mysterious blacksmith who cast the medicine furnace for Chu Chen.

"So it's Miss Xu, are you here to buy things too?" Chu Chen quickly raised his hand, "It's a coincidence that I met Miss Xu here."

"Haha, it is a little girl's honor to have a fate with the little Medicine Saint." The girl in blue smiled slightly and waved her hand. A young man came over from the crowd and bowed respectfully: "Girl, you have What orders?"

"Hurry up and prepare some tea in the elegant banquet. When I meet a distinguished person, I want to entertain him well. Don't neglect me."


The boy bowed and left quickly. The girl in blue led Chu Chen through the rows of huge shelves in the crowd, passed through several rows of huge shelves, crossed the crowd, and arrived at an exquisite teahouse.

Chu Chen, who had been following the girl, always felt that this girl was very mysterious.

Although she and the mysterious blacksmith who could even refine the fragments of the Bagua Furnace were nominally father and daughter, the blacksmith had an undisguised respect for her and seemed to be her servant.

But now, in the largest auction house in such an important city as Ganyang City, she could actually command the servants here. This scene made Chu Chen a little surprised. No matter how dull he is, he understands that the power to open such an auction house here is unimaginable.

"Haha, an old friend of my father's is a manager here. Today I came here to visit on my father's order, and by chance I met the Little Medicine Saint."

Seeing the confused look in Chu Chen's eyes, the girl in blue smiled slightly, and the two of them arrived at the empty teahouse door.

"Miss, the teahouse has been emptied. No one will disturb the lady." The waiter shrewdly showed a flattering look on his face.

The girl in blue nodded slightly, stretched out her hand to signal Chu Chen to sit down in a chic seat, "Does the Little Medicine Sage come here to buy something?"

"Miss Xu is too polite. I really don't deserve the title of Little Medicine Saint. Please call me Chu Chen. I was in such a hurry last time that I didn't ask the girl how to call me."

"The little Medicine Sage is too modest. Then I will call you Mr. Chu. You can just ask me to make a wish." The girl in blue gently rolled up her sleeves, revealing a section of snow-white skin, and poured Chu Chen a glass of risk. White green tea.

There are differences between sects and secular people. Disciples in sects are generally called senior brothers and senior sisters.

For example, Chu Chen couldn't decide whether she was a disciple of the Biquan Immortal Sect, so he called her "girl". And the titles she calls "Miss Gongzi" are honorifics that can only be used by some famous families in the world.

From this point of view, this girl in blue is definitely not a disciple of Biquan Immortal Sect, so why does she live in the city of Biquan Immortal Sect?

Chu Chen took the tea and took a sip, then said openly, "To be honest, I came here to buy some jade slips of martial arts to use as a reference for my own practice."

"Oh? What level of skill do you want? I know a little bit about the market here, and I can help Mr. Chu."

The standard of the tea ceremony of making a wish is quite high, every movement is elegant and neat. It is obvious that she has been immersed in this art for many years. It is impossible for a blacksmith's daughter to do it.

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