Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 143 Looking for Mineral Veins

Weapons greatly improve monks.

The combat effectiveness of a monk with weapons in his hands is completely different from that of his bare hands. In a duel with a genius as amazing as Yao Jinghai, any method to improve his combat effectiveness should be tried, so Chu Chen must have one Only good weapons will do!

"Master Xu, do you have any suggestions?" Chu Chen became interested and asked quickly.

"My father said that he can make weapons for you for free, but there is currently no good iron ore at home. You need to find it yourself." Xu Yuan said softly, "As long as you find the ore, my father will It will definitely be a good weapon tailor-made for you.”

"That's right..." Chu Chen nodded, "Then where can I find better iron ore?"

"Crossing the Taihan Snow Mountain, there is an underground mine. People often find some rare iron in it, which is the supreme holy object for forging weapons. And I heard that precious iron will be unearthed recently. But it's a bit dangerous there. If you want If you go, you have to make plans in advance.”

Listening to the prompt of making a wish, Chu Chen nodded and already had an idea in his mind. The news of the wish was definitely not groundless. Behind her was the Jubao Pavilion. This time she seemed to accidentally reveal the news to Chu Chen. It should be very important. .

When it was getting late, Chu Chen quickly closed the doors and windows after a busy day's work and returned home. He sat on the bed and concentrated.

As soon as he made a wish to find iron ore, Chu Chen subconsciously thought of his clone, Xiaoying. The eaglet feeds on iron ore and has a natural advantage in finding high-quality iron ore. It is the best candidate to find iron ore. Moreover, it has been a while since I saw what my little eagle clone looks like now.

Consciousness spread instantly. In the huge eagle nest, the fully grown black eagle opened its eyes slightly and instantly spread its steel-like wings. He dwarfed slightly, flapped his wings, and instantly transformed into a sharp black arrow that pierced the sky and soared into the sky.

After a few days of growth, the little eagle's body became stronger again. Less than half of the iron-black feathers have completely turned into a metallic luster. When flying in the void, you can clearly feel that you are more sensitive to wind direction and airflow, even without any special expenses. With strength, you can accelerate instantly!

Well, do you want to try and see how fast you can go?

As soon as this idea appeared, Chu Chen suddenly became excited. The innate instinct to soar in the sky was aroused deep in his blood. His wings suddenly vibrated hard, and with the help of the void air current, his speed suddenly increased.

The night was already very dark,

No one would have thought that at such a late night, the black goshawk in the sky was constantly testing its limits.

Chu Chen's body looked like a black shadow at first. After a while, as the speed increased, the black figure became more and more blurry and dazzling. In the end, it even turned into a black lightning in the sky. Galloping freely in it!


When Chu Chen's speed reached a limit, he felt his body shake slightly, and for a moment, the world became silent! The entire world could no longer hear any sound from Yihao, and it became extremely quiet!

The sound barrier, Chu Chen actually broke through the sound barrier, and the speed exceeded the speed of sound propagation, which made it impossible for any sound in the world to reach his ears!

I'll go, it's not that strong. Faster than sound...

Feeling that he had reached his limit, Chu Chen's speed gradually slowed down. When the sounds from heaven and earth reached his ears again, Chu Chen understood that he had indeed broken through the sound barrier just now, and he was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

The Little Eagle clone was dispatched again, and Chu Chen subconsciously thought of Black Mist Valley. Last time we advanced to a depth of twenty feet in the Black Mist Valley and got three "Fierce Blood Soul-Warming Flowers", but I don't know if I can go deeper this time and get some treasures.

The result surprised Chu Chen slightly. This time, he could still only go deep into the place twenty feet away.

Starting from the 21st foot, the invisible pressure in the void increases exponentially. If Xiaoying wants to go deep again, he may have to find a way to evolve again. This growth seems to have only made him faster, but the strength of his body has not increased much. If he goes in forcefully, he may end up being crushed into a meat pie.

In desperation, Chu Chen drove his little eagle clone to find some iron ore in the surrounding veins to devour and replenish his strength, then he flew towards the Taihan Snow Mountain.

This alien eagle clone is much stronger than ordinary spiritual beasts. The last time Chu Chen rode the sect's spiritual beast to the Taihan Snow Mountain, it took more than an hour. But this time, it only took less than half an hour for the Little Eagle clone to arrive at the boundary of Taihan Snow Mountain.

Once they entered the scope of Taihan Snow Mountain, a fierce cold air rose up and hit their faces, and a vast expanse of white ice and snow enveloped the entire world.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that the terrain here is very special. There are endless plains in all directions. When it comes to the scope of this snow mountain, the terrain is in vain. A huge snow mountain pierces the sky, as if there is a void between heaven and earth. The sharp long sword exudes a vast, grand and ancient atmosphere, which is extremely eye-catching.

The Taihan Snow Mountain is covered with a layer of eternal ice and thick snow all year round, and the climate is several levels lower than that of other places. It's just that Chu Chen's little eagle clone has copper muscles and iron bones, and is not afraid of cold and heat. It only feels a slight chill, but it is not affected at all.

Faintly, Chu Chen always felt that this snow mountain contained some special secret, exuding a mysterious energy. It's just that his cultivation is still too weak. He can only feel a little bit special, but he can't really understand the mystery.

After flying around Taihan Snow Mountain, Chu Chen finally discovered that there was indeed an ancient mineral vein on the back of the snow mountain. Strictly speaking, this place looks like an abandoned mine vein: on a continuous gray-black land, deep mines are dotted, densely packed all over hundreds of miles in radius. Behind every mine there is a faint mining road.

The distribution of those mine roads is also very strange. From mid-air, you can see roads extending in all directions. The deeper the roads go into the mineral veins, the more winding and rugged they become. Some even turn back and forth several times. At first glance, this place does not look like a mine, but more like an extremely complicated maze!

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