Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 149 2 Americans Fighting for Eagles

"Okay, okay, Qianxue, Junior Sister Liu. We are all companions, why is there such a quarrel?"

The voices of the two women became louder and louder, finally disturbing the team walking in front, and several people turned back.

Sun Tao, who was dressed in purple, walked out first. Seeing the tense situation between the two, he waved his hands with a wry smile, "Rare and rare iron is about to be born. We have many enemies to face. It would be bad to have internal strife now."

"Yes, Senior Sister Liu, Junior Sister Leng, please stop saying a few words. We have been together for so long, and we can't discuss any conflicts carefully." The remaining two men couldn't help but come over to persuade them. At the same time, they also felt that Somewhat helpless.

When women, especially beautiful women, get together, there always seems to be some inexplicable hostility and contradiction.

"Hmph, I don't want to argue with her!"

Liu Jiao snorted softly, her eyes full of disdain, "You have no ability, even a fifth-level spiritual water practitioner dares to speak harshly in front of me. If I hadn't been generous and didn't argue with her, I would have taught her a lesson long ago. Her father doesn’t even recognize her!”

As soon as he said this, everyone felt a little embarrassed. Among this team, Leng Qianxue's cultivation is indeed the weakest. His cultivation at the fifth level of spiritual water realm is not even qualified to be at the bottom, because the weakest of the others all have cultivation at the peak of the sixth level of spiritual water.

And this Liu Jiao's own cultivation level has reached the seventh level of spiritual water. In any sect, she is considered an "inner disciple". She is completely different from the outer disciples at the fifth level of spiritual water. It is normal to look down on her.

These words fell into the ears of the arrogant Leng Qianxue, and how could she be convinced? Besides, after being instructed by the Eagle Master, she dared to attack anyone with a sword, and she immediately burst out: "Teach me a lesson, I will do it today." Let me show you how to write the word "teaching".

"You poor weakling, your tone has always been so arrogant. If you are not convinced, let's compete. Whoever wins will be qualified to be the master of this black hawk!" Liu Jiao glanced at her with a look on her face. provocation.

Leng Qianxue was furious, "It's a competition, but the master of Black Hawk, don't even think about it in this life, you bitch."

When things got to this point, the people around them couldn't stop it even if they wanted to. They had no choice but to walk to both sides of the avenue, leaving enough space for them to fight.

Discussing between monks is a common thing. This is the so-called "understanding the truth". But when the two came together in a real tense situation, the men next to them couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The gap in cultivation between these two people is really too big.

One is at the fifth level of spiritual water, and the other is at the seventh level of spiritual water.

There is a complete difference between two realms, and the most fatal thing is that one has passed the threshold of the sixth level of spiritual water, and the other is still outside the door, the difference between heaven and earth is as great as that between heaven and earth.

In fact, Leng Qianxue did compete with Liu Jiao once. They had conflicts before. Under Liu Jiao's offensive, Leng Qianxue had no power to fight back and was no match for her!

The sixth level of spiritual water is a hurdle. The difference between outer disciples and inner disciples cannot be rationalized at all.

"Hmph, my general is defeated. In order to save you some face, I will give you three moves first." Taking out a cold sword from the storage ring, Liu Jiao sneered and glanced at Leng Qianxue indifferently. Full of contempt and disdain.

"Hmph, you want me to do three moves? Since you are looking for death, then I will help you!"

Leng Qianxue's eyes suddenly turned cold, she shook her long sword, and her figure suddenly turned into a white light and shadow and rushed towards Liu Jiao!

As soon as the footwork was launched, the difference between Leng Qianxue and Chu Chen himself was immediately revealed. When Chu Chen used this set of footwork, his body completely turned into a gray shadow, which was so blurry that it was almost impossible to see clearly.

However, after all, Leng Qianxue only practiced for one night. No matter how talented he was, he was not fully proficient in the essence of this set of footwork, but the white shadows he transformed into were extremely clear, and his steps seemed to be traceable, not so mysterious.

But despite this, once Leng Qianxue started to use this set of footwork, Liu Jiao's expression changed instantly. Even if he is not skilled in using it, this set of footwork is still a set of exquisite steps. A snow-white figure can be seen galloping around Liu Jiao, like a blooming white lotus, extremely elegant and elegant.

And among the dazzling white shadows, there were indeed a few bright sword flowers radiating out and shooting towards Liu Jiao. Behind the sword flower, a bright and dazzling crescent moon is beautiful, drawing a dazzling light in the void!

Xuantian Sect’s Zongzong Sword Technique: Flying Flowers and Dancing Moon!


Liu Jiao's eyes glared, her hands shook violently, and powerful spiritual power spurted out, instantly creating a continuous sword curtain in front of her.

Leng Qianxue's footwork is really amazing. With the blessing of that footwork, people can't predict when and where her sword will suddenly appear. Therefore, when this move of flying flowers and dancing moon came in front of Liu Jiao, she had no time to use the sword move to resist, so she had to use her strong spiritual power to gather into a protective sword curtain to resist.

Bang bang bang!

Amidst the crisp impact, several dazzling sword flowers bombarded the sword curtain, causing waves of ripples. Immediately afterwards, a beautiful, bright and bright moonlight burst out, striking hard on the sword curtain, making violent explosion sounds.

Liu Jiao's complexion turned pale instantly. She had seen Leng Qianxue perform this style of Flying Flowers and Dancing Moon once before, but the last time this set of swordsmanship was far less powerful than this time, it actually tore apart her own protective sword curtain!

However, the advantage of her strong spiritual power was revealed at this time. Although the crescent moon tore apart his sword curtain, he used all his strength to dissipate it, and was able to block the move with no risk.

But the next moment, Liu Jiao's pupils shrank violently! In that white shadow, a bright rainbow suddenly burst out, following the gap in his protective sword curtain, it struck fiercely!

This...this is Feihong Guanri! There is actually a sword move hidden in Leng Qianxue's move of flying flowers and dancing in the moon! Linked together!


The bright and shining sword energy rainbow was so devastating that it completely shredded the protective sword curtain around Liu Jiao in an instant. The next moment, in Liu Jiao's desperate look, the sharp sword Qi Changhong slashed down angrily!

"Junior Sister Leng keeps people under her command!"

Seeing that Liu Jiao was about to die under Leng Qianxue's sword, several people nearby suddenly screamed in surprise.

The scene in front of me was really unexpected. Liu Jiao, who was at the seventh level of Lingshui, was unable to fight back under the attack of Leng Qianxue, who was at the fifth level of Lingshui! This Leng Qianxue...when did he become so powerful?

Seeing the desperate look on Liu Jiao's face, Leng Qianxue twitched the corner of her mouth, and the sword Qi Changhong that was about to be chopped off suddenly pulled and retracted, and struck out in front of Liu Jiao with a "chi la" sound. The sword energy grazed her skin and slashed. Although it did not scratch her body, the sword cut open her clothes. After a moment, the sword light was closed, and a beautiful snow-white body appeared in front of everyone.

The eyes of the three men present, together with a black eagle, instantly became clear.

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