Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 160 The Condor Saves Me

Although he was injured, the more he ran, the more painful his body became.

But Liu Bo couldn't care about so much anymore. He ran, ran wildly, and escaped from Yao Han's control. That woman was too terrifying.

This woman, who is known as Yao Jinghai's clone, is simply a demon-like existence. She can kill two strong men of the tenth level of spiritual water with just one palm.

Even the Condor may not be able to deal with such a demon.

Liu Bo, who was half sitting on the ground, looked pale, and he still hadn't completely come back to his senses until now.

The scene just now was so thrilling. If it weren't for Senior Sister Chixia's cover, he wouldn't have been able to escape.

The scenes just now kept flying through his mind, huge palms, and endless blood! His mind is still confused to this day.

He only remembered what Senior Sister Chixia said at the most critical moment: "Ask Black Eagle for help!"

When he thought of this sentence, Liu Bo's body shook violently, and he suddenly woke up as if he had been jolted. The next moment, he quickly took out the bone flute and played it with all his strength.

That mysterious black eagle was a spiritual beast they suddenly encountered when they were in danger in the Blood Vine Valley. They didn't know where it came from, but they only knew that the black eagle was incredibly powerful.

The blood vine that even the tenth level of spiritual water warriors could not stop struggling against was as vulnerable to a blow as tofu under its claws. Just by relying on his pair of eagle claws that could tear gold and iron apart, he saved everyone in an instant.

He didn't know if the black hawk would appear this time, but he had no other choice now! Those people said that they would sacrifice the blood of Senior Sister Chixia to Wang Tie. Wang Tie was about to be born. Even if he ran back to Biquan Immortal Sect for help now, it would be too late!

put all one's eggs in one basket!

Liu Bo had never played the bone flute as hard as he did today in his life. He just felt that he had used all his life's strength. A crazy voice kept roaring in his heart, hurry up! Push harder and let the black hawk hear it. It will definitely come to save us, it will definitely...

However, as time passed by, Liu Bo blew almost all his energy, the bone flute for help could no longer make any sound, and Black Eagle still did not show up.

The whole world was silent, and Liu Bo's eyes were full of despair. He began to regret that he should have persuaded Senior Sister Chixia to stay instead of coming to this place to take risks.

Now Senior Sister Chixia has only one way to die.

What should I do?

Liu Bo struggled to get up from the ground and decided to go back to save Chixia. Although he knew there was no possibility of success, this was the only thing he could do.

Suddenly, in the dark sky, a huge black figure descended from the sky. Liu Bo's eyes widened, and his body softened instantly, his knees sank, and he knelt down with a bang.

The Condor is finally here!

Leng Qianxue and his team had a previous battle with the patrol team, which resulted in everyone in the team, including Sun Tao, being somewhat injured, so everyone found a deep cave slightly far away from the main mineral vein to recuperate.

Chu Chen was at the bottom of the deep cave and did not hear the sound of the bone flute calling for help for a while. It was not until Chu Chen left the cave to take a breath that he heard the familiar sound of the bone flute. He immediately understood that Senior Sister Chixia must be in danger, so he flapped his wings and rushed away. Come.

Unexpectedly, Chu Chen who came over did not see Senior Sister Chixia and her group. There was only Liu Bo, who looked pale and frightened, and was about to burst into tears.

Chu Chen fell next to Liu Bo and looked at him coldly.

Liu Bo knew that Black Eagle could understand human speech, so he recounted his encounter in the main mine with tears and snot in his eyes.

After listening to Liu Bo's words, Chu Chen's eyes flickered slightly.

It was beyond his expectation that there was such a powerful force hidden in the underground mineral veins. A woman with the tenth level of spiritual water was able to kill even Senior Sister Chixia's two family ministers with one move.

He did not expect that Yao Jinghai would have a powerful "clone" in this underground world to guard the mines.

Speaking of which, this eagle of mine is also a clone. It seems that before the final battle with the main body, the two "clones" in the underground world will have to have a decisive battle.

However, Chu Chen was suddenly shocked. Could it be that Yao Jinghai had broken through the last barrier of the spiritual water realm and completely advanced to the level of "true disciple"?

If this were not the case, he would not be able to create a peak powerhouse at the tenth level of spiritual water!

That guy... is unfathomable.

"This is a map of the underworld."

Seeing Black Eagle's silent look, Liu Bo quickly took out a map from his arms, pointed to a red dot mark on it and said, "This is the map we drew before we came to the underground world. This is the main The mine is located, and it is estimated that Senior Sister Chixia and the others are being imprisoned here. I hope Master Shenying can save one of them!"

Chu Chen nodded, took Liu Bo's homemade map into his body, then flapped his wings and flew up, quickly disappearing into the night sky.

"Condor, please!" Liu Bo on the ground bowed deeply when he saw this scene.

Since he decided to save Chixia, Chu Chen didn't hesitate at all. He immediately flew back to his team and threw the map down with a "pop" sound.

"Panorama map? Great stuff!"

Sun Tao's eyes lit up. The biggest disadvantage for them entering the underground world this time was that they failed to obtain detailed maps through channels.

With such a map, it is the most needed thing for them. When you unfold it, you will see that this map is extremely clear. Some dangerous places, important areas, and routes in the entire underground world are clearly marked, making it clear at a glance.

In the center of the entire map, a bright red sign made everyone excited. That was where the main ore vein was located and where Wang Tie was about to be unearthed.

However, Chu Chen's first goal was not to go straight to Wang Tie who was about to come to the world, but Chixia in the prison.

So he communicated with Leng Qianxue and asked Leng Qianxue to convey his intention. First, he must release the news of Wang Tie's specific location and spread it among every team in the underground world.

They took advantage of the chaos when everyone was gathering to attack Wang Tie, so that Yao Han's men had no time to take care of the prison, and then they rescued Chi Xia first, and then snatched Wang Tie.

The prison is deeper underground. You have to take the "mine ladder" to get deeper into it. It is not convenient for you to be an eagle alone. You must bring Leng Qianxue's team with you.

Sun Tao had no objections to Black Eagle's arrangement. He obviously knew that if he wanted to get a share of the mine this time, the right way to do it was to obey the overbearing Shenying's arrangement.

When Chu Chen laid out everything and Leng Qianxue's team arrived near the main mineral vein, they found that many teams were already lurking around.

On the surface, the entire main mine looked calm, but there seemed to be a lot of patrolling disciples. After a rough count, there were hundreds of them!

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