Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 291 Refining the Spring Digging Pill

While the waitress was exchanging points for him to contribute to the Medicine Palace, Chu Chen took a look in the exchange shop.

In fact, there are quite a lot of good things in Little Fairy World, including weapons, magic weapons, equipment, spiritual beasts, etc.

There were indeed some good things in it that made him excited, but after thinking carefully for a moment, he still resisted the desire to buy.

After all, compared to the illusory fairy world, the things in the Medicine Palace are more important to him.

Not to mention anything else, after returning this time, if you want to improve your cultivation to the level of the ten major spiritual water perfections, you will probably have to practice hard on the Spirit Ascension Platform for a few days.

This is more than a thousand contribution points. In addition, his Digging Spring Pill is only a good product, far from meeting his requirements. If you want to refine the rare Quan Digging Pill, you need to prepare two parts of the materials.

One piece of material is almost 3,000 contribution points. In this way, more than half of his contribution points were spent.

Not to mention there are other rare medicinal materials that can greatly improve his alchemy skills. It’s not easy to earn points, so just save some money! After all, for the disciples of Medicine Palace, contribution points are never enough!

Chu Chen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It's easy to spend money but hard to make money.

After returning from the illusory fairy world, Chu Chen spent five full days and finally condensed the tenth drop of spiritual water on the spiritual ascension platform, stepping into the realm of the ten major spiritual water perfections.

When the warm yellow light of the broken mirror, like the rising sun, rose up above the Spirit Ascension Platform, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

It has been two months since I entered the Medicine Palace. After two months of hard work, I finally reached the current state.

In terms of pure cultivation, he could barely catch up with most of the Yaogong students.

The spiritual water perfection means that Chu Chen can dig out his own "spiritual power spring".

For any monk, tapping the spiritual power spring is a crucial process.

After all, the depth of the excavated spring determines the ultimate potential for future cultivation.

Although many people hope that they can dig out the legendary Shizhang Spring and Jiuzhang Spring.

But the extremely high failure rate discourages many people... Digging the spring failed once,

A full three months of training time is enough to deter too many people from trying.

For Chu Chen, the prerequisite work to dig out the spiritual power spring is to refine the spring digging pill!

Although last time, under the guidance of the bearded mentor, I successfully refined a high-quality Diquan Dan.

But for Chu Chen, who has always pursued perfection, it is far from enough. Poor quality of the Breakthrough Pill means that the success rate of breakthrough will be greatly reduced.

Since he could refine the rare spring digging pill, Chu Chen obviously would not accept using the high quality spring digging pill to dig the spring.

Chu Chen bought two copies of all the medicinal materials for Diquan Dan in the medicinal materials hall of the Medicine Palace. In order to ensure that he performed at his best, he even asked the bearded mentor for instructions and wanted to borrow his secret medicine refining room.

When the bearded man heard this request, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Hasn't this kid already successfully refined a high-quality elixir? Want to make medicine?

The bearded teacher found that his disciple, who seemed to have the lowest level of cultivation, was simply a mystery.

Tang Rou and Chu Chen have always been rare and precious disciples in his heart. Their amazing talent in refining medicine is comparable to those of the proud disciples in the Medicine Palace's "Tianyuan".

In his heart, he still vaguely felt that Tang Rou was more talented... After all, that little girl dug out the legendary Jiuzhang Spring, and it was almost conceivable that her future achievements would be brilliant.

In contrast, Chu Chen, who has not yet reached the Xuquan realm, undoubtedly has too many uncertainties.

But at this moment, the bearded instructor realized that he had thought wrong. This little guy named Chu Chen had huge ambitions that Tang Rou did not have... He was not satisfied with the high-quality Digging Spring Pill, so he actually wanted to refine a treasure?

Ambition will make a person devote himself wholeheartedly, and it may also destroy a person.

Big Beard once had a disciple with huge ambitions. He suddenly worried that Chu Chen would one day go astray because of his ambition.

The rare Digging Spring Pill is really too difficult.

It is no exaggeration to say that even with his ability as a medicine palace instructor, he cannot guarantee that he will be able to refine a precious elixir 100%.

No matter what I say, I was once a tutor in Tianyuan, and Chu Chen only obtained the most basic certification of "First-Class Pharmacist" from the Medicine Palace...

No matter what the bearded instructor thought, he also knew that he could not hinder Chu Chen from refining the medicine.

So under Big Beard's personal protection, Chu Chen began to make preparations for refining the medicine.

But before refining, Chu Chen had his own idea.

Chu Chen had pondered and speculated many times on the authentic refining techniques of Diquan Dan taught by Yaogong.

During this period, he even opened his spiritual sense several times to silently deduce the entire process of those medicine refining techniques.

Based on his own experience in refining medicine and the deduction of the medicine refining techniques he learned from Taishang Laojun's phantom of alchemy, he decided that there was a big problem in improving the medicine refining techniques taught by Yaogong.

It should be that Chu Chen's vision has been raised by the afterimage of the old group's alchemy.

His final conclusion was that this method of refining medicine that had been passed down from the Medicine Palace for thousands of years had quite a few flaws!

However, the refining techniques circulated in the Medicine Palace were summarized by countless pharmacists. He was a small new student with little influence. It was simply treason to improve such an "authoritative" refining technique that had been passed down for thousands of years! However, Chu Chen would never be bound by any rules, and he also knew that even if the bearded man thought his refining method was wrong, he would not interfere with him rudely. As soon as Chu Chen started, the bearded man found that his refining method was wrong, but this kind of wrongness was not a mistake, but a way of forming a system. The bearded man suppressed his doubts and decided to see it first. Chu Chen used his own deduced method, and it was relatively smooth at the beginning. However, when the blazing lavender flame in the Taiyi Purple Blood Furnace began to burn, a faint sharp sound suddenly broke out from the inside of the Taiyi Purple Blood Furnace... This sound was very weak, but it made the bearded mentor's face change in vain! The spiritual power inside the medicine furnace was rioting and uncontrolled. This was a sign of the furnace exploding! The bearded man opened his mouth and was about to scold, but he saw Chu Chen's face was solemn, and he was concentrating on controlling the medicine furnace in his hand. It was obvious that the medicine refining had reached a critical moment. If he was disturbed at this time and distracted, the medicine furnace would probably explode before the spiritual power inside it completely rioted! This kid is so reckless! He wanted to create his own medicine refining method after only entering the Medicine Palace for a few days.

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