Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 849 Uninvited

"Full recovery? It's not that easy."

Gong Mu shook his head helplessly when he heard the words, "The horror of that silver roc is far beyond your imagination. Its power is not only tyrannical, but even its soul power is as boundless as the vast sea. When you are injured by it My soul source was also severely injured, although I used the innate sword energy here to disperse its silver power, but my injury has only recovered 60%."

"However, if we hadn't been in the extreme north and fought with that guy in the courtyard, we should have recovered to 70%." Gong Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a cold light in them. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

"Congratulations, Boss! As far as Boss' cultivation base is concerned, even if he only recovers 60% of his strength, it's still enough to crush him in this pharmacist competition!" The fat man and the woman in white were overjoyed when they heard the words, and saluted to celebrate.

Nodding silently, Gong Mu stood up slowly, a powerful Zìxìn appeared in his eyes that seemed to be casted from silver: "It's a pity that it is still impossible to recover to the cultivation of Linghe Grand Realm. Why, but it is much better than before. Li Shuang, has the information of the team where the medicine brand we need have been collected?"

"Shìde, I have already collected it." The woman in white named Li Shuang nodded slightly, "The unique medicine brand Ancient Blood Golden Ginseng has also been found, and it is in the hands of Chu Chen's team... it is the one who was in the extreme north. The guy from the courtyard who had conflicts with us."

"Oh? It's kind of interesting. This is really God's will in the dark."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Gong Mu's mouth, "Then let's start with this ancient blood gold ginseng medicine card. Wu Sha, look for the location of Chu Chen's team, we...it's time to settle with him."

A cruel and bloodthirsty light suddenly appeared on the fat man's face, which looked like a ferocious human, and he nodded heavily.

The ruins of the ancient medicine palace are actually not that big from the outside. It looks like an island covering an area of ​​several thousand acres.

However, after actually entering the ruins, I found that this place is much bigger than imagined. Obviously, this ruins has also been transformed by the ancestors of the medicine palace with the secret method of space. .

At this time, Chu Chen and his party walked through a hilly area covering an area of ​​about a thousand acres. This hilly area was very mysterious. There was no grass growing on the hills, but strange rocks of different shapes grew over them.

Some of those rocks look like towering ancient trees reaching into the sky, some look like wild ancient beasts roaring up to the sky, and some look like sharp and slender fangs... There are so many shapes that make people feel dazzled.

And on the tallest rock pillar in this rocky jungle,

Shen Hou frowned slightly, holding a branch in his hand and drawing various lines on the rock.


With the howling of the wind, a light gray figure rushed out like a sharp arrow, and landed lightly on the top of the rock.

Chu Chen, who came back from the outside, nodded to Shen Hou, his eyes flickered slightly: "The enemy's position is basically clear, it seems that our layout seems to be ready soon."

Shen Hou nodded slightly, and didn't say much, he was still staring at the graphics and lines on the ground, his brows were deeply furrowed, as if he was caught in some kind of thinking.

Just looking at the thin beads of sweat on his forehead, one can guess that he is very tense and under a lot of pressure.

"Take it easy."

Seeing that Shen Hou's arm holding the branch trembled a little, Chu Chen waved his hand with a smile, "Our plan has been laid out, and this is the beginning of a Hǎode. No wise man can achieve a 100% perfect layout, and the rest Leave it to luck.”

"How can it be easy? This plan can only be said to be implemented, but it is still uncertain whether the result will be good or bad."

Shen Hou smiled wryly and shook his head, "There are too few, and there are still too few 'powers' that we can rely on. Any wise man throughout the ages understands one truth: that is, when the force reaches a certain level, any so-called resourcefulness , The role that the layout can play is very small. This is the so-called "strengthening the ingenuity". The gap between the strength of the opponent and our strength... can no longer be filled by resourcefulness and layout alone. gone."

"I'm very confident in your plan." Chu Chen smiled slightly, "Don't worry, if the plan is successful, it's not like we're totally incapable of grabbing the drug license."

"I'm still not at ease." Shen Hou shook his head, with an extremely solemn expression, "You are the ultimate executor of this plan... If any link goes wrong, you may be in a situation where you will never be able to recover. No, I still have to Think again."

"Hehe... Don't worry, it's not that serious." Chu Chen shook his head and laughed, "I have a sense of proportion, knowing when to advance and retreat."

While the two were talking, a dark green figure floated from a distance, falling down like a light butterfly.

There was a relaxed smile on Tang Rou's face: "My task has also been completed, and the news of the temptation has been spread to the entire Ancient Medicine Palace ruins."

"Oh? Well done Bùcuò!" Shen Hou gave Tang Rou a thumbs up, and the tense expression on his face eased a little. It's just that when Chu Chen glanced slightly behind Tang Rou, his complexion changed slightly: "It seems that someone has followed you back."


As soon as Chu Chen finished speaking, the expressions of Shen Hou and Tang Rou changed dramatically.

Tang Rou is an extremely important part of the whole layout, if she is followed, it will even completely disrupt the plan!

Compared to Tang Rou's deep shock, Chu Chen's face was very calm, his gaze was looking at a certain space behind Tang Rou, and a sneer sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth: "Following all the way sneakily, it must have been quite hard work. Come out, there is no need to hide anymore."

"Ha ha……"

Amid a sneer like a ferocious beast's growl, transparent ripples appeared in the air next to a rock pillar not far behind Tang Rou, and a tall figure walked out of the void.

This is a burly fat man with a fleshy face, and his whole body exudes a dangerous aura like a beast. That kind of breath is extremely strong and pure, and it doesn't seem like it can emanate from human beings.

"It's him? He...how did he come here?"

Tang Rou's complexion changed, and a hint of panic flashed across her expression.

She had seen this fat man in the extreme north, and he and Shen Hou could be seriously injured with just one random blow from this fat man. If it wasn't for Chu Chen, she might have been in danger.

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