Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 493 Ancient Soul Zhi

"What, you can only recover the strength of a hair??"

Chu Chen was so angry that he almost wanted to slap the dead mouse to death, "What's the use of that! After spending so much money, it only has such a little effect. You really think that I have too much money and I can't spend it all!"

"You don't understand this! Do you think that I was called the God of All Beasts and the Supreme God for nothing?"

The little hamster glanced at Chu Chen disdainfully, "Back then, even if I was as strong as a hair, I could scare an ignorant brat like you to death. Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and auction it. After I have the strength of a hair, See how I conquer the world."

"Just blow it."

Chu Chen shook his head helplessly, completely at a loss for this extremely thick-skinned dead rat. However, he really wanted to see how much strength this dead rat could recover, so he started without any more nonsense. The bidding started, "I'll offer 1.4 million!"


"One million six hundred thousand!"

"One million and eighty-five million!!"

The bidding price for the broken branches of ancient medicine is still rising like the rising tide. A sacred medicine from the ancient times is really too tempting. Even if there is only one broken branch left now, it is enough for people to grab the scalp, and the breakthrough will soon be achieved. The two million mark and rising.

"Two million and four hundred thousand!" Chu Chen gritted his teeth. He didn't show much enthusiasm when he saw other people bidding, but he didn't understand what it felt like until he was bidding here.

This is all money! If you open your mouth and throw away millions, people with little courage and financial resources really don’t dare to participate in this auction.

"Two million and a half million, I am determined to get this piece of ancient medicine."

After the price rose to this level, not many people started bidding anymore. After all, more than two million spiritual stones were beyond the financial resources of many people.

At this time, a girl with a graceful figure but only one eye was gritting her teeth and raising the price. "If this piece of black wood is really the remnant branch of the ancient holy medicine, it can easily cure my eyes. Just for this I will buy it no matter what!"

"Hey, who doesn't want ancient holy medicine to treat hidden diseases?"

A haggard old man sighed,

"The old man's hidden disease has been lingering for decades, and he wants to be cured by this ancient medicine fragment. I'll pay 2.6 million."

"Two million and eight hundred thousand!" The one-eyed girl gritted her teeth again. It was obvious that the price was almost reaching her limit. At this time, she was staring at the black screen and her whole body was trembling slightly.

"I'll pay three million."

Chu Chen waved his hand, stood up, glanced at the one-eyed girl and sighed slightly.

"This piece of black wood is an ancient soul mushroom, a type of Ganoderma. Its medicinal properties focus on the knot in the chest, replenishing heart energy, replenishing the heart meridians, and increasing wisdom. It has magical effects on the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, and it also has magical effects on the five internal organs of the soul. Zhi is particularly powerful in nourishing the human body's original soul and spiritual consciousness, but its effect on the eyes is not great. Even if the girl auctions this piece of ancient soul Zhi, she may not be able to cure her eyes. "

"What?" The one-eyed girl was stunned for a moment when she heard this. She was a little stunned and asked with a slight trembling, "Can't this broken branch of ancient medicine cure my eyes?"

"I'm afraid so."

Chu Chen was speaking in the VIP box, so the girl couldn't see his face clearly, but she was a little convinced when he heard what he said in a serious manner, and a look of disappointment suddenly appeared on his face.

"Where are you from? How did you know that this piece of ancient medicine is really useless to me?"

"I come from the Medicine Palace. What I just said is just my suggestion. If you believe me, girl, that's fine. If you don't, it's okay."

Chu Chen looked calm. He and the one-eyed girl were strangers, and those words he said were just some advice. It didn't matter whether she believed it or not.

"This..." The one-eyed girl really hesitated and sat down frustrated.

"Tsk, tsk, the old man really needs the ancient medicine that can strengthen the five internal organs." The withered old man sighed, "The old man only has 3.2 million, so take them all now. If someone really offers a higher There’s nothing the old man can do about it.”

"Haha, the hidden disease on senior's body should be the root cause of the serious internal injury he suffered many years ago."

Chu Chen smiled and said, "I think that instead of spending more than three million yuan to buy such a dead branch of an ancient medicine, I think it would be better to buy a few plants of 'Xuanguo Zhicao' mixed with the 'Marrow Clearing Soul Cleansing Pill' specially made by the Medicine Palace. 'Taking it, the effect is much better than this ancient soul mushroom."

"A Xuanguo Zhicao only costs about 100,000 spiritual stones, and the price of each marrow-clearing soul-cleansing pill is less than 10,000 spiritual stones. I speculate that the seniors only need to spend less than 1 million quick spiritual stones. It can almost eliminate the hidden diseases in the body.”

His spiritual sense was so powerful that he almost immediately understood the hidden disease in the old man, so he smiled and said, "I'm paying 3.3 million for this ancient soul mushroom. Do you still want to bid?"

"Really?" After hearing Chu Chen's words, the haggard old man was stunned for a moment as if he thought of something. A look of shock suddenly appeared on his face, and then he bowed respectfully in his direction.

"Thank you very much for your advice. I would like to thank you here. If we can really eradicate the hidden disease, I will definitely repay you with a ring of grass in the future!"

As the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor. This haggard old man has spent countless efforts and methods to treat his own hidden diseases in the past few decades. He is about to become a pharmacist.

Now after hearing Chu Chen's suggestion, I carefully calculated it in my mind and was surprised to find that the formula Chu Chen mentioned seemed to have a miraculous effect, so I was immediately overjoyed.

"The senior's gift to me, this junior does not dare to bear, so I avoided it here. Senior, follow the method I told you and slowly take Xuanguo Zhicao and Marrow Cleansing Pill. Even if the hidden disease cannot be completely eradicated, it will be much better than now. After all, the hidden disease It has been around for too long and is not easy to remove.”

"Anyway, I would like to thank you for your advice." The old man looked solemnly and cupped his hands towards Chu Chen, with a smile on his face.

He was really fed up with this hidden disease that had existed for decades. Now that he heard that there was a way to alleviate it, he felt extremely happy and excited. Even the wrinkles on his face seemed to have calmed down a lot.

There was no suspense in the result. This piece of dark ancient soul mushroom was finally successfully auctioned by Chu Chen for 3.3 million fast spirit stones.

When Chu Chen saw that the number of more than 13 million spiritual stones on his jade card had turned into a little over 10 million in the blink of an eye, he felt extremely painful.

This is all money! More than three million pieces of spiritual stones are gone just like that! This is too much money to spend! !

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