Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 502 Fire-Eating Giant Turtle

Once the piles of fire quicksand move overwhelmingly due to terrain and wind, the whole thing will be as terrifying as a vast expanse of magma. Monks who have not reached the spiritual spring realm will not be able to set foot on it.

Therefore, if you want to pass through this area of ​​​​fire and quicksand, you must ride on the "Fire-Eating Giant Turtle" spirit beast specially raised by the Medicine Palace. Near the area of ​​​​the fire and quicksand, there is a special spirit beast hall of the Medicine Palace that specifically handles the matters related to students riding spirit beasts. matters.

After the group arrived at the Spirit Beast Hall, they saw Senior Sister Sun in blue directly taking out her disciple nameplate and handing it to Senior Brother Shousha in the hall.

"A maximum of eight people can ride on the fire-eating giant turtle at one time. Each person has 10,000 medicine palace contribution points. In addition, there are also medicine fires that the giant turtle needs to swallow along the way. A total of 68,000 contribution points."

Senior Brother Shousha took Senior Sister Sun's disciple nameplate and swiped it next to the spiritual instrument to deduct her contribution points. During the whole process, Senior Sister Sun remained expressionless and seemed not to care at all. This scene actually made Chu Chen looked at Wei Wei and was speechless.

It seems that this Senior Sister Sun is also a rich woman!

After deducting the contribution points, Brother Shousha came to the sand of the quicksand, picked up the dark red horn that had always been simple, and blew it hard: "Woooo..."

The low sound of the horn sounded like the whimpering sound of an unknown giant beast, exuding a simple and desolate smell. As the sound of the horn drifted into the distance, the originally calm sea of ​​​​sand instantly boiled, fiery red like red-hot iron sand. The general fire and quicksand violently parted from the middle to reveal a huge figure.

It was a huge tortoise. This tortoise spirit beast looked to be more than three feet tall. Its whole body was a dark red color like magma. Its tortoise shell was more than ten feet long in diameter and a natural depression was formed on its back. At first glance, it looks as majestic as a big red ship.

"The fire turtle is here, you all come up."

The disciple guarding the sand held up a white powder and fed it to the giant turtle while waving his hands to the crowd. Without hesitation, these people jumped up and jumped towards the natural concave carapace of the giant turtle.

Chu Chen was the last one to jump up. When he reached the back of the giant turtle, he didn't know whether it was because there were too many people or for some other reason. The giant turtle's body, which was originally as stable as a rock, suddenly shook slightly as if it was struck by something. Something shocked me.

The disciple guarding the sand quickly stretched out his hand and gently patted the giant turtle's head a few times to calm the giant turtle's mood while waving his hands to everyone.

"You all sit tight, the flames in the quicksand area are rising, the mist is thick, and the air is filled with thin poisonous gases of fire and sand.

Therefore, you cannot fly in the quicksand zone and can only ride on a giant turtle. You must take good care of it and don't make it lose control, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. "

Everyone nodded in agreement. There was a disciple in black sitting at the front of the fire-eating giant turtle. Following his order, the giant turtle began to crawl deep into the quicksand like a heavy ship.

The fire-eating giant turtle is extremely huge, more than ten feet long, and weighs at least tens of thousands of kilograms.

It's just that this giant beast weighing tens of thousands of kilograms has incredible agility after actually entering the quicksand ground: the four claws of the giant turtle are seen deeply submerged in the sand, leaving only the huge shell floating in the sand. On the surface, as the turtle claws slid hard, the entire body of the giant turtle quickly "floated" forward like a real "ship".

This thing can actually swim in the sand sea?

The strange scene that they had never seen before made everyone widen their eyes. The quicksand of fire contained extremely high fever. If an ordinary person fell into it, the flesh and skin all over his body would be burnt to pieces in less than half a cup of tea.

But this giant turtle swam very comfortably in the extremely hot quicksand, as if swimming in warm water without any panic at all.

This guy's skin... is really thick... Such a funny idea suddenly came to Chu Chen's mind.

The carapace of the fire-eating giant turtle is very wide, and even if five or six people sit on it, it will not feel crowded at all. Therefore, when a few people first sat on the back of the giant turtle, they felt very comfortable.

Just as the giant turtle went deeper into the hinterland of the quicksand, the heat in the surrounding void began to rise continuously, and waves of vast heat continued to spread from the ground and became dense in the void.

It made everyone feel like they were in a blazing furnace, enduring the endless heat.

In the end, even the body of the Lingquan monk, who was impervious to water and fire, could no longer stand the high temperature, and everyone began to have to use their skills to resist the high temperature in the void.

The Fire Quicksand Zone is really too vast and vast, so the waves of heat in the void are permeable and constantly seeping in from all directions. As time goes by, many people feel a little strenuous. After all, the air is too hot and Without any moisture, it is easy to feel bored.

After three hours of going deep into the sand sea, even Guo Jun, who had always looked proud, felt a little strenuous, and beads of sweat began to appear on his pale, woman-like forehead.

Among the many Tianyuan disciples, only Senior Sister Sun, who has the most profound cultivation, looks relatively relaxed. She is sitting cross-legged in the center of the giant turtle's carapace, her face showing no expression as before, and she is not sad at all.

By the way, how is that little rookie on the ground floor doing in such a hot weather?

As soon as a thought flashed through everyone's mind, they all turned to look at Chu Chen, who was sitting at the end of the tortoise shell, but the scene in front of them made people speechless.

I saw Chu Chen and Zhou Mei sitting back to back on the tortoise shells. Chu Chen fell asleep half leaning on Zhou Mei's back with his legs crossed, while Zhou Mei looked at the spectacular fiery red desert scene around her with great interest. Still full of enthusiasm.

These two people...could they regard this as a trip?

Many Tianyuan disciples who saw this scene didn't know what to say.

In such a hot weather and such a severe high temperature, if you take a piece of fine iron and leave it here for a period of time, it will probably be roasted, but the two people with the weakest cultivation are not okay at all?

From the looks of it, they didn't seem to be able to resist the high temperature at all. The most exaggerating thing was that one of them actually fell asleep! Is this justified? ?

Seeing everyone's surprised, shocked and puzzled looks, Zhou Mei laughed twice and waved her hands at everyone.

"Everyone, don't look at me. With my little sister's skills, I definitely can't withstand the high temperature in the air. In fact, I have been influenced by Junior Brother Chu... His spiritual spring has ice properties, so it can especially offset the high temperature."

Zhou Mei is very smart. She only said that Chu Chen's spiritual spring "has" the ice attribute, but she did not say that Chu Chen's spiritual spring "is" the ice attribute.

Because she knew that Chu Chen's spiritual spring was a super-level divine spring with dual attributes of fire and ice that only existed in the ancient mythological era, so it was naturally effortless to withstand the high temperature of the mere fire and quicksand.

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