"Something has happened!" The bald instructor deliberately lowered his face.

"What's the big deal?" The bearded man's voice trembled.

"In the first promotion round, several of your apprentices confronted Gu Haoran!"

The bearded man suddenly turned pale, "So quickly...they are...alive..."

The bald instructor laughed loudly, "Well, you are a lunatic who is not afraid of anything, you are about to be less courageous than a rabbit now, you are so precious to these apprentices, hahaha... these boys are so majestic! Let Gu Haoran suffer, let's go, let's talk to you while drinking!" "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

"They fought against Gu Haoran and gained the upper hand?!" The bearded man couldn't react at all.

"That's right, they snatched Gu Haoran's natal medicine card, and retreated unscathed!"

"This...is this true? You didn't lie to me, did you!!!" The bearded man opened his mouth wide, unable to believe his ears.

"Let's go, chat while drinking, and I'll tell you later how they suppressed Gu Haoran."

The bald mentor laughed, and involuntarily pulled Feng Ci towards the tavern outside the Yao Palace.

At this moment, Feng Ci, who came back to his senses, finally showed a gratified smile on his face.

He slightly raised his head to look at the ruins of the medicine palace that looked like a mountain above the sky, and a warm current surged in his heart.

This kid Chu Chen, I really confiscated the wrong apprentice this time, he has been creating all the time...

It's a pity that Chu Chen and Gu Haoran met too early, alas... If only Chu Chen was given a few more years.

"Why are you in a daze, feeling springy? Be careful that Xiaoyue'er makes you kneel on the washboard!"

Seeing that Feng Ci was in a daze, the bald instructor pulled Feng Ci impatiently, "Let's go, we two will not stop getting drunk today!"

"Okay! Don't get drunk!! I must drink my brother to the ground!" Feng Ci nodded heavily, and walked out of the Yao Palace with big strides. For a moment, the whole medicine palace echoed with the heroic long laughter of the two, as if it was thunderous.

As time passed, the atmosphere in the ruins of the Ancient Medicine Palace became more and more tense.

The competition time for the first round of the entire intermediate pharmacist competition is only seven days.

After seven days, no matter how powerful the team is, if they don't get their mission ancient medicine in the end, they will undoubtedly lose the qualification to continue the competition.

Seeing that there are still two days to go, those teams that still haven't got their mission medicine cards are getting more and more anxious, and in the end they will pay a huge price to start a war with other teams.

And those teams that have completed their missions are trying their best to hide their hiding places, hoping to get through this last period of time safely.

The entire environment of the Ancient Medicine Palace Ruins has almost turned into a gigantic battlefield for lurking and hunting. Every student will use their intelligence, lurking skills, finding skills, and assassination skills to the fullest. degree.

From time to time, this kind of situation can happen: a team is carefully searching for some clues in a hidden, extremely hidden place, and suddenly a team will burst out from nearby caves, tree caves, watersides, etc. Instead of Start a life and death fight.

In just two days, the number of teams eliminated in the entire ancient medicine palace ruins was greater than the total number eliminated in the previous five days.

And the more time passed, the more injuries those eliminated teams suffered, and even a few students with a slightly lower cultivation base fell into a near-death... In this level of battle, the limbs and the like were crippled. It can only be called a minor injury, and the tragedy of the game was beyond everyone's imagination.

For example, a team from the Yaogong branch, they claim to be the second strongest team in the branch after Gong Mu, the three members of this team are the best at using poison, and any team defeated by them will be severely poisoned. Invasion, even a student of Tianyuan was infected by their captain's rotting corpse poison, so that all flesh and blood except the head was almost corroded, and the whole person was almost turned into a pile of bones!

Even if he survived such a serious injury by swallowing the top-quality ancient medicine that can life and death human flesh and bones, this Tianyuan disciple's cultivation was completely abolished and he became a mortal without any cultivation.

The Yaohun who had no emotion ruthlessly carried out the punishment, directly expelling all the members of the second strongest team in this branch, and expelling the other teams with the same ruthlessness from the ruins of the Ancient Medicine Palace by means of thunder. And depriving them of the opportunity to participate in other pharmacist competitions in the future, this is how to control the impending situation of the entire ancient medicine palace ruins.

However, amidst such fierce battles, the few teams that stirred up the storm a few days ago at the ruins of the Ancient Medicine Palace completely disappeared without a trace.

For example, Huangfuyin's team with extremely high combat power, Chuchen's team with the highest reputation, and the veteran powerhouse of Yaogong, the other two of the "Three Heroes of Heavenly Court", Li Jundao and Zhou Hong's team all disappeared completely.

No one knew where they were hiding, and no matter how hard the other teams searched, they couldn't find them.

In addition, Gu Haoran's team, undoubtedly the most powerful in the ruins, is still in full swing. Even if Gu Ying is lost as a general, there is still no team that dares to challenge their majesty.

It is said that after they lost at the hands of Chu Chen's team, they completed the second task of ten pills in just three hours.

However, Gu Haoran's team seemed to be worried about something. After completing the task, they stayed obediently in the black snow city in the north of the ruins. Attacking in other places is not like the unscrupulous plundering of drug licenses like a few days ago.

In this increasingly cruel environment, the remaining two days passed quickly...

boom! ! !

When the seven-day competition time was over, a dull bell ringing suddenly resounded in the sky, filling the entire ruins of the Ancient Medicine Palace. All the students felt their whole bodies tightened up by the sound of the bell, as if they were put on a pair of heavy shackles and couldn't even move.

Regardless of whether these team members are fighting fiercely, lurking cautiously, or assassinating with great effort... all movements stopped in an instant.

A vast white light descended from the sky, divided into countless beams of light out of thin air and descended, covering every student. In the vast white light.

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