Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 548 The power of the ancient dragon

Chu Chen was startled, and his eyes instantly erupted with a dazzling edge. The thing that appeared in the light screen was very huge, a bit like a mountain range, but the surface was much smoother than that of a mountain range, and if you look closely, it was... It can be seen that it seems to be covered with huge red scales.

There were extremely mysterious and complicated lines and runes on the red scales. Chu Chen just glanced at the runes and felt a sudden pain in his heart, as if he had been hit hard by an invisible giant hammer.

So...what exactly is that?

Chu Chen was extremely shocked. That thing was so big that even the huge light network couldn't fully manifest it. When the light network slowly moved to slightly manifest the thing, everyone's Eyes widened instantly!

That was actually... it was actually a body, a huge body of a red divine dragon...

Everyone was completely shocked. It was just a piece of dragon body, which was as huge as a continuous mountain range. It was hard to imagine how big the real body of this red dragon was.

It was obvious that this dragon was in a deep sleep, its huge body motionless. Despite this, its mountain-like body still exudes an invisible power. Even though this power is reflected through the light screen, it still brings an unparalleled impact to everyone. It is a kind of oppression originating from the soul. !


The four guards who used their spiritual power to support the light network could not withstand the terrifying pressure at first. They vomited blood and fell back, and the dazzling white sword light also exploded instantly.

The small white jade sword in mid-air swayed violently and fell from the void, and was caught by Ren Baijian.

Chu Chen gently rubbed his temples. Even though he had closed his eyes at this time, he could still feel the huge pressure constantly pressing on his soul in his mind.

It was like an invisible heavy hammer hammering the origin of his soul. If his innate soul power hadn't been so powerful, he might have been vomiting blood and injured like the four guards.

The impact was too terrifying!

There is no doubt that the ancient flame dragon on the bottom of the magma is a true adult divine dragon. It is the true supreme beast and an innate fairy. It is an ancient existence that is as powerful as the gods and demons in the legendary fairy world.

Such a divine dragon will never allow others to spy or explore even when it is sleeping. This is the rebound of the divine dragon's power of autonomous body protection!

Too strong,

It's just too powerful.

At this moment, except for Chu Chen, Duan Ji, and Ren Baijian, the faces of everyone else became extremely pale, and they all suffered some internal injuries.

Divine dragons are powerful and overwhelm all things. The majesty of this ancient flame dragon is already so powerful when it is asleep. It is hard to imagine what kind of power it will have when it wakes up. It is simply unimaginably strong!

"This flame dragon is a real divine dragon. It is a tyrannical existence on the same level as the gods and demons of ancient times!"

"The ancient mythological era has been shattered, and those ancient and tyrannical gods and demons have fallen into time and space. I didn't expect that there is such a powerful dragon on the eighth floor of the Flame Pit!"

"This is a real god! What is its relationship with the little sun at the bottom of the fire pit? It couldn't have been the fire core formed by that bright sun that was knocked down by it!"

"But this flame dragon only wakes up once every thousand years. It is obvious that it suffered extremely serious injuries in the ancient war. I don't know what kind of existence can actually beat a dragon like this!"

"Even if he is injured and dying, the power of a divine dragon is beyond our imagination! The path of cultivation... really has no end!!"

Everyone sighed. To be honest, after seeing the power of this dragon with their own eyes, everyone felt a strong sense of shock.

The monks in Lingquan realm can fly in the air for short distances, and can smash a hill into pieces under a full bombardment. In the eyes of mortals, such cultivation is already regarded as a land god-level powerhouse, but in the face of a true god-level existence But as small as an ant!

This experience greatly enriched everyone's knowledge!

"The majesty of the divine dragon cannot be desecrated. When driving the Tianluo Sword Net, you must be careful to avoid the place where the Flame Dragon sleeps. Our purpose is to capture the Fire Koi Golden Carp, so don't mess with it."

Ren Baijian took out the healing elixir from the storage ring and gave it to the four guards. After they had treated their internal injuries, he gave them a careful warning. He saw the four guards nodded and started exploring again with the white jade sword.

Bypassing the place where the ancient flame dragon slept, the white light screen gushing out from the hilt of the white jade sword once again showed the scene of the seabed, but this time everyone was not much shocked. After all, even the legendary ancient flame The dragon's true form has been seen, and I'm afraid nothing can shock them.

The short-tailed blood-striped crocodile roared repeatedly. This giant beast acted as a boatman very competently, carrying everyone all the way through the wind and waves.

Under the suppression of Wangcai's innate magical power, the surrounding sea area has always been calm. There are no big storms and waves. At a glance, the boundless blood-red waters around it seem like a huge red gem inlaid between heaven and earth. Incomparably gorgeous and beautiful.

Without the influence of the flame dragon's power, the light emitted by the white jade sword became extremely stable. Looking from a distance, the huge white light screen was like a clear and bright moon, rising in the blood-red sky. Between heaven and earth.

The huge white light network swept across the sea area, and the unheard-of deep-sea sea beasts, corals, seaweed and other strange sights dazzled everyone, and they were hooked.

At the beginning, everyone looked at this colorful underwater world with gusto, but as time went on, most people quickly got tired of it.

The short-tailed blood-striped crocodile has been wandering on the ocean for eight hours. The surrounding scenery has always been blood-red and has not changed at all. Everyone feels deeply tired and bored.

Long-distance travel is boring and lonely. After watching the light screen for a while, Chu Chen simply closed his eyes and sat on Wangcai's back to practice silently. Zhou Mei lay on his back and fell asleep.

Only Wangcai and Feng Qiang were left on the small bamboo raft, staring at each other.

"Huh? Over there!"

Chu Chen, who was practicing with his eyes closed, suddenly heard a slight exclamation. He quickly opened his eyes and looked towards the white light screen, and saw a large golden-red fish several feet long appearing on the light screen.

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