Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 640 Resisting the Dragon

But the wind dragon in front of me is not only the same in appearance as a real dragon, but the aura emanating from it is also like that of the fire dragon, carrying waves of intense mountain-like pressure. That is the power of the dragon! Only a pure-blooded true dragon can exude the power of a dragon that looks down on the world! !

how so? How could this wind dragon transformed from the evil wind demon have such strong and pure dragon power? A trace of surprise flashed across Chu Chen's bright silver pupils.

"These people...why don't they leave? Are they unable to get through because the wind dragon is guarding them?" At this moment, seeing the tense confrontation in the void, Lan Xuan asked in a low voice.

"Of course not. Although this wind dragon is extremely powerful, it still abides by the rules of the Yinshan secret world, and its strength has been weakened to a certain extent. These people present are all top experts at the pinnacle of the Lingxi realm. Even if they cannot defeat this It's a wind dragon, so there's no problem in escaping." Xie Xueyun's mouth curled up slightly, and he gave a helpless smile.

"Then why don't they leave?" The expression on Lan Xuan's face became even more confused.

"Because there are good things here that make them reluctant to leave."

Xiong Tiangang smiled slightly, "This wind dragon is not an ordinary wind beast transformed by the evil wind demon spirit. It is said that at the end of the evil wind road there is a rare and strange secret treasure 'Wind Dragon Secret Crystal', which is the purest in the world. It was a crystal formed from the spiritual power of wind. Later, by chance, this crystal was contaminated with the holy blood of the ancient true dragon, and thus became a real 'Wind Dragon Secret Crystal'."

"This Wind Dragon Secret Crystal is the core of this Wind Dragon. The spiritual power of wind contained in it is extremely pure and stronger than any divine elixir! These four powerful men should have formed some kind of tacit understanding to join forces to fight against this... Wait until you kill this wind dragon before dividing up the piece of 'Wind Dragon Secret Crystal'!"

So that’s it!

Chu Chen felt slightly clear in his heart. No wonder this mere demon spirit exuded such pure dragon power. It turned out that it was actually contaminated with the blood of the ancient true dragon! Now it seems that this Wind Dragon Secret Crystal can truly be called a rare secret treasure.

"In this case, let's stay away, so as not to be involved in the turmoil of the battle between the four powerful men and the wind dragon." Lan Xuan's timidity was revealed again.

Xiong Tiangang and Xie Xueyun stared at the huge wind dragon in the void, their eyes extremely hot. After thinking carefully for a moment, they had to shake their heads in frustration.

The Wind Dragon Secret Crystal is indeed a good thing, but no matter which of the four powerful men in this game is, their cultivation is the top among the evil monks, and they are not existences that they can mess with at all.

Besides, that wind dragon has a drop of the blood of an ancient true dragon in its body.

It is already possible to initially use some of the real dragon's magical powers. Although the strength of this wind dragon in Yinfeng Road has been somewhat suppressed and can only exert part of its power, the adult true dragon can defeat the gods after all, and even its slightest power cannot be matched by everyone.

Just after Xiong Tiangang and Xie Xueyun gave up their fantasies about the Wind Dragon Secret Crystal with frustrated faces, Ling Xuan's cold voice suddenly appeared in Chu Chen's mind.

"This Wind Dragon Secret Crystal is the essence of wind-attribute spiritual power, which is not in line with my own attributes. But I see that you like to eat some crystals such as ores. How about this Wind Dragon Secret Crystal? Interested? If you like it, I'll find a way to get it for you."

The witch's voice carried a hint of natural arrogance and domineering. Even when facing the top four powerful men of the evil lineage and an unfathomable wind dragon, her tone also carried a strong sense of confidence.

That sentence "I'll find a way to get it for you" moved Chu Chen extremely.

The silver giant eagle grinned slightly and sent a spiritual message to Ling Xuan: "Okay, if you don't work hard for such a good fortune, wouldn't you miss this great opportunity in vain!"


The dragon's roar shook the sky. After fighting against the four powerful men for half a stick of incense, the wind dragon in the sky finally couldn't hold back and took the lead in launching an attack. It was as big as a two-story restaurant. The dragon's head paused slightly, and streams of rich green light gathered between its mouth and teeth.


The wind dragon in the sky took a deep breath, and the dark wind in the entire space suddenly became violent.

In an instant, all he saw was a brilliant green light, a round of dazzling blue light that exploded like a scorching sun, turning into streaks of blazing blue dragon's breath pouring downwards.


The blazing blue dragon's breath carries a strong and terrifying heat, and when it cuts through the void, it seems like blue rivers pouring down.

The dragon's breath was divided into four parts in the void, and it spewed out towards the four powerful men impartially.

The terrifying power contained in the cyan dragon's breath made everyone's expressions slightly change.

It is worthy of being a wind dragon with the blood of an ancient true dragon. If this attack were carried out, even a strong man at the peak of Lingxi realm would definitely be killed instantly!


Zi Xi's eyes stood upright, and the bright purple sword light trembled slightly and instantly tore through the void to avoid the scope of the dragon's breath.

The evil bone old man opened his big hand, and a rich black light spurted out, wrapping the huge ancient flag and instantly unfolded it above his head, protecting it like a huge shield.


The blazing green dragon's breath poured down like a billowing stream of molten iron, hitting the black shield formed by the ancient flags and suddenly bursting into waves.

The blue-black smoke instantly spread out, and the ancient banner once again showed its powerful defensive ability, completely withstanding all the dragon breath.

At the same time, the silver-haired man on the other side saw the dragon breath pouring down like a river in the sky, and suddenly looked up to the sky and let out a long roar. A silver-white aura burst out from his mouth, and turned into a series of dazzling silver silk threads in the air.

Those silver threads were made of unknown materials. They were as thin as spider silk, but extremely tough, with a faint metallic luster.

Countless fine silver threads crisscrossed in the void and soon turned into a huge silver net that completely covered the dragon breath.

The next moment, the silver-haired man waved his hands gently for a moment, and the dazzling silver thread suddenly shrank, completely crushing the blue dragon breath into blue smoke all over the sky, and slowly drifted away in the void.

This was a strange sight. Logically, the giant net formed by the silver wire had many meshes and should not be able to withstand the all-pervasive dragon breath attack. However, after the blue dragon breath was covered by the giant net, it could not leak out even a little bit, and all its power was completely disintegrated.

The method used by the evil monk to dissolve the dragon breath was even more eye-opening.

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