Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 813 Chu Chen’s General Trend

"This kind of natural leadership temperament... It's just a pity that he is too sharp. As the saying goes, if you are too strong, it will be broken, and if you are weak in the forest, it will be destroyed by the wind. There are so many strong people in this Medicine Master Competition, if he is still so strong If you don't know how to restrain yourself, I'm afraid you will really... die."

With a long sigh, the bald instructor shook his head with a look of regret on his face.

The bright red list hangs high on the huge stone tablet, with its aura of light reaching into the sky and its majestic momentum.

At this moment, at the tenth position on the huge list, the name of Chu Chen's team was prominently displayed.

But even though it was only ranked tenth, the word "Chu Chen" on the list naturally exuded an invisible charm, faintly like an invisible light, so dazzling that it was impossible to look directly at it.

All interested people who saw this scene felt slightly shuddered: this is an invisible "general trend".

Although Chu Chen's team was only ranked tenth, the countless disciples around him who bowed to him and the words of "Senior Brother Chu" who were full of respect and admiration made Chu Chen naturally develop this "general trend" .

This is a very mysterious and incomprehensible secret power. For example, in a country, if the king of that country is wise and wise, wins the hearts of the people, and is supported by all people, then it is the general trend, this "general trend" It can keep the country stable, the country rich and the people strong, and it can even suppress a country's destiny.

On the other hand, if the king is ignorant, cruel and incompetent, he will be estranged from his moral principles and the general trend will be diverted, causing the whole country to be full of dissatisfaction and war.

This is the mystery of "general trend".

It's just that the "general trend" that Chu Chen currently has is naturally far from being comparable to the general trend that suppresses a country's destiny, but it is still amazing enough... You know, this is the respect and admiration of half of the people on the list. The "general trend" formed!

And the tall stone tablet and list are naturally not ordinary things. They have stood on the Medicine Palace Square for tens of millions of years. After being blessed and refined by countless generations of Medicine Palace seniors, they have long since become a psychic magical weapon. .

Therefore, almost instantly, he sensed this "general trend" that belonged exclusively to Chu Chen, and blessed his name with this mysterious and mysterious power, making his style even surpass that of the top ranked ones. A few disciples are above the entire list!

And this reading is the main reason why the bald instructor who monitors the hall is so shocked and surprised!

On the other side of the stele, a young man looked up at the list and pursed his lips slightly, a look of extremely suppressed anger flashing across his eyes.

When she first saw the ranking of her team, Fan Lingxin was slightly surprised. The fifteenth place was only five places behind Chu Chen.

To be honest, this gap is still satisfactory. After all, he was attacked by Chu Chen in the elixir market and almost collapsed. Later, he almost desperately tried to catch up, and this was not a big gap.

I was still thinking, Chu Chen, don't be arrogant, everyone is basically starting from the same starting line.

But at this moment, seeing the disciples around the stone tablet bowing to Chu Chen and saluting, and the general trend that made his name shine brightly and transcend the entire list, I felt a strong sense of disparity and anger. Fan Ling's whole body was trembling slightly, and he was filled with shock and anger!

Why...why does this kid have such a trend! Why is it him... He is obviously a disciple of the Diyuan who is so much lower than me!

No one could understand how furious Fan Ling was at this time. Ever since he was severely beaten by Chu Chen in the medicinal materials shop in the Secret Medicine Realm, Fan Ling had really risked his life in order to catch up with him. Collect elixirs and refine elixirs.

He even used several consumable secret treasures given by Bing Lao in succession, which finally greatly increased the speed of refining elixirs.

But at this moment, when I looked at the list, I saw that although there was only a difference of five places between him and Chu Chen, the gap... seemed like a chasm that could not be overcome no matter what! !

Damn Chu Chen, damn the list, this damn...

Huge anger, jealousy, and unwillingness were clogged in his chest. Fan Ling's eyes turned black from stimulation, and he almost fainted from the stimulation. A trace of rich darkness gradually appeared in the depths of his originally clear pupils. Red color.

Waving his hands to signal the many disciples who were bowing to get up, Chu Chen walked up to the red list.

Looking up, he saw the five characters "Gu Haoran Team" at the top of the list emitting a faint golden light, with an indescribable domineering and vast flavor.

Gu Haoran himself did not come to Yaogong Square to check his ranking. In fact, judging from his cultivation, qualifications, and the quality of the Dragon Emperor Pill he refined, the ranking results of this trial qualifying competition were a no-brainer. He also knows that he must be at the top of the list.

But when Chu Chen looked at the three pale golden characters, he seemed to sense Chu Chen's gaze.

The neat three characters "Gu Haoran" suddenly emitted a bright light, and a huge, vast, and unparalleled Haoran righteousness soared into the sky!

At that moment, all the disciples in the Medicine Palace Square could clearly see a dazzling golden beam of light shooting straight into the sky.

It was just a breath left by Gu Haoran, but at this time, it seemed as if an ancient sacred mountain appeared out of thin air and suppressed the entire sky.

All the students who felt this sense of oppression subconsciously stopped making noise, and the entire Medicine Palace Square became silent in an instant.

This guy... has such a strong aura.

Chu Chen's pupils narrowed slightly, and as his chest shook, the sleeping little hamster seemed to sense the unusual aura of the void, and swooped out and sat on his shoulder, sighing.

"What a strong aura... This strong aura that suppresses the world, dominates the sky, and does not allow anyone to be equal to it has become invincible. It seems that this guy is really interested in you, and his aura has been This ancient monument reads and is activated by sensing your presence."

Sighing slightly, the little hamster touched his beard helplessly.

"Boy, there is still a big gap between this breath and his real strength, but just such a breath is enough to sweep away all the disciples in the entire Medicine Palace... It seems that the gap between you and him is still too far. Far, in the process of the real Medicine Master Competition, you can try not to fight with him, his strength is far beyond your imagination."

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