Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 906 Emperor Wing

In this life-and-death battle, Chu Chen burned his own life source at the cost of his own life spirit, and unexpectedly summoned this pair of wings of Emperor Yan with endless power!

How powerful is Chu Chen's soul ability, that it can be used as fuel to support Yandi's wings! ?

This is too perverted!

Emperor Yan spreads his wings, burns the sky and destroys the earth, melts ghosts and devours gods!

Under the shocked gaze of the little hamster, Chu Chen's eyes finally opened completely. w "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest


Accompanied by a deep cracking sound, the Flame Emperor's wings, tens of meters behind him, quickly opened!


The ferocious flames of Emperor Wing cover the sky and the sun!

At the moment when the emperor's wings were fully opened, the whole world seemed to be covered by the fierce flames carried by the giant wings!

An aura of burning heaven and earth dominated the whole world!

No, I can't go on like this, I have to act first!

Xiao Ran's eyes flickered, and he turned his palm slightly. A branch of the huge dead tree behind him stretched out, and a star carried on it fell on Xiao Ran's hand.

I saw Xiao Ran lightly stretched out a finger, and the dazzling star was pulled by his fingertip, and immediately turned into a dazzling cyan glare piercing the void, shooting towards Chu Chen!

The stars break the sky!

Chu Chen grinned grimly, his eyes full of desire for destruction, and saw his huge incomparable skyfire wings flutter, and the billowing golden glow quickly flowed in his hands like a lava torrent, instantly forming two rounds of radiant golden scorching sun.

With Chu Chen's vigorous push with both hands, the golden scorching sun actually travels through time and space, hitting Xiao Ran's body first and last!


Fierce golden flames erupted suddenly, and the cyan stars shot out from Xiao Ran's hands in the monstrous air waves were scattered in the void because the main body was attacked before they had time to hit Chu Chen!

His body was directly blown away by the incomparably violent power of the Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seal, and he spun around in the void, two bloodstains flowed out from his nasal cavity.

The next moment, before Xiao Ran wiped away the blood spilling from his nose, Chu Chen from a distance had already rushed towards him with a swift and fierce leap.

His pair of huge flame wings rippling in the void two torrents of flames like a river of stars, with a slight shake of his hands, two rounds of golden scorching sun burst out again, chasing and bombarding Xiao Ran's body heavily.


Fierce golden flames erupted, Xiao Ran let out a muffled snort amidst the intense golden light, and a strong blood sword spewed out from his mouth, his whole body was ruthlessly pierced by an incomparably huge force, and he was thrown several times high. Ten feet high, it slammed heavily on an extremely thick black giant tree with a bang.

This guy...how did this guy become so powerful? !

At this moment, Xiao Ran's eyes finally flashed a look of horror, he never thought that Chu Chen, who summoned the wings of Emperor Yan, would attack to such an overbearing level!

Emperor Yan's true intentions, Emperor Yan's true intentions...so tyrannical! !


Hit by Xiao Ran's falling figure, the towering giant tree several feet thick burst into pieces, turning into black debris flying all over the sky.

Dazzling golden flames rose from Xiao Ran's body, continuously burning the blue light of the protective body outside his body.

In an instant, Xiao Ran became a Burning Man!

The Inextinguishable Golden Flame this time seemed to be several times stronger than before, even with Xiao Ran's cultivation level, it couldn't be extinguished for a while, so he could barely resist with his strong cultivation level for the time being.

At this moment, Xiao Ran is still under the protection of the tree of the avenue of Yuqing Avenue, and was bombarded by Chu Chen's two consecutive Nine Suns Burning Heaven Seals. At this moment, the bright stars surrounding Xiao Ran's body have become very dim up.

As for the dead tree on the avenue penetrating the sky, it became even more faintly visible, as if it could disappear completely at any time!

Resisting the amazing devouring power brought by the burning golden flame on his body, Xiao Ran frowned involuntarily, and looked at Chu Chen with unbelievable eyes.

"Are you a lunatic? You actually use the fire of heaven to burn your own energy and the source of your soul to fight. If you continue like this, when your soul power is exhausted, your consciousness will be completely annihilated! You will never be reborn!"

"Whether I am crazy or not, I have already said that I must win this battle."

In the distance, Chu Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a hint of determination in Jin Yan's eyes, "I told you before, it is my mission as a disciple to kill you, a traitor, and protect the teacher."

"Hmph, do you think you can do anything if you bet your life?"

After hearing Chu Chen's words, Xiao Ran smiled coldly, and his eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness, "Ants are ants after all, I will let you understand that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people! Feng Ci's pulse will eventually be destroyed in my hands !"

With a heavy cold snort, Xiao Ran firmly held his left hand with his right hand, thousands of green glows bloomed from his middle finger on the left, and the expression on his face also became extremely ferocious, very painful.

A drop of blood with a faint blue light was forced out from his fingertips!

The blood color is crystal clear like jade, exuding a green luster, but it is the most important heart blood in the monk's body.

With a violent shake of Xiao Ran's palm, the drop of sapphire-like blood from his heart flew out loudly, and sank into the dead tree piercing the sky and the ground in the void behind him.

Blessed by this precious blood, the originally withered ancient tree suddenly shone brightly, as if it had suddenly "come alive", and the tops of the withered branches actually grew huge and incomparable blue flowers. Gulian!

A total of twelve cyan lotus flowers!

The dead tree is in spring, and a vigorous vitality appears on the decayed tree of the avenue.

Each lotus flower is as big as a millstone, and the petals are crystal clear, like the purest sapphire condensed.

You can faintly see the center of the lotus flower, where pieces of misty light and shadow of the world arise and die, as if carrying an ancient and magnificent world.

One flower, one world, the twelve ancient worlds exude exuberant and unimaginable vitality.

Supplemented by this energy of life, the stars carried on the three thousand dead branches suddenly burst into brilliance, emitting endless light and heat like dazzling little suns.

At this moment, Xiao Ran, surrounded by those three thousand stars, seemed to be the ruler of the stars, the upright god of heaven and earth.

There was a hollow, indifferent, and haughty look on his face, his eyes were slightly opened and closed, and his aura was several times stronger than in his heyday!


A sound like a god's judgment floated in the void, and Xiao Ran waved his palm slightly, and a bronze-colored broken spear appeared in the center of his palm.

As the stars turned into streams of light and sank into the broken spear, the spearhead instantly burst into incomparable cyan brilliance, transforming into a gigantic cyan light lotus in the void!

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