Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 938 Everything depends on qualifications

"Haha, considering our age, it's still too early to think about those problems, but when we encounter a real desert cave, we can mark it and use it in the future." The boy president said with narrowed eyes.

Chu Chen thought for a moment and then continued to ask, "Besides searching for tombs, what else do people who enter the Western Wilderness do?"

The young president said with a smile, "Except for those who search for tombs for the elders, most monks want to enter the Western Wilderness Territory to capture some powerful spiritual beast cubs. The Western Wilderness is a wild and eternal place. Therefore, many of the spirit beasts in it have ancient bloodlines, and some are even descendants of ancient alien species!"

Having said this, the young president's eyes burned with bursts of dazzling light, "Those desolate beasts with ancient bloodlines are extremely powerful and huge, and their combat power is much stronger than the spiritual beasts in other places. Capture one at will. If so, it can be used as a clan or sect’s guardian spirit beast. However, those huge wild beasts are too strong to be defeated, so many people just look for opportunities to capture the cubs.”

"Oh? It seems that the main reason why you entered the Western Wilderness is that you are not interested in finding tombs, but you also want to capture a wild beast." Looking at the bright eyes of the young president, Chu Chen smiled slightly.

The young president smiled slightly, without admitting or denying, with a meaningful look on his face: "Although the Western Wasteland is very dangerous, it is indeed a blessed place. In addition to those extremely powerful wild beasts, there are also many alien spirits. There are even ancient medicines left over from ancient times! Apart from the legendary ruins of the Ancient Medicine Palace, it is the only place where ancient medicines may be found, so many pharmacists flock to it and travel thousands of miles to explore it. Ichiban.”

"Oh? So Elder Lingxin also went to explore the Western Wasteland to collect medicine?" Chu Chen's eyes darkened.

Judging from Elder Lingxin's level of medicine refining, I am afraid that the only thing that appeals to her in the Western Wasteland is ancient medicine.

After all, many other elixirs can be found in Dongyuan Territory.

Since ancient medicine is needed, then... Elder Lingxin has already started to get involved in the field of refining ancient medicine?

When he thought of this, Chu Chen actually admired Elder Lingxin in his heart: She had to refine ancient elixirs and learn medicinal talismans. Although Elder Lingxin did not enter the Medicine Palace to study, she had cultivated to this level by virtue of her own talent. Her The talent for refining medicine is really too high.

"I'm not sure about this, but it seems like she's not just collecting ancient medicine..."

The Young President thought for a moment, "Elder Lingxin doesn't like to socialize with others, but it seems that you are more familiar with Elder Lingxin than I am. You can ask her."

Chu Chen nodded. Elder Lingxin really didn't like to communicate with others, so he didn't even enter the Medicine Palace. He walked alone, with a mysterious and unpredictable temperament.

Chu Chen thought to himself that maybe the medicine refining knowledge and medicine talisman refining techniques he had learned should be systematically sorted out and given to Lingxin, so that she could avoid many detours!

"By the way, why did you enter the Western Wasteland?" The young president changed the topic, suddenly thought of something, and asked Chu Chen directly.

"It's to find my sister."

Chu Chen was relieved, with a look of concern on his face, "She is practicing alone in a sect in the Western Wasteland. I don't feel at ease, so I went to visit her."

"Oh? Just to find my sister?" The boy president smiled and shook his head, looking unconvinced.

"But having said that, no matter what your purpose is, there are many dangers in the Western Wasteland, and if you have inconvenient legs and feet, there will still be many dangers after all. Elder Lingxin specially told me to take good care of you, so if anything happens during the next trip Trouble, you must remember to hide behind, but don't force yourself to come forward. "

"I'll have to have President Lao take care of me from now on."

Chu Chen nodded, and saw the boy president wave his hand, and saw a boy in Tsing Yi pushing a yellow pear wood wheelchair over.

Chu Chen nodded towards the Young President, then pressed his hands slightly hard on the deck.

The whole person flew up lightly, like a weightless leaf, and landed steadily on the wheelchair.

The youth president made a gesture, and the young man in green immediately came behind Chu Chen and prepared to push him into the cabin.


A loud neighing sound came from beside him, but Wangcai, who was lying on the ground tiredly, finally woke up.

It has absorbed a large amount of ocean spiritual power, greatly speeding up its evolution, and is almost ready to transform into a donkey-shaped mortal body and condense into a dragon body.

His energy was introverted, so Wangcai at this time seemed even more lethargic, his eyes drooped all the time, and he looked like he was dying.

In the eyes of others, this situation is more like a half-dead donkey that was drowned in the sea and was seriously injured.

The young president's eyes narrowed and he waved to the servant next to him: "Come here, take this black donkey to the stable and prepare good feed and preserved meat... By the way, you... Does a donkey eat meat?”

"Wangcai is an omnivore, and he is not afraid of meat and vegetables. He will eat whatever he can." Chu Chen smiled slightly, "Please, President, please bother me."

"You are Welcome."

The young president nodded. Just as he was about to order someone to take Wangcai away, an angry shout suddenly came from beside him.


Chu Chen in the wheelchair looked for the sound and saw the monks on the deck who were most opposed to him joining the team looking at him with disgust.

A sickly, thin, white-faced monk raised his hand to the Young President: "Your Excellency, President, this black donkey cannot be sent to the animal pen. If a beast of such rubbish quality enters the animal pen, wouldn't it be defiled?" There are many spiritual beasts there.”

"That's right, Your Excellency, President, the animal pens are filled with the best spiritual beasts that are one in ten thousand. They are extremely psychic and have a transcendent status. What qualifications does such a mortal domestic animal have to be sent here? If this beast is not spiritual, How unbecoming it is to eat, drink, and defecate wantonly in a stable!”

"This kind of thing is absolutely not qualified to be sent to the animal pen..." Jiuyang Emperor:

The faces of several monks turned red and they spoke fiercely, as if they wanted to kick Wangcai directly into the water.

The sickly white-faced monk was even more angry and spitting.

The boy president glanced at these people and said with a smile.

"Since this black donkey is a riding animal, it must be put into a stable. Otherwise, where will it go? It can't be sent into everyone's room!"

"This..." The white-faced monk's expression suddenly suffocated, and he choked on his words for a moment.

Although he could shout, he also understood that Elder Lingxin had specially told him to take special care of the lame boy. If he specifically targeted the lame boy, he would drive his donkey out of the boat, which would anger Elder Lingxin and make him angry. If you don't do it well, you will be ejected from the ship.

Therefore, when the young president asked forcefully, he did not dare to take it too seriously.

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