Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 949 The little hamster’s half-toned deduction technique

As soon as the legendary ancient sea of ​​blood appears, no matter how strong the monks are, they will be trapped and die in it, without exception!

The Sea of ​​Blood can be said to be the most terrifying legend in the entire Western Sea!

Fang Rentang's words caused almost all the monks on the deck to shiver involuntarily and felt a chill running straight up their spines.

Sea of ​​despair!

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, everyone's hands and feet were cold, and there was a lot of discussion.

"Everyone, please be patient. The sea of ​​blood is just speculation, and there is no final confirmation. Even if it is a sea of ​​blood, we will not have no way out! I see that although the blood mist is both front and rear, it does not form a complete encirclement."

Qiu San raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, then turned to the crew and sailors with a cold face. He waved his arms violently and suddenly let out a loud roar: "Attention, all crew members, listen to my order, turn to port and fill the rudder." , summon up the wind and activate the acceleration formation on the ship, let's rush out!"


The huge steel ship made a dull sound that shook the void. Under the control of experienced sailors, it seemed like a sleeping giant suddenly woke up, and its speed suddenly accelerated.

Every sailor has a strong desire for survival on his face. They have been making a living in the Western Sea all year round. They obviously know the power of the blood sea. Now it is the last chance to break out of the fog, and everyone is trying their best.

Chu Chen's eyes flashed and he took out the little hamster from his arms: "Dead mouse, what is the sea of ​​blood? Is it really a place of death?"

"What, are we in a sea of ​​blood?"

The little hamster looked drowsy at first, but when he heard this, he started up suddenly and suddenly woke up. A pair of eyes the size of mung beans looked around and rolled their eyes involuntarily.

"Boy, you are a crow. Why do you always run into trouble wherever you go? This time you even encountered a sea of ​​blood. But after all, you have inherited the mantle of Emperor Jun, and the boy's true body is a three-legged golden crow. , is really a kind of crow..."

The little hamster shook his head repeatedly.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me what's going on. I haven't read it in ancient books."

Chu Chen knocked the little hamster on the head to stop its nonsense.

"The Sea of ​​Blood is a forbidden place in the West Sea, and it is synonymous with death.


The little hamster smoothed the red hair on his head, with a worried look on his face, "What it is, no one has been able to tell clearly throughout the ages. I only know that once the mysterious bloody mist appears in the Western Sea, all the people in that sea area will The sea water turned as red as blood, so it was named the Sea of ​​Blood.”

"Why can't you leave?" Chu Chen asked the key point directly.

"It's very simple, because there is a mysterious restriction in the blood sea. Once a ship falls into it, it will not be able to sail out no matter what."

The little hamster's answer was very straightforward.

"According to legend, countless powerful men have been trapped by this blood sea restriction since ancient times. The trapped monks, without exception, have never appeared in front of the world since then and disappeared without a trace. Not one of them The strong can escape from the blood sea. As time goes by, this blood sea becomes more and more mysterious and becomes the most terrifying death area in the Western Sea."

"You only know that this sea of ​​blood is a restriction? Where did it come from and why did it come into existence? Do you really not know?" Chu Chen asked with a frown.

"I don't know. I don't like swimming, and I didn't care about water before."

The little hamster rolled his eyes, "When I was at my peak, I naturally didn't care about such trivial matters. I haven't encountered it since I was sealed. How could I know about such a thing."

"Then what else do you know about the Sea of ​​Blood?"

"I only know that it appeared millions of years ago, and appears randomly in the West Sea once every hundred years. Once the bloody mist starts to spread, everyone will stay away."

"Then we are now..." Chu Chen raised his eyes and looked around. Everywhere he looked, everything was shrouded in a layer of blood-colored mist, and there was no blind spot. "We are already trapped in a sea of ​​blood. Got it?"

"Theoretically... it should be."

"Stop reasoning. Didn't you say that the first seal is loose and you already have some ability to deduce the secrets of heaven? Do the math!"

The little hamster couldn't help but rolled his eyes again, wiped a drop of sweat from his forehead, closed his eyes and started his deduction.

Soon it opened its eyes, and a flash of light flashed in its pupils, "I said Chu Chen..."

"you say."

"Danger is often accompanied by opportunity. Although this sea of ​​blood is a catastrophe, it may also be a great good fortune. Misfortune depends on blessings and misfortune lies behind. This sea of ​​blood may also hide some shocking secrets. The secret of heaven is treacherous. I It’s also very blurry, so be careful.”

The red mist covered the sky and the sun, was boundless, spread from all directions, and quickly surrounded the entire steel building and ship.

The mist was extremely rich and thick, and it looked like blood-colored waves approaching.

The mysterious blood mist exudes a chilling aura of hell.

At this time, they sensed the approach of the blood-colored mist, and more and more monks began to crowd onto the deck. Feeling the strange cold-bloody smell contained in the mist, the monks on the edge of the ship began to retreat unconsciously.

The blood sea is almost equivalent to the blood pool of hell!

The monks who looked at the blood-colored mist covering the sky and the sun all felt their hands and feet were cold, and they were despairing. It felt like the end of the world had come.

Just when the monks on the boat were in danger, Chu Chen started his own adventure after the little hamster prompted him.

Sitting silently in the wheelchair, he seemed not to notice the blood mist getting closer and thicker around him. He slowly closed his eyes and began to scan the surroundings with his spiritual sense. [emailprotected]? @++

Very weird? Very weird!

When Chu Chen probed his spiritual sense into the blood mist, he found that it was difficult for his spiritual sense to break out of the blood mist, and he could not find out what was in the mist at all.

You must know that his soul power is naturally extremely powerful, and his spiritual sense exploration can be said to be invincible. This is the first time that Chu Chen's spiritual sense has failed except for that mysterious ancient fairy mountain.

Since the spiritual sense detection is useless, does it mean that the current spiritual sense strength is still not enough? There seems to be a medicinal talisman that can enhance the intensity of spiritual detection...

Just as Chu Chen was running through thoughts in his mind, the footsteps of Elder Lingxin came not far away.

Chu Chen immediately opened his eyes and saw Lingxin Chang separated several monks and walked straight towards him. Although her face was still indifferent, there was a strong look of concern in her eyes.

"There are a lot of people outside. I'll push you back to the cabin."

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