Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 976 The Blood Sea Ancient Pearl that was Eaten


Qiu San just couldn't imagine that the tens of millions of years of blood-sea dilemma would be broken in the hands of such a humble boy. Those super strong men who had been trapped and died in it for millions of years would definitely be so angry that they died again.

This young man named Tong Hu is so mysterious!

"Fortunately, I didn't leave without permission. Otherwise, I might really have been torn to pieces by those fog beasts."

Under the broken mast on the deck, a pale, dignified middle-aged man let out a long sigh of relief, shook his head and smiled bitterly, "We, father and daughter, are really lucky."

"That's all because I believe Brother Tong will be fine."

Next to the middle-aged man, the girl in red smiled firmly.

"Although everyone didn't believe it, he was the only one who jumped into the sea with Elder Lingxin at that time. Who else could do this except him? He must be right, father... If I marry Brother Tong, I wonder if other people will accept it in return for his kindness in saving our father and daughter?"

"You silly girl, what nonsense are you talking about? It's still unclear who saved him. Besides, his life or death is uncertain now. Who knows where he is?"

At this time, in the dark depths of the seabed, all the blood disappeared, and the entire sea area returned to its original dark blue color.

Pieces of hazy skylight poured down from overhead, reflecting the silence of the underwater world. .

When all the blood-colored mist retreated and submerged into the dark red ancient bead, the aura emitted by the blood-colored bead became even more vast, like an all-encompassing small world.

The naked eye can see the surface of the bead, with bright red blood threads flashing red light. Every time it flashes, the blood bead becomes more condensed, causing waves of throbbing from the deepest part of the soul.

"This...this is truly a blessing in disguise!"

The shock in the heart of Elder Lingxin has not completely dissipated. The origin of this ancient blood sea pearl is too great. It is a ball of essence smelted from the essence of the most evil and powerful person in ancient times. It is likely to contain the power of that powerful person. Immortal brand.

If this kind of thing is placed outside, it will definitely cause trouble in the entire Dongyuan Territory.

I saw the black dragon chasing the ancient pearl that was emitting a misty light and playing with it for a while, and then actually swallowed it in one gulp!


In an instant,

Thousands of feet of bloody light burst out from the black dragon's body, and a huge and extremely blazing bloody sun appeared on the bottom of the sea in an instant, illuminating the dark bottom of the sea.

You can clearly see that the black scales on the body of the black dragon were quickly spread by a layer of rich red, and finally turned into a bloody dragon with blood all over its body!


There was a low explosion, and waves of extremely powerful dragon power erupted from the body of the blood dragon, like a mountain torrent, surging towards the surroundings.

The mighty dragon's power swept up a huge storm on the bottom of the sea that connected the heaven and the earth, and the entire sea area was undercurrent!

Being violently rushed by this storm, Elder Lingxin felt his body light up and was about to be swept away by a wave of waves!

Gray shadows flickered, and just when Elder Lingxin was at a loss, he saw the body of the young man in gray leaping forward like an extremely flexible fish. He grabbed her arm and walked with her away from the black dragon. Swim away.

Rolling dragon roars rose into the sky, and the black dragon that swallowed the ancient blood sea pearl fell into a complete rage.

It bared its teeth and claws, and its bloody body gradually swelled, stretched, and even had countless small cracks!

The energy contained in this ancient bead is too vast. The vast spiritual power is like a steel knife, crushing and mincing every inch of flesh and blood in Wangcai's body, and then burning like a blazing fire. Rebirth from severe pain.

Between the lightning and flint, Wangcai felt that his whole body had been cut into pieces by a thousand knives. The severe pain that penetrated into his bones and into the deepest part of his soul made him scream to the sky, desperately bombarding everything around him, crazily. to vent the energy that surged to the extreme in his body.

The power contained in this blood sea ancient bead is so strong that even the body of a dragon like Wang Cai can hardly bear it.

The shrill roar shook the void. In the deepest part of the seabed, the huge energy surging around Wangcai formed a huge field, and the void collapsed inch by inch! 360 Search Jiuyang Emperor updated quickly

Not long after the field was formed, it began to rapidly collapse and collapse toward the center, and eventually turned into a huge undersea whirlpool that rotated crazily, constantly devouring everything around it.


Chu Chen suddenly shouted loudly, pulled Lingxin and swam quickly towards the sea.

At this time, the underwater world has been completely rioted, especially the space where Wangcai is located. It is constantly collapsing and repairing, repairing and then collapsing again. It is extremely terrifying!

Chu Chen's spiritual sense sensed that although the prosperity at this time was painful, it was a huge opportunity. He did not interfere too much and just pulled Ling Xin to swim upstream.

"You...why did you swallow the Ancient Blood Sea Pearl? That thing is an ancient relic with endless magical uses. It is a real treasure!"


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