Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 929: Monument

"For me... guess it." The bearded man chuckled, with a mysterious look on his face. "I think..." Chu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, "Teacher will take over the responsibilities of the bald instructor and become the main elder of the monitoring hall, guarding the entire medicine palace." Me." The bearded man nodded heavily, "That's right, I have obtained the consent of the three elders, and then I will take over the position of the bald old man and become the new monitoring elder. One person, two brothers, Now he is gone, but this wish of guarding the medicine palace has not left, so let me fulfill it for him!" "Come on, let's have another drink, let's do it!" Finally, the bearded man seemed to think of the dead man. The bald instructor, with a look of sadness in his eyes, shook his head slightly, and filled a bowl of wine for everyone again. Several people clinked glasses and drank them all in one gulp. Tang Rou looked around, and suddenly asked as if thinking of something: "By the way, mentor, why isn't Sister Mingyue here?" You children are separated, so go to your own business. Let's drink, since tomorrow we will be separated, so today we will not be drunk and will not return!" "It's done, and if you are not drunk, you will not return!" Several people nodded one after another, and then He raised the wine glass in front of him once. In the dead of night, after the whole medicine palace had fallen asleep, both Shen Hou and Tang Rou were drunk. Tang Rou was better, lying on the table and fell into a deep sleep, while Shen Hou directly fell to the ground, holding a wine jar tightly and refusing to let it go, and there were also wine jars thrown around her. "Chu Chen, come and talk." The bearded man with a face full of alcohol sat on the threshold of the main hall and waved to Chu Chen. With some difficulty, Chu Chen slid his wheelchair to the front of the main hall. There were very few stars in the sky. There is a special coolness. The cold night wind blew, causing Chu Chen to shiver immediately, and the wine woke up a little bit. The bearded man leaned against the threshold, and Chu Chen's wheelchair was on the other side of the door. The bearded man conjured up another two jugs of wine from the storage ring, and handed one to Chu Chen, "Drink!" Without saying a word, Chu Chen slapped the Kaifeng Ni with his palm, gurgled and drank with his head raised. "Okay, you are indeed my apprentice." The bearded man also took the wine in his hands and opened his mouth to drink. During the long night, both master and apprentice did not speak, just sat like this, drinking while watching the sparse stars in the night sky gradually fade until the sky revealed a trace of fishy white. "Chu Chen." The bearded man wiped away the wine stains on his face. "I'm awake." Chu Chen, who had been sitting in a wheelchair as if she had fallen asleep, opened her eyes. "This time, you really did a good job, and let out a breath of anger for the teacher!" The bearded man had a gratified smile on his face, "Although he escaped in the end, you became his demon, even if his true strength He has already reached the Great Realm of Shenhe, but once he meets you, his Dao heart will be shaken, and may even be shattered again, you are already his nightmare!" "How long can Xiao Ran crush the demons I left behind?" Chu Chen asked slowly. "It could be a year or so sooner, and it might take two to three years if it is slower." "This also means that I will be safe for about one to two years. Xiao Ran can get rid of the demons by reason, and he must be the first one." He will seek revenge on me." Chu Chen said unhurriedly. "It can be understood in this way, so you must use the fastest speed to improve your realm, otherwise you will be in danger." The bearded man sighed faintly, "But after one to two years, you will be able to compete with the people in the Shenhe realm. It's too embarrassing for the strong to fight, forget it, if Xiao Ran finds you again, you can go back to the medicine palace, the old man is here, not to mention the Shenhe realm, even the Linghai realm can't move you." "Teacher, I will do my best to improve my realm. Xiao Ran, I have my own measure." Chu Chen said lightly, "Teacher, you have to take care of yourself, monitor the elders in the hall, and work hard, and once the medicine palace is attacked , Monitoring the main hall is likely to be the first target, it is very dangerous, teacher, you have always been careless and reckless, which makes people worry.

"Don't worry, brat. Are you the teacher or I am the teacher? Fuck you, I'm a wicked man who can live for thousands of years and can't die." "The bearded man grinned and stood up. "Teacher, where are you going?" The bearded man ignored Chu Chen and walked straight into the darkness with big strides. "Teacher..." Chu Chen wanted to follow, but I found that my whole body was almost limp, I drank too much alcohol, I couldn't even use my strength, and I couldn't turn the wheelchair, so I could only stay in place. When the bearded man was about to be completely submerged in the darkness, he stopped for a while, "Chu Chen, you are walking I'm not going to send it off, I'm going to stay at the bald brother's grave for a few days. " "good. ""From now on, as the elder of the monitoring hall, you must stay in the medicine palace every step of the way. Before I officially take office, I will accompany the bald brother again. "The bearded man suddenly turned around, with a lonely smile on his face, "Boy, hurry up and become stronger. One day, you can avenge Xiao Ran's bald brother for me!" The light in Chu Chen's eyes lit up I saw the starlight, "This day will come soon!" The bearded figure quickly disappeared into the darkness, but he faintly heard his heroic and hoarse singing voice coming from the front with the wind. Song, please listen to me... I hope that I will not wake up after being drunk! The ancient sages are lonely, but the drinkers keep their names..." Wuhuama, Qianjinqiu, Hu'er will exchange for fine wine, and you will be the same Eternal worries..." When the bearded man's singing gradually faded away, the little hamster jumped onto Chu Chen's shoulder, looking at the last star in the sky that was about to fall into the west, "Little drunkard, we are going on the road, to Xihuang Let's go!" In Dancheng, people are coming and going, and there is a lot of traffic. In the central part of Pill City, there is a huge black stone tablet, tens of feet high, towering forever and forever. It is said that this huge stone tablet was cast by dozens of the most powerful medicine masters in the world when the ancient Danyang city was first established, and it was used to determine the universe and suppress the luck of the pharmacists. Therefore, if any pharmacist in Dan City plans to venture out far away or explore some ancient ruins, they like to come to this huge stone tablet to burn incense and worship, hoping to get the blessing of the ancient medicine master, so as to avert danger. Therefore, over time, this huge stone tablet has become a symbol of Dan City. No matter where the pharmacists come from, they all like to come to this stele to worship after they come to Dancheng. At this time, in an area under the stele, a group of monks wearing robes were sitting cross-legged. There are men and women, old and young in this group. They all wear very large robes, and there is a hood on the shoulders of the robes, which looks very generous. Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this kind of robe is specially designed for long-distance trekking, it can prevent wind and sand, and it is the top-grade equipment for going to barren lands such as deserts, Gobi, and wastelands.

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