Elder Lingxin's Linghe...why is he so close to this kid? ?

At this moment, not only the other people around, but also Elder Lingxin himself was very surprised.

She deeply understands how aloof and arrogant this spirit crane is, it is full of spirituality, aloof and noble.

Even in Biquan Xianzong, except for her and Qingyue, no one else could get close to this spirit crane.

Why are you so close to such a simple and honest boy today? This is something that has never happened before. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

Chu Chen grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth, and quietly made a silent gesture to Linghe when no one saw it.

He knew that this spirit crane was very spiritual, and he might have recognized him, so he let it keep it a secret. And this spirit crane was indeed psychic, its bright eyes froze for a moment, and then it nodded slightly.

"Good boy." Chu Chen touched Linghe's snow-white head with a smile on his face, and saw Linghe shaking his body affectionately, and raised his head again.

"Let's go."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were fixed on Chu Chen, Fang Rentang frowned slightly, and his eyes flashed a hint of hidden extreme coldness.

I saw him lightly pat the Golden Flood Dragon Lizard under the seat, and the huge dragon lizard turned into a golden streamer and leaped forward fiercely.

Seeing this, other monks around also urged their spiritual pets one after another, and the huge and radiant spirit beasts either flew, ran, or jumped, and crossed the long steep slope with ease.

When the fat man rode the Mojin Flying Tiger and passed by Chu Chen, his arrogant face had a strong provocative look, and he sneered and glared at Chu Chen: "Boy, you are really a donkey going down the mountain!" Ah... ask yourself to be blessed!"


The corner of Chu Chen's mouth curled up slightly, and he shook his head faintly. Just as he was about to urge Wangcai to leap away, he saw Elder Lingxin coming up to him and gently holding the rein by the donkey's mouth. His eyes were rare With a hint of tenderness: "It's not convenient for you to go down, let me lead the donkey for you."

Chu Chen froze for a moment, but the monks around were completely dumbfounded at this moment!

This, this... This is really a foolish blessing, the elders who want to know the heart are notoriously indifferent and arrogant,

He devotes all his attention to the way of refining medicine, and never asks about world affairs.

Let alone a fool, even when facing an overlord such as a suzerain or a family patriarch, she has always been honest and cold in dealing with it. I have never seen her have a good face towards anyone!

But now, just because his legs can't walk, this kid actually got the mercy of the elder Lingxin, and he was willing to lead the donkey for him... This is simply a great blessing!

Everyone's eyes involuntarily showed a strong look of envy, and the fat man riding a flying tiger with two wings was even more jealous.

At this moment, he even wished that his legs would be crippled, so that Lingxin could lead the horse for him!

The beauty leads the donkey, what kind of virtue and ability is this kid really?

In this way, under the eyes of everyone full of envy, jealousy and hatred, under the indifferent eyes of Chu Chen, Elder Lingxin carefully led the skinny black donkey, and took a lot of time to walk down the steep slope step by step. Slowly enter the port.

Next to the teleportation array reef is the port, and there are huge steel ships moored in the huge port.

These steel buildings and boats range from hundreds of feet in size to thousands of feet in size. They are pitch black and covered with various mysterious lines, exuding a mountain-like atmosphere.

There are quite a few sea animal specimens of various shapes hanging on the sides of steel buildings, which look extremely eye-catching.

The West Sea is vast. Not only are the sea winds and waves stronger than other sea areas, but there are also many tyrannical sea beasts raging in the ocean.

Therefore, if you want to cross such an ocean, ordinary ships in the world will not work at all. You must use this kind of steel building made of talisman steel refined by the monk world.

Only this kind of smelted steel building full of formations can withstand the beating of the waves of the West Sea and the collision of some sea beasts.

The steel ship chosen by Elder Lingxin is hundreds of feet long, and nearly a hundred feet tall. It is huge, like a small floating island.

The distance between the deck of the steel building ship and the shore is tens of feet, and there is no connection between them, so if you want to get on the boat, you have to jump directly over it.

The distance of tens of feet can be easily jumped by most of these riding pets who are from the world, and even an iron elephant, which is the least good at jumping, can jump directly.

All of a sudden, the spirit beast roared, and the brilliance soared into the sky. The spirit beasts drew a powerful arc in the void, and jumped directly onto the hard talisman steel deck.

When the seemingly half-dead Wangcai walked to the shore, he slightly raised his eyelids to look at the deck tens of meters away, and his calf suddenly trembled like a cramp.

I saw it humming a few times weakly, kicking its four hooves vigorously in front of its body, and leaping forward with a whoosh sound.

"It's so funny, is it scared? Its feet are shaking!"

"Hehe, this black donkey can't even jump such a small distance!"

As soon as a fat man in blue clothed next to him finished speaking, he saw the black donkey shaking its limbs vigorously in mid-air. It had just crossed a distance of about ten feet, and then rushed straight into the sea like that!


There was a loud sound of entering the water, and under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, the black and thin black donkey and the boy with handicapped feet on its back fell directly into the sea.

Except for Chu Chen, no one knew that the black donkey was trembling not because of fear, but because of excitement!

It was the first time I saw the excitement of the sea and trembled, and it didn't plan to get on the boat at all, but was directly ready to jump into the sea from the beginning.

The water splashed and the waves rolled.

After falling into the sea, the black donkey seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had suddenly discovered some huge treasure, and he just went mad in the sea!

I saw it frantically swimming left and right in the sea water, writhing its limbs, and the churning water waves completely soaked the boy's clothes on its back! !


The silence in the air only lasted for a few breaths, and a burst of uncontrollable laughter broke out.

I'm afraid there will never be such a weak spirit beast rider in this world, who can't even cross a distance of tens of feet!

You know, even if it is a spirit beast of the Lingquan level, it is very easy to do this!

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