Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 937 The Legend of the Desolate Cave

"Your Excellency may have misunderstood it. This is the first time I have come to Xihai City, so how could I have met you before?" Chu Chen smiled and shook his head.

"Well... that's right, since the distinguished guests don't want to enter the cabin, then I'll sit with you and enjoy the sea breeze together." The youth president smiled slightly, and sat down on the floor next to Chu Chen without any fuss.

"That's Bùcuò. It just so happens that I also want to ask Your Excellency about some deeds about the Western Wilderness."

Chu Chen said straight to the point that he had a lot of questions about the mysterious Western Wilderness. "Fiction" novel chapters are updated the fastest

"No Wentí."

The youth president nodded, and nodded to a short-haired woman in white clothes beside him, making a gesture.

Seeing the woman in white say something softly to the person beside her, suddenly a strong sailor started to work.


There was a tooth-piercing sound of machines running, and on the spacious deck, iron chains that were as thick as an ordinary person's thighs rattled.

A strong nine-foot-tall sailor yelled and joined forces to pull back the iron chain, and directly pulled the giant anchor weighing ten thousand catties out of the sea, and threw it on the deck with a bang.

A total of thirty-six huge iron anchors were stowed, the sails were blowing with a strong wind, and the huge steel building ship trembled slightly like a small island, and slowly sailed away from the port.

The sea breeze made Chu Chen feel unspeakably comfortable. Looking at the distant sea level, he suddenly felt that the sky and the earth were big, and his heart became more open.

"Is this your first time going to the Western Desert?" The youth president saw the huge ship sailing, nodded reassuringly, and turned to bring Chu Chen back to reality.

"Yeah." Chu Chen nodded, "I haven't been out of the Eastern Plains much."

"That's a coincidence, this is also my first time going to the West Desert." The youth president smiled slyly.

"Oh?" Chu Chen twitched his lips slightly, and waved at him, "Your Meteor Merchant Guild is famous, like a thunderbolt, but you didn't expect that a novice president with no experience in going to sea would lead a group of people directly into the extremely dangerous place. of the Western Wilderness."

"Uh... that's really not my job."

The boy in blue rubbed his temple helplessly,

"Originally someone else was in charge of this kind of ocean voyage, but the last person in charge had a little trouble, and this time the itinerary plan for entering the Western Wilderness has been completely finalized, so I can only take the lead."

Such a change would have a great impact on the entire adventure team, and others would panic immediately when they heard the news.

But Chu Chen felt that this young president was more stable than anyone else, even if he had never been to the Western Wilderness, he could still bring the team here.

The blue-clothed boy looked at Chu Chen's calm look, and couldn't help but smile, "But don't think it's my first time here, I have done enough preparations, so you can ask me whatever you like. I can answer any Wèntí."

"Oh?" Chu Chen grinned, "Then tell me first, who is the strongest person on this boat?"

"The strongest person..." The boy president looked indifferent, and seemed to sigh faintly, "Strictly speaking, the strongest person on this ship is only half a person, Mr. Yu!"

"Half a person?" Chu Chen was stunned for a moment, "What does this mean, is Mr. Yu considered a half person?"

"Yes, almost half a human being."

The young man nodded, "It is said that Yu Lao comes from the extremely mysterious Southern Tianyu, and he is a peerless powerhouse who dominates one side. He himself is a mystery and a legend in the Southern Tianyu. He has always been called Yu Lao. It's just that his old man lives Yuan is exhausted and is about to come to the end of his life, this time he entered the Western Wilderness to find the legendary 'spiritual tomb'."

"Spiritual tomb? Is there really such a thing in the Western Wilderness?"

Chu Chen's eyes flickered slightly, "It is said that many peerless powerhouses will choose to enter the Western Wilderness before they die, to try their luck, and find the legendary tomb to bury themselves. Is it true?"

"Naturally it is true." The young man smiled slightly, "The Western Wilderness is a vast area. It is said that in some places where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathers, there will be real 'spiritual tombs'. This kind of tomb is called a deserted cave. The acupoint is the hole of the earth, with the special aura of the ancient prehistoric era, which contains the great fortune and mystery between the heaven and the earth. If someone is buried in it, if they are lucky enough to seize those good fortune, they can continue their life, and even have Kěnéng live again!"

"Live again? Is this true??"

Chu Chen's heart was greatly shaken. It is said that in the ancient times, some powerful men who penetrated the heavens and the earth, when their lives were about to come to an end, if they contrived to seize some heaven-defying good fortune, they could live a second life again, and the whole person seemed to be reborn. generally.

He always thought it was just a myth and legend, but he didn't expect it to be true.

"Of course, that's just a statement."

The youth president smiled and waved his hands, "There are legends in ancient times that some people can get that kind of great fortune, but for so many years in the past and present, no one has really seen anyone who has lived a new life, but the continuation of life is true. According to As far as I know, there are strong men who have run out of oil and lamps, and found a suitable barren cave, allowing him to live for another twenty years. As for heavy work, even though it is just a legend, there are still many strong men who are willing to travel thousands of miles to enter the West. Looking for a deserted cave to be buried in the wasteland, after all, this is also a thought, a glimmer of hope."

Chu Chen nodded, the bearded man had briefly mentioned this to him.

Perhaps the most important and precious thing in the world is human life. As long as you are alive, everything is possible.

It's just that there are so many amazing and talented generations throughout the ages, but when the lifespan is really exhausted, none of them can escape that hurdle.

People die like a lamp goes out. If they are really dead, almost no one can live again.

"So, the ultimate goal of most of the monks who entered the Western Wilderness is actually to find a suitable deserted cave to prepare for the continuation of life or the second life. For example, people like Yu Lao are for He searched for it by himself, he even took the coffin with him. Others usually search for the cemetery for sects or some aristocratic families, or the elders in the holy land who are about to run out of life."

"Time is like a knife. No matter how amazing Tianjiao is, the biggest enemy he will face in the end is time."

Chu Chen nodded. He once entered the ancient fairy mountain with his soul, and felt the real breath of immortality in the age of mythology. That kind of ancient and eternal breath once gave him a great sense of shock.

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