Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 941 Delicate spirit beasts

Hearing Liu Xuan's order, the servant named Wang Lun nodded, opened the animal pen, walked in and led the listless Wangcai out.

The few remaining servants sighed repeatedly as they poured the huge food plates they held in their hands into the golden trough.

"This group of spirit beasts are really pampered. They can't bear even a little bit of dirt. Just because there is a donkey, they don't eat anything. They are so squeamish..."

"Although he is a beast, but he was spoiled by those monks, and his temper is much weirder than that of humans."

"Okay, stop talking, let's get to work."


Amidst the whispers of many servants, seeing Wangcai's figure gradually disappearing from sight, the eyes of those spirit beasts crowded in a corner lit up.

He probed his head and looked outside the door to make sure that the terrifying donkey had left, and these spirit beasts that were sluggish and embarrassed one moment before were all in full bloom the next moment.

A series of vast fluctuations of spiritual power spread along with the dazzling light of spiritual power, manifesting a series of light masks of different colors in the void.

It's so embarrassing, it's horrible.

When the donkey was there, all the spirit beasts under the might of the terrifying dragon could not breathe.

It wasn't until it really left that many riding pets suddenly had a feeling of elation and looked down on the world again.

Speaking of these spirit beasts are tyrannical, no matter where they go, they are Juésè who run rampant, and everyone admires them. How have they ever been so aggressive?

At this time, without the suppression of Wangcai, they immediately relaxed. The Golden Flood Dragon Lizard in the lead even let out a low roar, showing its domineering aura.

The boys who were cleaning the troughs and distributing food looked at each other when they saw this scene, feeling a little confused about what īdào said.


Gently exhaling a foul breath, Chu Chen, who finished exhaling and adjusting her breath in the morning, skillfully turned the wheelchair out of the cabin and onto the spacious deck.

The sea breeze blows, and the field of vision suddenly widens.

The steel building boat has been sailing in the vast West Sea for two days,

Xihai City behind him has long since disappeared.

At this time, the sea is calm and the waves are calm, and at a glance, there is a vast and endless blue sea area in all directions, vast and boundless.

Only when you really enter the depths of the ocean can you understand how vast the world is. On the shore, Rénmen feels like a giant giant when looking at the steel building.

As long as hundreds of feet long, the hull is dark and powerful, towering and towering. It is really the pinnacle of human civilization.

But once in this vast sea area, compared with this sea area, I immediately feel that this steel building boat is as insignificant as a small leaf.

And in this vast ocean and towering steel buildings and ships, a person is incomparably insignificant, like a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning.

The slightly salty sea breeze blowing towards his face made Chu Chen feel at ease. On the blue sky, a few blood-red seabirds stretched their wings comfortably and soared around, looking peaceful and beautiful.

On the vast West Sea, such fine weather is rare, so there are quite a few monks practicing on the deck at this time.

Or sit cross-legged and breath out spiritual energy, or practice combat skills alone, or talk about practice experience with each other. In the huge deck, there is aura of spiritual light, which looks quite gorgeous.

Not far from Chu Chen, a father and daughter sat cross-legged opposite each other, quietly practicing the family-inherited exercises.

The father looked tall and heroic, with a serious face and an extraordinary temperament.

Although he was already middle-aged, he was not as handsome as those young monks, but his hard face was full of maturity and determination.

Coupled with the slightly majestic expression when he tensed up, he looked quite like an elder.

The girl next to him looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, wearing a fiery red dress, with a delicate and delicate face. That pair of big watery eyes are even more shining like stars, with a sweet smile, which makes people feel their eyes light up immediately after taking a look, and it seems that their mood has improved a lot.

At this time, the girl's bright eyes looked at Chu Chen in the wheelchair with some pity, then lowered her head and asked the middle-aged man next to her in a low voice.

"Father, what's wrong with this man's feet? Isn't the monk's physical function very good? Generally speaking, there are all kinds of elixirs for promoting muscle and healing bones. Even if he is disabled, he can also cure Hǎode. Why did he become Like this?"

"It should have been seriously injured by other monks."

The middle-aged man frowned and looked at Chu Chen with a solemn expression.

"Although many pills can heal wounds, there are as many cultivation methods as stars in this world. Some weird witchcraft and evil arts cause wounds that cannot be healed by panacea. So you have to learn from it. Practice diligently, and realize that everything in this world depends on strength. Only when one's own strength is strong, can one not be afraid of other threats. If one's own strength is not strong, then no matter how many panacea there are, it is useless, he is a living example of."

"Zhīdào, Zhīdào..."

The girl pursed her mouth slightly, as if she was troubled by her father's preaching words.

Slightly turning her big sly eyes a few times, the girl clapped her hands lightly, "By the way, father, you are a well-known pharmacist. There are fewer people, why don't you come and help him!"

The middle-aged man turned his head to look at Chu Chen again, but saw that he was leaning on the railing to look out. Although his legs were inconvenient, there was no sign of depression or displeasure on his face.

His expression was incomparably calm and indifferent, and there was even a deep aloofness hidden in that calm, with an indescribable sense of detachment and freedom.

Frowning slightly, the middle-aged man shook his head: "Saving people can't be messed up. Besides, if you want me to help, it's someone else who asks for a lot of money. Now you want me to take the initiative to help a wandering lame man." Look at the legs, what's the point? Don't go, don't go."

The middle-aged man showed a face of refusal. When he saw this scene, he curled his lips and pulled his father's sleeve to act coquettishly.

After all, it was the deep love between father and daughter. Seeing the kind-hearted daughter pleading, the middle-aged man shook his head helplessly, got up and walked towards Chu Chen.

"Little brother, what happened to your leg?"

Walking to Chu Chen's side, he carefully looked at the boy's legs, and the middle-aged man frowned slightly.

With his spiritual sense, he couldn't tell what kind of injury he had suffered in the first place, which made him feel a little strange.

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