Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1300 Chapter 05: Going to the Sky

Han Ye was stunned for a moment, with tears still hanging on his face. But Chu Chen didn't fall down, but instead broke through two thousand levels? !

It seems that I cried too early...

"Big... senior brother, with his cultivation in the Fantasy Brook Realm, suddenly... broke through two thousand levels..."

Han Ye himself felt that he was incoherent and couldn't even speak clearly.

He quickly opened his spiritual sense and "looked" towards the ancient road of ten thousand steps. Chu Chen, who had already broken through the two thousand steps, showed no signs of falling down.

At this moment, the figure of the young man in gray stood upright, standing proudly on the ancient road of ten thousand steps like a javelin.

Having already broken through two thousand steps, he started to accelerate? !

Are there any monks who can walk faster and faster on the ancient road of ten thousand steps?

Han Ye felt like he wanted to die. The world he believed in and knew had been overturned by Chu Chen.

After breaking through two thousand levels, he could still go faster and faster. It was obvious that Chu Chen had reservations before.

Could it be...could it be that he had been simply using the power of his body to climb the ancient road of ten thousand steps...was he a monster?

Han Ye suddenly woke up and discovered the mystery before!

He obviously would not have thought that the level of spiritual pressure that Chu Chen's body could withstand after being tempered by heavenly fire was absolutely abnormal. After breaking through the two thousand level, the spiritual power in his body not only protected the internal organs, but also began to comprehensively Drive the body!

Chu Chen's speed became faster and faster. Every time his feet stepped on a stone step, that stone step would make a popping sound. The dark golden stone steps were covered with deep Deep cracks.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

All of a sudden, there was a continuous violent roar in the void.

In just a few breaths, Chu Chen crossed the 3,000th step of the ten thousand-step ancient road step by step!

"Speed ​​up, senior brother, speed up, he's so handsome!"

Feng Qiang was so excited that he danced with joy. If Zixi hadn't been so indifferent and indifferent, he would have even grabbed Zixi's hand and danced together.

Zi Xi's eyes were full of shock, "Wanjie Ancient Road can actually allow Chu Chen to play like this?"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Han Ye suddenly had a feeling,

Chu Chen walked like an ancient giant ascending to the sky.

Every step shook the entire Duxu Peak!

His footsteps seemed to have a strange rhythm. Every time he stepped on the ancient steps, Han Ye felt his heart beating violently.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound of Chu Chen's footsteps, Han Ye seemed to feel the dull footsteps, as if they were stepping on his heart, causing all the energy and blood in his body to boil violently following the rhythm of Chu Chen's footsteps. , seems to be about to break out of the body!

This, this power...

Han Ye couldn't bear it at all, so he hurriedly withdrew Lingjue from the ancient road of ten thousand steps.

It is said that the ten thousand-step ancient road possesses the special power of the rules of heaven and earth. Now it turns out that it is true. As Chu Chen climbed with all his strength, he could feel his energy and blood boiling even when he looked closely at the steps. He could not bear the mysterious force at all. Power, what if I were to climb that ancient road by myself?

I'm afraid he will die without even a trace of dirt left.

However, when he turned around, he found that Feng Qiang and Zi Xi on the side did not seem to be affected. They were still looking intently at the ancient road of ten thousand steps in the distance. The expressions on their faces were also ever-changing and extremely wonderful.

It made him very depressed. Comparing others to each other was irritating. The potential of these two young people in cultivation was beyond his own. He had better adjust the boiling energy and blood in his body.

"Elder brother, we have passed the four thousand level!"

"Four thousand and five!!"

"Sprinting towards level 5,000, Third Brother, what level do you think the previous record was?"

"Six...six thousand levels!"

Han Ye answered Feng Qiang in a very unhelpful voice.

He felt that his mind went blank again. In the blink of an eye, would the senior brother break through the five thousand level?

Are you not dreaming?

Could it be that he was too afraid of the final outcome of Duxu Peak, so he fell into a dream and couldn't wake up.

Whether it's the increasingly fierce battle between the old pangolin and the twelve peak masters in the sky, or the constant rain of blood!

It was Chu Chen who made every step he took on the ancient road of ten thousand steps. The sky and the earth were trembling, and all the blood in his body was boiling. All this told him that he was not dreaming.

Therefore, the final conclusion can only be that Chu Chen is too terrible.

He knew very well that the pressure on the ancient road of ten thousand steps was not static. Every time it went up a level, the pressure in the void would double.

As the number of ascending layers gets higher and higher, it is inevitable that the speed will become slower and slower, and it may even be difficult to move forward.

But Chu Chen unexpectedly broke this rule and walked faster and faster!

Is Chu Chen a monster, or is there something wrong with the Ten Thousand Steps Ancient Road?

Han Ye felt that he couldn't understand this world anyway, and while he was in a trance, he suddenly heard Zi Xi's voice.

"Breaking through five thousand levels!"

The girl's light breathing suddenly became much more serious, and her beautiful white palms subconsciously clenched tightly.

At this moment, Han Ye could no longer care about so much, no matter how much aura churned all over his body, no matter if his heart was hit hard.

He wanted to take a look at the situation on the ancient Wanjie Road.

Because breaking through 5,000 levels means that we will launch an attack on the highest record of 6,000 levels in tens of millions of years!

Impact that, the record left by the Soul-Slaying Peak Master.

At the same time, it was also a wash away. The Ancient Road of Ten Thousand Levels was left with the highest record of shame by other peak disciples.

Han Ye's eyes were once again locked on Chu Chen after crossing the five thousand steps.

As he expected, Chu Chen's speed slowed down again.

According to legend, the ancient road of ten thousand steps after five thousand steps is like another terrifying world!

Chu Chen, who was struggling, felt as if he had been carrying a mountain on his back. It seemed that it was difficult to even move, let alone cross the stone steps.

He frowned slightly, sweat continued to fall from his forehead, his eyes were slightly red, and under the huge spiritual pressure, all the muscles and bones in his body were twitching slightly.

It was like he was carrying an invisible giant mountain. Every time he took a step, he had to take a deep breath and his calves were trembling slightly!

The cracks under his feet were getting deeper and deeper and longer!

Han Ye knew very well that at this moment, the senior brother of Duxu Peak had reached his limit!


After five thousand steps, Chu Chen, who was still gritting his teeth and moving forward, seemed to have triggered some kind of restriction?

The space around his body began to become extremely unstable. Chu Chen was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing countless ripples.

After the spiritual pressure after five thousand levels was triggered by Chu Chen, it directly crushed the void around his body!

The invisible power of spiritual pressure was originally invisible, but now the void is constantly collapsing, and everyone feels as if wherever Chu Chen goes, there are invisible giant dragons crushing the void, destroying the world. .

And Chu Chen, who was in it, made everyone's hearts lift!


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