Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1372 Blood Forest

No, not maybe, but definitely.

The Immortal Destroyer Group will definitely be able to grow to the point where it can compete with the king-level ancient behemoths!

Every time the ever-evolving Immortal Destroyer Group appears in the eyes of the cultivators in the Immortal World, it will be an earth-shaking change and leap.

This is obviously due to the large amount of resources they obtain from the new forbidden areas they continue to break through!

This rapidly growing group of broken formations seems to be the desperate monks in the small fairy world. The belief in their hearts is like a light that illuminates the entire dark world.

"Hey, tell me, among the ten powerful men in the Immortal Destroyer Group, who is the most powerful?"

Chu Chen and his party were already on their way. At this time, dazzling streams of light shuttled through the void. While they were on their way, a young man in green clothes suddenly stood up and turned around to ask everyone.

"The strongest one should be the leader, Yaofuo! He was known as the most ruthless person in the fairy world at the beginning. Later, several super old demons appeared in succession, but his qualifications are the most outstanding. It seems that he has never been defeated so far. "

Obviously the young man's question aroused everyone's interest. A wrinkled old monk said with slightly narrowed eyes.

"The demon Buddha entered the demonic path with the Buddha's heart, and practiced the demon seeds to transform into the Buddha's heart. Now he has completely united the Buddha and the devil, integrating the two great magical powers of good and evil. Although it may not be as good as those in the legends in the entire fairy world. He is an old guy, but he is undoubtedly the number one in the Immortal Slayer Group."

A cold-looking purple-robed female monk nodded in agreement.

"So among the demons and Buddhas, who can compete for the second place?"

The green-shirted young man said with excitement, "If we talk about the second person, the Blood Demon Envoy, Rakshasa, Dragon Scorpion Queen, and Lord of Ten Thousand Blades are veteran strong men, and they can all be ranked in the second row. As for the goddess Tongmeng, although she is young, her strength should have reached the level of a second-ranked powerhouse!"

"Haha, your news has been blocked. If it is purely about the power of argument, the goddess Tong Meng came from behind. In the forbidden area of ​​​​life, the 'Death Heart Prison', the Dragon Scorpion Queen and the Lord of Ten Thousand Blades were invaded by their inner demons. Tong Meng used a The enemy two beat them almost to death and completely lost their ability to fight, so she used all her strength to fight against the four powerful ones, one against three!"

The purple-robed female cultivator smiled coldly, with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

Obviously, even as a woman, she was sincerely impressed by the charm of childhood dreams.

"I think if we talk about strength, we can't just talk about cultivation and combat strength.

Resourcefulness itself is also a type of strength. "

The voice of Zhu Han, who had been clearing the way ahead and said little, also floated over.

"Jue Xinsheng is known as the most wise man of the Immortal Destroying Group, and his ability to plan layouts is unparalleled in the entire small fairy world. It is said that at the beginning of the establishment of the Immortal Destroying Group, two powerful men, the Blood Demon Envoy and the Rakshasa, refused to obey his command. As a result, we suffered a huge loss. If the demon Buddha hadn't rescued them in time, those two would have become pawns in Jue Xinsheng's plan and died!"

"Well, I've heard of this legend too.?"

The young man in green shirt nodded clearly after hearing Zhu Han's voice.

"It is said that at the beginning, the Blood Demon made trouble for Jue Xinsheng several times, but all of them failed. Not only did they fail to teach him a lesson, but they themselves suffered a lot. Legend has it that in terms of strength alone, Jue Xinsheng is not weak. With him, coupled with the terrifying power of layout, Jue Xinsheng has become the number two figure in the Immortal Destroyer Group!"

"If it weren't for Jue Xinsheng's resourcefulness, the Immortal Destroying Group would probably have been destroyed when it was first founded. In the Immortal Destroying Group, the demon Buddha is the strongest force, so Jue Xinsheng is the strongest Wisdom. Only through the mutual support of intelligence can we lead the Immortal Destroyer Group to its current position. Later, the goddess Tongmeng became the strongest 'faith' in the team with her powerful strength and absolute persistence. Since then, this power and Wisdom and faith form the core of the entire Immortal Destroyer Group, and are also the foundation of the first formation-breaking group!"

The people around were discussing with amazement, admiration, and envy, but Chu Chen in the team was swaying at this moment, as if a stormy sea was surging in his mind, which could not calm down for a long time.

Meng'er, you have grown to such an extent!

Has he become the core figure in the strongest formation-breaking team?

In other words, it has become the biggest belief in the hearts of all the monks who have fallen in this small fairy world!

These days, I really don’t know how much hardship you have suffered to reach where you are now.

Tongmeng, just wait, I will come soon, I will come to you soon


It is said that cultivation has no time, and in this all-out rush, it is difficult to notice the passage of time.

The group of people walked through the incredibly dense ancient jungle, flashing and extinguishing like meteors, drawing dazzling arcs of light in the void.

As time went by, almost no one was interested in calculating how far they had traveled.

Just after everyone rushed for a day and night, Zhu Han's voice from the front suddenly floated away and resounded in everyone's ears.

"Everyone, be careful! Now that we have entered the deserted area, there are many void traps and dangers in the sky. Some of them may not even be able to be destroyed by me, so be careful and dodge!"

Um? ! !

After hearing Zhu Han's words, everyone was shocked and quickly concentrated all their attention.

Looking around, I saw that the dark green jungle around me had changed at some point. The leaves on the surrounding towering ancient trees had begun to turn blood red, exuding an astonishing bloody evil aura. .

These breaths invaded the body, giving everyone a dizzy feeling as if they were about to fall from the top of the tree. They immediately used their spiritual power to protect their bodies and calm down.

Under the leadership of Zhu Han, we continued to fly forward.

At this time, light rain began to fall over the surrounding dense forest.

This rain is also very strange. Although it looks crystal clear on the surface and is no different from ordinary rain, the rain here has a very strong stickiness and can actually stick directly to the monk's spiritual shield!

Drops of crystal rain fell down, as if drops of strong glue were tightly sticking to the spiritual shield. [^*]

When the rainwater gathers to a certain extent, it will blur the entire spiritual shield, which will greatly hinder the monk's vision.

Therefore, every once in a while, everyone has to spread out and activate the spiritual shield again, which invisibly greatly increases everyone's spiritual energy consumption.

"This rainwater is not a real flow of water, but a special kind of alien spiritual power. It has a strong stickiness to the spiritual power of our monks. Everyone must always support and replace the spiritual power shield. Don't let this rain Water dripping on your body, otherwise it will block your spiritual energy channels. Everyone, try your best to get through this area as soon as possible!"

Zhu Han's voice sounded from the front, and everyone was shocked when they heard the words. They didn't dare to neglect, and they all pushed their spiritual power to the extreme.

The shining light clusters burned like flames.

The monks gritted their teeth and tried their best to resist the strange rain erosion.

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