Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1411 It’s still just a seedling

Peng Peng Peng...

Black meteors rise and fall in the sky and giant forests, rushing left and right!

Countless ancient trees shattered into pieces, pieces of ancient forest turned into powder one after another, and clouds of mushroom-shaped smoke rose up.

This boundless giant forest was completely destroyed and riddled with holes by black meteors jumping like lightning!

At this time, the little tree has completely lost its mind. It has only one thought, and that is to destroy, destroy again, and completely destroy this world!

The speed of the berserk little tree reached an unbelievable level. Black lightning bounced missiles, and no matter how fast the golden-red comet drawn by Chu Chen flew across the sky, it never caught up.

It can only be said that the energy in Xiaoshu's body is too raging and raging. It is just erupting and releasing the residual energy that cannot be suppressed in the body, making it so fast that it almost breaks through the void.

How violent is the demonic energy in its body?

The golden-red comet followed closely behind the black lightning. After flying thousands of feet, it was discovered that the speed of the small tree had finally slowed down.

This ancient land is an endless forest, with no boundaries visible at a glance.

While frantically destroying this ancient forest, from time to time you can see traces of light green light coming from all over the damaged forest and sinking into the small trees.

Nourished by the light green spiritual power, the little tree became obviously calmer, and even the chaotic spiritual thoughts began to gradually calm down.


Just as the small tree was breaking down an ancient tree of 100 feet at an extremely fast speed, wood chips and branches and leaves were flying. The ground suddenly made a muffled sound and a roar, and a silver snake-tailed demon wolf the size of a small mountain stirred up a sky full of broken soil and rushed out from the ground.

When its blood-red eyes lit up, its huge mouth opened to its limit, and its silver fangs shone like blades. It actually wanted to swallow the little tree in one gulp!

"Moon-Eating Demonic Wolf!"

Chu Chen, who was chasing the small tree in the sky far behind, couldn't help but change his expression. The Moon-Swallowing Demon Wolf is a legendary magical beast that only existed in ancient times. The head of a wolf and the tail of a snake, extremely cruel.

The Little Fairy World is indeed an extremely mysterious place, even such ancient ferocious beasts exist.

In the little fairy world,

There is a division of territory among the powerful ancient beasts, not to mention the king-level ancient beasts. Other ancient beasts that show off their fierceness and fierceness also take their own sides.

Xiaoshu ran rampant all the way. Unexpectedly, his wanton destruction angered several ancient snake beasts. The Moon-Eating Demon Wolf obviously came to settle accounts with it.

The silver wolf hair shines like steel needles, making the huge wolf body look like a metallic steel body. The nine python tails try their best to open the snake's mouth, making a creepy "hissing" sound!

This ferocious moon-eating demon wolf is not only as hard as dark steel. The snake's tail also has huge venom.

Among the ancient beasts in the Linghe realm, they can be said to be at the top of the pyramid of the food chain.


The demon wolf roared. Its head continued to grow, and its blood plate mouth expanded like a huge abyss, suddenly swelling to dozens of feet in radius.

Chu Chen finally knew why. This ancient beast was called the Moon-Swallowing Demonic Wolf. The huge head of this ancient beast was so powerful that it was as if it wanted to swallow up the world.


The little tree monster in the void screamed, and a branch around him twitched hard. Then he saw a black demonic energy rolling out from the tree.

The black demonic energy swept over the huge head of the Moon-Swallowing Demonic Wolf, as if defeated. After a "pop" sound, countless silver fangs mixed with blood flew out of the huge mouth.

The huge demon wolf's head was twisted at a strange angle, driving its entire body to fly backwards.

The attack of the small tree did not end, but the entire tree body suddenly burst out with bright light, and "swiss, swish, swish" several thick black air flew out.

The slender black energy was like a whip, and they were whipped towards the Moon-Eating Demonic Wolf that was flying backwards at high speed!

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Several streaks of black demonic energy rolled and twisted, and the huge body of the moon-eating demon wolf suddenly fell into pieces, and blood and internal organs burst out one after another!

This black demonic energy was obviously a range attack. In addition to the demon wolf, the giant tree in the void was also twisted into several sections!

What a brutal attack!

The top ancient beast in the Linghe Realm was easily blasted out by the demonic energy raging inside Xiaoshu!

The fact that this little tree was able to hold on without being blown up by the demonic energy was considered a blessing to it. In addition to destroying the forest to resolve the rampant demonic energy in its body, it has now found a new way!

Just to enrage the various local snakes and ancient beasts in this huge ancient forest, and then kill them to digest the unbearable black evil energy in the body!

Next, Xiaoshu, who already had a target, began to rampage even more crazily throughout the depths of the dense forest.

While rushing through a dark red giant forest, another powerful ancient beast was alarmed.

This is a ferocious bird that makes the sky boil. Its wingspan is dozens of feet long. Its two broad wings, one green and one red, send out layers of fire clouds and air waves in a slight flutter.

Let the sky and the surrounding giant trees burn.

The most surprising thing is that this ferocious bird has only one long leg, and the light flashing between the claws is so sharp and shocking!

This is the remnant of the Bi Fang Demon Bird, which has the bloodline of the ancient divine beast Bi Fang.

When the little tree screamed and swooped towards it from high altitude, the Bi Fang Demonic Bird let out a loud cry, spread its wings slightly, and a huge raging torrent of flames rolled up like a long river.

However, before the wave of fire rushed in front of him, he saw the small tree shake violently, and another branch wrapped in the billowing demonic energy twitched violently, directly smashing the torrent of flames in mid-air.

The powerful Bi Fang Demonic Bird was obviously stunned when it saw this scene, chirped lowly, and then decisively retracted its body.

Even the layers of flame clouds rippling out of its body were restrained.

The little tree had no intention of letting it go. With a few bursts of strong black demonic energy, the Bi Fang Demonic Bird exploded immediately. The flying blood rain and gorgeous feathers covered the sky!

After ruthlessly killing the giant bird, Xiaoshu found a nearly 100-foot-long demonic ancient ape covered in black deep in the ancient forest!

This ancient monster looks like an ape, but its body is covered with black scales. There are black bone spurs growing on the edges of the scales, making it look extremely ferocious.

It also held a weapon in its hand, which was a bone gun that was dozens of feet long. It shone with a strange cold light that could sting people's souls!

Compared with its huge body, the small tree is as big as dust.

But the black giant ape obviously has an inexplicable fear of small trees?

It waved its bone spear, the cold light cut through the sky and the earth, and the wind blade cut off giant forests one after another. It tried to drive away the small trees, but the small trees flew around it, showing no intention of leaving.

While avoiding the giant ape's wind blade, the small tree began to swing its branches, and one after another thick black demonic energy struck the giant ape like a whip.

However, the body of this giant ape is extremely strong, invulnerable to weapons, water and fire. When the demonic energy is drawn on its body, it often leaves only a white mark and then dissipates quickly.

After the giant ape was hit, although there was no damage to its body, it obviously felt uncomfortable. It was so painful that it roared like thunder. When the space was shaking, it also danced the bone gun like crazy and fought back!

The small tree was even more violent than it. The entire tree bloomed with dazzling light, and torrents of dark black demonic energy crashed down like blazing black rays of light.

Each beam of light is obviously more powerful than the black magic energy!

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of countless beams of light, a huge pit with a radius of a hundred feet appeared. After the black smoke cleared, there was nothing left in the huge pit.

The black giant ape has disappeared forever along with the ancient trees in this area!

Chu Chen couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Although this ancient demon tree has such power due to the violent energy in its body, it is just a seedling. How terrifying will it be when it grows up?

Almost unimaginable? !

(To be continued.)

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