Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 962: The Domain Has Reached Its Limit


The void trembled. This time, the huge four-winged tiger that hit the golden mask was bounced away. It was not directly scattered by the golden light like the fog beast before.

Amidst a dull loud noise, the fierce four-winged tiger with billowing blood mist uttered a roar of pain, and rolled back into the world of blood mist.

The whole steel building ship seemed to be hit hard by a huge heavy hammer, and it began to shake violently again!


The originally stable steel building boat now looks like a churning pig-pig island-novel... The leaf in the boiling water was hit by the four-winged tiger with great momentum, and the whole ship was hit as if it was going to jump Looks average.

Everyone felt as if the whole world was turned upside down, and the tables, chairs, benches, bedding, drinks and ingredients in the cabin were spilled all over the floor.


The long roar of the tiger shook the four directions. It was obvious that the hundred-foot four-winged tiger was very satisfied with the results of the battle, so it only took a short breath, and the four-winged tiger once again burst into a strong bloody light. , and rushed towards the big ship again.


Behind the four-winged tiger, amidst the thick blood mist, a snake-shaped monster with a body length of one hundred feet manifested.

The monster was covered in red blood, with a ferocious human-shaped skeleton on its upper body, a long snake tail on its lower body, and a pair of colorful wings on its back. It was full of evil spirits, and it didn't look like a creature that existed in this world at all.

As soon as the skeleton basilisk appeared, a tail that was tens of feet long carried a terrifying power to tear apart the world, and it slammed heavily on the golden light shield around the steel building ship.

In the blink of an eye, the four-winged tiger's bombardment and the snake's tail were almost indistinguishable, and they slammed into the building at the same time.


A terrifying air wave roared like a sky-swallowing sea, and the wind was blowing. All the monks felt a sudden darkness between the sky and the earth, and then there was a violent shaking like the sky and the earth.

It was the steel building boat that was hit by these two fierce beasts, and the hull shook violently, almost turning over on its side.

The whole big ship seemed to have come to the end of the world. The violent shaking made many people almost unable to stand, so they had to desperately grasp the surrounding door frames and iron walls to stabilize their figures.

It was even more chaotic on the deck, the crew members were crying and scolding their father and mother, the Hǎode medicine stove and medicine cauldron set up on it were all in pieces.

Big waves rolled, the wind howled, and inside the chaotic big ship, a slim figure stood silently at a corner of the ship's edge, two beautiful and slender hands tightly grasping a cable beside him, looking up worriedly. The direction of the uppermost cockpit.

It's been two days, the little brother has been in the cockpit for more than two days, I don't know how he is doing? Will they be forced to be like ants on a hot pan?

If the girl in red entered the depths of the cockpit at this moment, she would definitely find that she was thinking too much.

Because Chu Chen was "resting his mind with his eyes closed" at the moment, despite the wind and rain of the whole ship, Chu Chen was advancing at his own pace.

In the eyes of the crew, it was as if he could not wake up, he was always in a deep sleep, and occasionally he would open his eyes, order the course of the big ship, and then continue to sleep.

No one knew, but Chu Chen, who had closed his eyes, used his Lingjue super power to lock onto the location of the source with all his strength, and brought the big ship closer.


When the girl in red was silently watching the direction of the cockpit, there was another violent shaking.

She looked up, but saw a huge ominous bird manifested in the thick cloud of blood mist in the sky above the steel building ship.

The ferocious bird looks like a sparrow, but it is smooth and hairless, revealing the dark red leather surface.

Its wings are extremely huge, covering the sky and the sun, and with a random flap, it can create a tornado storm in the vast blood mist.

As soon as the red-skinned vicious bird appeared, it immediately joined forces with the four-winged fierce tiger and the skeleton basilisk to deal another heavy blow to the steel building and boat.

In an instant, it seemed as if three bright comets fell from the sky and earth and hit the earth heavily.

The hull of the steel building swayed violently, and the sea water on both sides of the hull was instantly pressed into huge waves hundreds of feet high. A burst of hysterical violent shaking made everyone's faces pale in an instant.

The big ship was hit and kept spinning wildly in the sea!

The next moment, a crisp muffled sound resounded through the void. I saw the golden mask around the steel building flicker violently, and then quickly dimmed as Sudù visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared!

The protective shield laid down was broken by the combined efforts of the three monsters...

Before such a terrifying thought had time to digest, everyone saw a pale golden Kowloon iron coffin suddenly rushing out of the cabin.

Around the coffin were eight young strong men carrying it, and the leader, a strong man like a bear, bowed his hands at everyone.

"I'm sorry, everyone. The elder Yu's blood has withered, and he is extremely weak now, and he can no longer protect everyone. Please ask yourselves for blessings, and run for your lives."

As soon as the voice fell, an incomparably loud dragon chant suddenly appeared in the golden dragon iron coffin, and the roar of the dragon rushed straight to the sky.

Being rushed by this dragon's roar, the blood mist that spread rapidly due to the dissipation of the golden mask was shaken away thousands of feet away again.

Even the three huge blood mist behemoths were involuntarily thrown out by the dragon's roar, smashed heavily into the distant blood mist, and then collapsed.

One hit from Yu Lao, unmatched!

In an instant, a large area of ​​sea was emptied around the steel building ship, and the leader of the coffin-carrying youth bowed to everyone with a solemn expression.

"If you can survive, in the future."

The next moment, the coffin-carrying young man waved his palm, and the golden dragon iron coffin emitted a scorching golden light, enveloping the eight people and turning into a dazzling golden meteor, piercing through the air.

The blazing golden light flew farther and farther away, and where it passed, the blood-colored mist was forcefully pushed back, forming a long passage.

But when the golden light disappeared from sight, the blood mist in the distance immediately began to gather again, and quickly spread towards the steel building.

Flash far, get together fast!

This time, without the protection of the light shield laid by Yu Lao, the blood-colored mist was no longer hindered, and it enveloped the entire steel building ship.

A burst of hysterical screams, roars, and roars resounded through every part of the hull, and everyone really fell into great fear.

In the violent chaos, a closed door burst open.

I saw Elder Lingxin coming out of it in a hurry, and then rushed to the cockpit with the fastest Sùdù. The end is coming, and she wants to stay by Tong Hu's side.

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