Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1434 The 3rd God of Death


After the elite monk decayed and turned into dust, the girl in white who absorbed him exploded with light, and a dazzling white spiritual flame rose from around her.

The entire abyss was reflected brightly. In the dazzling firelight, the aura of the girl in white surged. In an instant, her aura almost doubled!


Her strength has at least doubled! ! !

Lan Xuan was dumbfounded... looking at this extremely dangerous and mysterious girl in white in disbelief.


The dragon flames rolled, and the mighty bright silver flames rushed up like a celestial river, instantly flooding the void where the girl was.

The intense high temperature burned black cracks in the void.

Before this dragon flame that destroys everything, nothing can resist it!

This void has been riddled with holes.

In the eyes of many monks, the girl in white was no longer immune, but Chu Chen and Lan Xuan saw another scene.

However, their pupils shrank violently, as if they had seen a ghost!

They could see clearly that at the moment when the dragon flames were about to cover the void, the intense white spiritual flames around the girl in white quickly condensed on her fingertips, forming a beam of light that was so dazzling that it was difficult to look directly at it. The void opened up a temporary space crack!

The girl's delicate body swayed lightly and was hidden in the void! ?

This... what kind of terrifying power is this?

This was not a void movement technique like Zixi's, but a powerful force that directly violently broke open the void and allowed her to hide in it.

Her strength has become so powerful?

Just because he absorbed the life essence of that elite monk...

Before the shock in Lan Xuan's eyes completely subsided, he saw that after the dragon flames dissipated, the girl in white emerged from the sky like a goddess and flew in the sky.

Her slender figure moved slightly, and immediately turned into a white lightning and flew upward.

Apparently, although she sucked the life essence of a monk and her strength increased dramatically, it was still not enough to compete with the wind dragon who was half a step into the Tianhe realm.

She ran away calmly, while Fenglong chased her furiously.

The wind dragon repeatedly attacked, but she was always able to dodge the fatal attack at the critical moment.

No matter whether she violently breaks through the void and hides in an instant, or grabs other monks as a shield to resist attacks, she can escape completely and continue to escape at the most dangerous moment.

However, when the girl met other fleeing monks along the way, she would not hesitate at all. She stretched out her slender jade fingers, broke through the layers of space, and directly poked the murdered monks between their eyebrows, sucking out everything from their bodies in the blink of an eye. The essence of spiritual power.

For a moment, it was like there were three monsters raging in the abyss.

The two dragons and the girl in white made the monks who were undergoing trials feel like they were living in a doomsday world.

To a certain extent, the girl in white is more terrifying than these two dragons!

As the girl in white absorbs more and more monks of life energy, the spiritual aura emanating from her body becomes more and more terrifying!

After escaping for a short distance of more than a thousand feet, killing dozens of monks with thunderous means, and absorbing the spiritual power of more than a dozen monks, the aura on the girl's body actually skyrocketed to the level of half a step across the Milky Way!

Chu Chen's spiritual sense has clearly noticed that she has now surpassed the twelve heaven-level ancient peak masters who were suppressed on Duxu Peak!


The void roared sharply, and the white light flashed and danced in the void.

The fairy had broken through the layers of void and came to Chu Chen's side. The giant dragon above, which had been eyeing Chu Li and Lan Xuan covetously, actually seemed to be intimidated by something. It roared and flew back. Come on? !

The girl in white who was very close to Chu Chen glanced at Chu Chen coldly. She did not attack him, but said lightly, "I said I would let you go once and give you a chance to live." , we owe each other nothing.”

Before Chu Chen could say anything, the girl in white moved and flew into the air again like a fairy. She turned against the guest and forced herself towards the giant dragon above, while the giant dragon below did not move rashly and kept hovering below her. , waiting for the opportunity to move.

In the dark abyss, a girl in white, as small as a mote of dust, actually restrained two huge wind dragons? !

Pang Lanxuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, took a long breath, glanced at Chu Chen with lingering fear, and patted his chest hard with some fear.

"I'm really scared to death. This fairy-like girl is the god of death. Fortunately, she didn't poke my forehead with her finger just now. She was so close to us just now, and my forehead felt like it was about to explode... This girl is so scary..."

Lan Xuan looked like he was about to collapse.

"Her secret technique of devouring other people's life energy is really terrifying. I have lived for so long and I have never seen an evil technique that devoured people with such high efficiency..."

Compared to Lan Xuan's endless sighs, Chu Chen just nodded slightly.

To be honest, among the three major Death Gods in the abyss at this time, the Death God of the girl in white is already more oppressive than the other two Wind Dragon Death Gods.

She seems to have become the strongest ruler in this space!

And all this, just because she swallowed up all the life energy of more than a dozen monks in just a few breaths, Chu Chen also felt a chill rising on his back.

All devouring techniques in the world, whether they are demonic techniques that swallow human flesh and blood or evil techniques that absorb people's spiritual energy, have one biggest prerequisite, and that is the efficiency of devouring.

Even if a monk in the Lingxi realm absorbs all the spiritual power from another monk in the Lingxi realm, it is impossible to refine the absorbed spiritual power 100%.

Generally speaking, the efficiency of this kind of absorption is extremely low. After all, the spiritual power cultivated by everyone has different attributes and characteristics. It is very difficult to integrate and refine spiritual powers of different attributes. After absorbing a hundred spiritual powers, only one or two of them can be perfectly refined, which is already an extremely amazing evil secret technique.

Once some such sorcery is not handled well, the spiritual powers of different attributes will conflict, and the level of cultivation may even decrease instead of rising, leading to the person becoming possessed.

Seriously, many evil cultivators even exploded and died because of this!

This is like a warrior eating. Even if a warrior eats a whole elephant, it cannot directly increase the strength of an elephant.

If you don't do it right, you'll end up damaging yourself!

And the girl in front of me who practices the ancient charm technique, I don’t know what method she used?

It actually seems to be able to completely refine the opponent's spiritual power 100%!

Absorbing a monk in the Lingxi realm, his spiritual power skyrocketed to the level of the Lingxi realm. Absorbing a monk in the Linghe realm, his spiritual power skyrocketed to the level of the Linghe realm...

Chu Chen knew very well that it was impossible for such a technique to exist. There must be something wrong somewhere? !

(To be continued.)

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