Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1436 Who can compete with you?

The two wind dragons were so powerful that even the monks who were far away from the Sea of ​​Silver Flame felt that their souls were being burned. It was so terrifying!

The monks could not imagine how the girl in white on the battlefield could face this terrifying sea of ​​flames.

The two huge wind dragons have half-step Tianhe level of tyrannical strength, and their attack is a natural disaster level for all monks!

Their huge dragon bodies stretched across the void, and every claw strike and tail swing caused the entire space to tremble.

The blazing dragon flames rolled and rolled, forming vast seas of silver fire that covered half of the abyss.

These two wind dragons have developed their intelligence and know how to use force to defeat cleverness.

Therefore, the dragon flames released do not only pursue lethality, but also turn the entire abyss into a sea of ​​fire, keeping the girl in white in a state of high consumption of spiritual power to protect herself!

However, under the attack of these two powerful wind dragons, the figure of the girl in white swayed like a fairy shuttle back and forth in the void, as misty as nothingness.

She allowed the two wind dragons to roar like thunder, but they were able to escape from the attack time and time again. For a moment, the two giant dragons were unable to do anything to her!

The exquisiteness of his movements was simply breathtaking, making even Chu Chen feel extremely mysterious.

What's even more frightening is that she looks like a fairy, but her methods are extremely violent. She keeps tearing open the void to hide in order to compete with the two dragons!


Accompanied by a shocking dragon roar, the smaller wind dragon that was quickly chasing the girl suddenly roared to the sky. Amidst the loud and high-pitched dragon roar, the size of the wind dragon skyrocketed. The dragon's body, which was originally close to a hundred feet, suddenly grew in size. To three hundred feet long.

This time, the abyss was completely filled!

The thick and long dragon body formed a staggered circle of light in the sky, as if a huge bright silver divine ring fell from the sky, locking the figure of the girl in white inside!

This giant dragon used its body as a cage to imprison the girl in white!


The void suddenly changed, and sharp dragon teeth suddenly appeared in the huge silver dragon ring. They began to rotate rapidly like sharp daggers, forming a sharp dragon tooth blade wheel!

The dragon ring quickly began to shrink and become smaller,

The entire space also compressed, and it wanted to crush the girl to pieces!

"It's just a worm, how dare you be so presumptuous!!"

The girl's eyes darkened, she became furious, and her white clothes flew around.

She scolded lightly, and a bright white air wave exploded around her. The space shook violently, and countless cracks in the void were shaken out, spreading to all directions.

At this moment, the half-step of Tianhe-level spiritual power around her was unexpectedly lifted up again in an impossible state, and she was infinitely close to the real Tianhe realm!

"Let me go, she sucked these monks, her death was not in vain, they actually sent her to a level that is infinitely close to the Tianhe realm!"

Lan Xuan couldn't help shouting.

Chu Chen, on the other hand, continued to inject spiritual power to repair the golden dragon shield, resisting the silver flames while continuing to watch the battle.


In the void, tidal spiritual power surged and boiled. At this moment, the two charming and clear eyes of the girl in white suddenly turned white.

Lan Xuan lowered his head fiercely. At this moment, he instinctively did not dare to look directly into the girl's strange eyes.

In her white eyes, it was as if the pupils disappeared in an instant, and the two abyss-like eyes now radiated an icy gaze that seemed to be superior to all living beings.

Is this immortal anger?

Feeling her anger, the moment he reached Lan Xuan, he had a feeling of separation, which was indescribably uncomfortable.

"Dayan...Blade of Heaven!"

As the world mutated, the void behind the girl in white suddenly split open, forming a huge space crack.

Deep in the crack, a jet-black blade appeared suddenly and slowly, flashing a heart-stopping cold light.

At the end of the blade, holding it is an ancient, hundred-foot-long giant hand. The big hand is covered with dense green scales, and there are dark golden lines on the green scales, which looks extremely mysterious.

When the giant green-scaled hand appeared, a strong pressure instantly filled the world.

It is above the girl's head, as if there is a god standing between heaven and earth, looking down on all living beings.

As the coldness flashed in the eyes of the girl in white, the giant green-scaled hand grasped the ink-colored blade and slashed forward with force!


Amidst the clear and sharp sound, a huge, shrill black blade of light shot out and slashed through the void.

The whole space has been cut open!


Wherever the blade passed, the silver dragon tooth blade wheel, the blazing dragon flames, and the huge divine ring formed by the wind dragon directly shattered and exploded!

The space in this abyss also collapsed and shattered, turning into black nothingness!

"Is she the God of Destruction?"

Lan Xuan, who was on the edge of the battlefield, couldn't help but tremble, even with the protection of Chu Chen's golden shield.

Chu Chen didn't even care to say anything to Lan Xuan. The aftermath of the sky blade released by the girl was mixed with the impact of the wind dragon explosion.

The golden dragon shield he sacrificed is already full of cracks. If he doesn't frantically inject spiritual power to repair it, the shield will be broken soon!

The monks in the distant periphery were also blown away in all directions under the influence of this huge mixed shock wave. Many monks with insufficient cultivation level bumped into the uneven rock wall one after another, with their mouths and noses knocked out. Blood overflowed from the center.

And in the center of the battlefield, the exploding dragon turned into dots of silver light and slowly dissipated into the void!

The silver light in the sky is like stars falling, and the girl is bathing in the center of the sea of ​​​​stars like a fairy in white, deserted and supreme!


Lan Xuan shook his head repeatedly. Is this the strength close to the Tianhe realm?

Even half a step across the Tianhe River, it is impossible to even resist it!

One hit kill!


Not only were all the monks dumbfounded by this scene, but even the other wind dragon that was skimming the formation was also stunned.

After it reacted, it let out a huge howl, and then seemed to fall into a complete rage!

It was tumbling in the void, and the entire void was rolling and flying along with it!

Is it going to destroy the world?

It has obviously unleashed all its energy!

To bring the feeling of dying together with the girl.

The giant dragon turned into a large raging sea of ​​silver fire while dancing and flying, and capsized towards the girl in white!

The angry sea collapsed, and countless flowing fires turned into countless silver fire dragons of different sizes. Countless silver shadows rushed toward the girl overwhelmingly.

Chu Chen could see with his naked eyes, countless silvery bright spots in the void, blasting towards the girl in white.

not good!

The expression of the girl in white changed slightly. Although the Dayantian Blade was extremely powerful, the consumption of her own spiritual power by this move was terrifying.

After all, she is not really close to the Tianhe Realm, she is just a temporary improvement.

With just one blow, the spiritual energy in her body was already on the verge of exhaustion.

At this moment, the black blade above her head and the green-scaled hand began to fade.

It can be expected that it will disappear without a trace soon!

(To be continued.)

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