Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1438 Refining the Wind Dragon

Lan Xuan rubbed his eyes hard several times. He really couldn't accept the scene in front of him.

A giant dragon that was half a step above the Tianhe Realm was actually imprisoned by a young monk at the first level of the Lingxi Realm in a flame cage that he drew on the ground as a prison. Not only was it unable to break free, but it was also burned to the point of screaming!

This...this is outrageous!

Lan Xuan stood dumbly like a puppet, watching the rolling golden flames dancing in the sky in front of him, and the red cage formed by the golden flames was burning crazily!

All the monks could see that the huge wind dragon seemed to be particularly painful in the burning of the golden flames, and the dragon scales all over its body began to melt from the high temperature.

The wind dragon completely turned into a fire dragon!

All the monks were filled with questions. How did this situation evolve to this point?

That golden-red flame... what exactly is it?

The girl in white sat cross-legged in the void. After two breaths of adjustment, her breath slowly stabilized. She gently wiped away the blood that overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

She raised her eyes to look at the wind dragon trapped and locked in the void in the distance, her charming eyes unable to conceal her shock.

She, who has always been as cool as a fairy, lost her composure for the first time!

She knew very well that although this wind dragon was transformed from the wind demon spirit, it had its own talent for fire and possessed both wind and fire attributes.

As the saying goes, wind assists fire, and fire borrows the power of wind. The dual attributes of wind and fire add to each other, making the wind dragon's control and resistance to flames reach an incredible level.

Its power, the girl in white is obviously known to everyone. She has been forcibly promoted to the half-step Tianhe realm through the Dayan Devouring Heaven Technique before she has the power to fight with it. Chu Chen clearly has the ability to become a rookie monk in the Lingxi realm! ?

He actually casually circled a cage in the void. Looking at this posture, this wind dragon half a step across the Milky Way was going to be burned alive by him? !

This is simply a fantasy!

But in the sight of the girl in white, the red cage in the void was so bright that no matter how fiercely the wind dragon crashed inside, it could not be damaged at all.

In the midst of the billowing golden flames, the roar of the wind dragon became smaller and weaker!


That dazzling silver color completely disappeared.

Chu Chen's dantian had a moving small-scale wind dragon essence. Apparently Chu Chen had refined this wind dragon. The wind dragon's magic essence was extremely powerful energy.

However, because the evil spirit of the devil is too strong, it is obviously not suitable for Chu Chen himself. However, Chu Chen has already planned to leave it to his gluttonous dragon-Wangcai. Its second evolution depends on the magic power of this wind dragon. The soul is full of energy.

Chu Chen observed the changes in the wind dragon's essence within his body, but the monks around him stared blankly at the void where the huge wind dragon disappeared.

"The wind dragon who is half a step into the Tianhe realm was killed like this?"

"He... Lingxi can do it, is there any justice in this..."

"It's gone now. Am I not dreaming?"

The first reaction of the monks who survived the disaster was not joy, but confusion. They all looked at Chu Chen like a monster.

However, among the group of monks, there was an unattractive young monk with a chill in his eyes.

"You are just sighing. Brother Chu saved you, and your father still doubts this and that. He is ungrateful and has not quickly thanked me, Brother Chu."

Lan Xuan looked at a group of people in a daze, frowned and immediately started to curse.

The group of monks just woke up from a dream and thanked Chu Chen one after another. Chu Chen was still studying the wind dragon essence in his body and nodded perfunctorily to the monks.

Lan Xuan suddenly had a thought in his mind. He should have taken the opportunity to ask them to pay some gratitude fees and earn some immortal crystals, but now it's too late to do so. It's a pity.

He sighed helplessly and put away the giant purple umbrella he held in front of him.

When the wind dragon was raging across the entire Wind Cave Abyss, even though he was protected by Chu Chen's golden shield, Lan Xuan would hold up a giant umbrella to protect his body from time to time for safety reasons.

Therefore, the blazing dragon flames have burned the entire giant umbrella with scars, and there are scorch marks everywhere on it.

In the end, this protective treasure was barely saved and was on the verge of being scrapped.

"Brother Chu, you are too strong, I respect you!"

Lan Xuan looked at Chu Chen with admiration.

"I actually picked up a mistake." Chu Chen said lightly, "To a certain extent, I just took advantage of it. The wind dragon was seriously injured after being slashed by the Dayantian Blade. Otherwise, I It is impossible to refine the wind dragon of Half Step Tianhe."

"Even so, you are still very strong!"

The admiration in Lan Xuan's eyes did not diminish at all. At this time, the girl in white had crossed the void and came to Chu Chen's side.

She has returned to the look of a cold fairy, "Your Excellency has superb cultivation, why should you be too modest? I let you live then, which has already canceled the promise on the cliff. But unexpectedly, you have saved me again now. In this case, what next? If I have the next chance, I will give you my life again.”

Dressed in white, the girl dances like a fairy, but her expression is not mundane, and she has an indescribable charm.

Faced with this unfathomable girl's promise, Chu Chen didn't appreciate it, "I appreciate the girl's kindness. I will protect my life myself."


The wind roared in the abyss, and the two wind dragons had been completely killed. The wind dragon domain densely distributed in the entire wind cave abyss immediately collapsed, and the silver light that filled every void gradually faded and turned into dots of stars. Eventually disappeared without a trace.

The Wind Cave Abyss once again returned to its original howling state.

In the biting wind, a graceful figure quickly jumped down from the top of the cliff, revealing the beautiful face of the girl who presided over the trial.

A clear shadow quickly descended straight down and came to where everyone was. Her tense expression slowly relaxed, but a look of sadness could not help but pass through her expression.

"This is the end of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group's trial. Due to changes in the process, the rules have now been changed. There is no need to search for the Wind Demon Eagle's nest. Those who survived, you will all be selected to become the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group. part of it!”

The result announced by the host girl made all the survivors feel lucky to have survived.

Especially the relatively weak monks were overjoyed. They also knew that they were not strong enough to join the Blood Eagle, and they just came to try their luck. Unexpectedly, after encountering a big accident, they directly entered the Blood Eagle.

They couldn't help but thank themselves in their hearts for this accident.

After the trial was announced to be suspended, all the monks flew upwards.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. I thought there were so many monks from the Spirit River Realm coming to participate in the trial this time, and I had no chance of entering."

Lan Xuan, who was smiling broadly, followed Chu Chen closely, "It seems like I'm pretty lucky if I follow the Chu brothers."

Chu Chen was already immune to Lan Xuan's flattery, "It has nothing to do with me. Your strength is also very strong. The realm is only superficial. Duan Laomo has given you so many tricks to suppress the situation, and there are probably some secret treasures. Without me, you would have found a way to enter the Blood Eagle."

"No, absolutely not. This time I entered the Blood Eagle because of Brother Chu's influence. You must know that Brother Chu, you killed the wind dragon. How terrifying the wind dragon is. Every monk knows that the ground you draw is a prison. Trapping the wind dragon is really..."

"Stop it."

Chu Chen's look made Lan Xuan put away all the flattering words he said later. He smiled coquettishly, and with an expression like a big brother said whatever he said, he followed Chu Chen and flew out of the abyss together.

Everyone left the abyss and stepped onto the cliff edge, as if they were in another world.

I feel that this cave seems extremely bright and comfortable at this moment. Staying in the abyss always makes the monks feel unsafe. God knows, will another wind dragon be born suddenly? !

Leaving it is the best choice.

"Everyone, listen up. Let's take a rest today. Everyone will gather at Teleportation Cave No. 47 early tomorrow morning. Let's disband first."

After the presiding girl gave the order, she took a few Blood Eagle members to leave first, and the monks also dispersed.

Lan Xuan took Chu Chen back to the inn, and said goodbye to the proprietress after a one-night stand.

(To be continued.)

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