Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1452 The Last Survivor

"It's quite free and easy."

Seeing this scene, Chu Chen shook his head, feeling a little complicated.

Because vaguely, Chu Chen had already suspected that this trial might not be a simple death trial.

With his extremely powerful spiritual sense, he vaguely sensed that those monks who seemed to have turned into crystals and exploded to pieces might have been directly teleported out by this mysterious crystal magic trap, and they did not really die!

Whether it is the sea water that cleans the monk's body, or the fact that these strange fish turned into auras and entered the monk's body after being killed.

There should be a reason, but Chu Chen is not sure. Such "death" is an absolutely safe transmission?

So he decided to keep fighting until the last moment when he couldn't hold on anymore.

While continuing to withstand the chastening of the sea water, while killing more strange fish!

The ice prison continued to sink deeper into the sea, and the freezing air in the sea became stronger and stronger. The strange fish around it became stronger and stronger, and the golden rings on their bodies also emitted a brighter light, like rounds of small blazing suns. .

Every time he killed one more fish, Chu Chen could feel that the spiritual power entering his body was much stronger!

The tide of fish for a day was almost endless, and it was like a huge light belt blowing over at this time.

Under this uninterrupted and continuous attack, the old monk with white eyebrows and beard once again felt that he could not hold up. After letting out a long sigh, he was immediately poured into his body by countless strange fish, turned into crystals and exploded.

So there were only four people left in the huge ice prison. Apart from Chu Chen, the purple-clothed monk, Shi Yuyan, and a young monk, they also vaguely sensed something suspicious about this trial?

But they are not sure that death is safe. In other words, they all vaguely know that staying in the sea for one more second may be more beneficial to them.

Therefore, none of them relaxed and continued to show off their magical powers to resist and absorb the tide of fish!

After the ice prison sank another thousand feet into the sea, the purple-clothed monk, the core figure in the team, narrowed his eyes. Finally, he could only roar unwillingly and turned into a purple light and exploded.

Disappeared into the ice prison.

At this moment, Chu Chen had already mobilized all his spiritual power!

To the present level,

The violent intensity of the fish tide even made him begin to fall into fatigue.

At this time, the strange fish was about to turn golden. The strong pressure forced him to mix heavenly fire into his spiritual power, so that he could quickly kill those strange fish.

At this time, only he, Shi Yuyan and the little monk were left in the ice prison.

You can see that Shi Yuyan's face is getting paler. She looked at Chu Chen and the little monk several times, as if she was weighing whether to use the Dayan Swallowing Heaven Technique to swallow their spiritual power?

The fairy's gaze is more terrifying than the god of death!

Her eyes flickered several times but she finally didn't take action. She sighed faintly. It was obvious that her spiritual power had dried up, and the black hole-like protective space around her had failed.

Finally, he followed in the footsteps of other monks and exploded into millions of beautiful ice crystals.

Disappear into the deep sea.

Chu Chen knew very well that this Shi Yuyan was obviously not an ordinary monk. On the one hand, she realized that the people who exploded did not really die, but were just teleported out of the sea area, so there was no need to kill again.

On the other hand, she seemed to have sensed that Chu Chen and the little monk were not ordinary people, and swallowing their spiritual power rashly would not go well, so she finally chose to go out on her own.

"Hey, brother, why are you still here? I can't stand it anymore if I keep pretending like this."

With a faint smile on his lips, Chu Chen began to greet his only surviving companion, the little monk.

While talking, tiny light red light shuttles condensed in his palms and shot out continuously.

Several thin red lines kept breaking through the sea water and rushing toward the fish!

Each light shuttle can blast a large piece of strange fish to pieces, and the tyrannical attack power is simply breathtaking.


The little monk not far away glanced at him, flipped his hand and grabbed it, and suddenly pulled out an extremely luxurious golden-purple sword from the void.

The sheath of the long sword was wrapped around a long golden-purple dragon, and the hilt was studded with gems and crystals, exuding a strong nobility.


The little monk pulled out the long sword without thinking. As the long sword was unsheathed, a dragon roared in the void, and a bright sword light shot into the sky.

Haibo stands out!

Countless strange fish were killed immediately!

Wherever the sword light passes, you can faintly see a hazy shadow picture!

On the phantom scroll, the shadow of an ancient emperor came from the depths of time and space. Wherever the emperor passed, thousands of people worshiped him. meaning.

Human Emperor Dragon Blade! ?

Chu Chen's pupils shrank violently, and he looked at the little monk with surprise.

The Human Emperor Dragon Blade is a super artifact that is famous in the monk world. Legend has it that the ancient Human Emperor killed the Purple Dragon of Taichu at the foot of Cangshan Mountain. He used the dragon spine as the sword body and the dragon soul as the sword spirit to refine it into a peerless sword. Divine weapon.

Later, after several generations of Human Emperors blessed it with the aura of the Emperor, it became a Human Emperor Dragon Blade!

In the world of monks, the Human Emperor Dragon Blade is a very special magic weapon. Legend has it that only the descendants of the ancient Human Emperor can control this magical weapon. Others without the blood of the Human Emperor cannot use it even if they are highly cultivated.

However, this dragon blade should be a fake, but this fake is of a very high level and is already a legendary weapon!

Could it be that this little monk in blue, who looks inconspicuous, is actually a descendant of the ancient human emperor?

Before Chu Chen could react, he saw a golden-purple sword burst out amidst bursts of loud dragon roars, slashing down towards the ice prison.

After killing a large area of ​​the fish monster, he directly attacked the ice prison!

At this moment, a golden-purple waterfall seemed to suddenly appear in the void, and the mighty sword energy burst out. With a twist, he directly twisted an icicle that formed an ice prison into an ice pillar. Crush!

What a terrible sword!

What a terrible monk!

Chu Chen raised his eyebrows, and there was surprise in his eyes. He had to say that the power of this Human Emperor Dragon Blade was beyond his imagination! ?

You must know that the icicles around the ice prison are actually the spiritual power of the Xuanjing Demonic Entrapment Formation. To a certain extent, the icicles are actually the formation.

Being able to cut a gap in an ancient formation with domineering power, such destructive power is definitely far beyond the limit of the formation. The Human Emperor Dragon Blade actually possesses such great power, it is really shocking. Shocking.

Because this little monk possesses this sword, its destructive power is absolutely unfathomable. No wonder Shi Yuyan didn't take action against him!


Amidst the violent roar, strong freezing air suddenly spurted out from the gap in the damaged icicle. You can see the layers of ice crystals spreading rapidly, repairing the gap independently!

"Chu, this Xuan Jing Demon Array has the ability to repair itself. Don't hide your secrets. If we don't work together with all our strength, I'm afraid we will really be trapped here and die!"

Chu Chen also nodded, "My spiritual sense has sensed that when the ice prison sinks to the depth of the seabed, its transmission protection function has failed. If we die, I am afraid we are really dead, so let's go together Take action!"

The little monk nodded and shouted softly. The long sword in his hand shook violently, and vast golden-purple light burst out, directly transforming into a huge dragon-shaped sword energy in the void.

The giant purple dragon formed by the sword energy looked up to the sky and howled angrily, charging fiercely towards the gap in the ice prison!

"Okay, I'll come too!"

Chu Chen nodded, flipped and clasped his palms, and quickly formed a golden-red fist seal in front of him. The vast spiritual power drove the raging sky fire to surge in his palms, and soon condensed into three radiant little suns.

With a shake of Chu Chen's palm, the three golden-red little suns suddenly merged into one and turned into a golden-red scorching sun!

With a panic-stricken power, it arrived first and struck the ice prison almost simultaneously with the dragon-shaped sword energy!

(To be continued.)

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