Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1456 Ancestral Legacy

"There are many dangers in the ancient sea of ​​spiritual marrow. For such a long time, since our Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group occupied this sea of ​​spiritual marrow, only three people have successfully broken out of the sea on their own strength. You two... indeed It’s not simple.”

Yan Lao had a complicated feeling when he looked at Chu Chen and the little monk. He paused for a moment before speaking again.

"Okay, now that you have all taken a breath, let's enter the spiritual transformation stage. I will now take action to fully activate the spiritual marrow in your body."

Chu Chen felt that when Yan Lao was speaking, an invisible power of law spread out from him.

The whole space began to ripple, and Chu Chen even felt that the world was spinning, and his consciousness gradually became indifferent.

"How much benefit you can get from starting to spiritualize depends on the two of you!"

Before he finished speaking, Yan Lao waved his hand, and two dazzling blue-white rays of light rose into the sky, flying straight into the sky. In a moment, thunder came from the sky!


Two dazzling blue-white thunderbolts directly hit Chu Chen and the little monk hanging in the void.

When the lightning entered their bodies, the two of them felt an indescribable discomfort, and at the same time, the lightning flashed on their bodies!

The next moment, streaks of bright purple mist burst out from the two people's bodies, completely surrounding their bodies.

The purple electric light on their bodies shone brightly, making the entire sky purple.

Compared to the other monks who were spiritualizing, the new ones were like two blazing suns, lighting up the sky above the sea.

Chu Chen, whose consciousness was gradually blurring, did not dare to neglect, and quickly entered meditation wholeheartedly.

He also hopes to take advantage of this rare spiritual state to try his luck and see what kind of blood power he can awaken in his body!

Since the ancient times, various ancient and powerful bloodlines have actually been hidden in human bodies.

Such as the real dragon, such as the demon, such as the golden crow, such as the golden-winged roc.

The ancient bloodline in the average human body is too thin, probably not even one ten millionth, and there is no way to use this bloodline.

And only those direct descendants of tyrannical creatures,

Only when the blood concentration in the body reaches a certain level can the ancient blood be awakened.

For example, the descendants of heavenly demons, or the little monks who are descendants of human queens.

Ordinary monks do not have this blessing at all.

But once it reaches the spiritual state, it will be different.

In the spiritual state, the affinity between the human body and the spiritual power of heaven and earth increases infinitely, which can greatly stimulate the power of blood in the human body, making it possible for those who are not direct descendants of powerful creatures to have such power of blood. Powerful!

How outrageous is this?

For example, if an ordinary monk awakens his true dragon bloodline in the spiritual state, he will have the strength and talent to compete with the descendants of the true dragon! !

Of course, awakening the ancient bloodline is not that easy. This also depends on the individual's opportunity.

Generally speaking, even if 10,000 people enter the spiritual state, at most only a few can awaken the ancient bloodline.

Moreover, the general ancient bloodlines are only the bloodlines of some ancient ferocious beasts, and the bloodlines of top divine beasts such as true dragons, phoenixes, basalts, and golden crows are almost impossible to appear.

Therefore, for many monks, the greatest benefit of the spiritual state is probably to increase the speed of their cultivation, broaden their spiritual energy, and increase their foundation.

It's just that because the spiritual veins in Chu Chen's body have been expanded by the wild veins, the spiritual veins in his body in the Lingxi realm alone are equivalent to a surging spiritual river, so the enhancement effect of his spiritual state on him is already very great. of limited.

The greatest blessing is to awaken the ancient bloodline. This is a great opportunity that can only be expected! !

Crack, crackle...

Purple mist rose thickly. Under the purple mist, Chu Chen felt as if his body had been torn apart. Every inch of flesh and blood was continuously crushed and crushed by a strange force and then reassembled and gathered together to form A physical body that is more in tune with spiritual power.

The pain during the spiritualization process far exceeded Chu Chen's imagination. Later, his consciousness began to completely blur. He only felt that his mind was groggy, as if he was falling into chaos, sometimes awake and sometimes comatose.

At this time, purple light groups were floating in the void. The only ones who were awake were the beautiful girl Leng Tong and Yan Lao with a solemn expression.

"Lao Yan, what do you think of this new round of newcomers? Is it much better than last year's?"

Leng Tong looked at the silent old man with some curiosity. She had rarely seen the old man so quiet. There must be something wrong?

"Well, generally speaking, the quality of this wave of newcomers is much higher than the previous wave. In particular, there are several good talents in it, which is amazing."

Yan Lao nodded gently, his eyes trembling slightly, "Moreover, there are actually two seedlings who have managed to break out of the Spiritual Marrow Sea with their own strength, which is worth looking forward to. But next, we have to see how they spiritually transform. The result.”

"That's right, the result of spiritual transformation is actually a matter of luck. The strong may not necessarily have good results, but the weak will win the big prize. I really don't know what the result will be?"

Leng Tong sighed quietly.

Since Blood Eagle took over the ancient sea of ​​spiritual marrow, it has allowed several waves of monks to undergo spiritual transformation, and the results are unpredictable.

I really don’t know what the final outcome will be like for the little monk who persisted until the end and the other rookie monk from Lingxi?

Leng Tong couldn't help but become worried.

At this moment, in the purple light mist hanging in the sky, a small light group wrapped around a girl in purple moved! ?

Her body suddenly trembled slightly, and the purple mist around her suddenly gathered, all gathering into her body. The next moment, she suddenly opened her eyes.

The surrounding space shrinks and expands at once!

It's like an invisible door to space has opened!

A dazzling silver aura burst out of her body, transforming into a crimson simple long knife in the air.

The ancient sword was bright red, like a red diamond, extremely dazzling.

He saw the red sword light hovering around the girl for a moment, then turned into a red light and sank into her body. At this moment, the girl's aura suddenly had a sharp smell.

The girl's face was full of surprise.

"This is... the secret technique at the pinnacle of the Spirit River Realm, the Blood River Blade!"

Leng Tong's expression changed and she exclaimed softly.

Yan Lao shook his head gently, "It seems that this girl is just lucky. The awakening of ancient veins is actually the awakening of blood memory in a person's body. Ancient times, modern times, and even the secret arts practiced by her ancestors are all There may be residual blood in the blood of future generations, and she can be resurrected through awakening. The awakening of her ancient vein is too common. "

Leng Tong nodded, but his expression was completely different from Yan Lao's, showing an expression of relief.

"Lao Yan, your requirements are too high. This is a once-in-a-lifetime secret technique for newcomers! I think she is lucky."

(To be continued.)

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