Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1479 Who is the fool?

Xuan Lie was shocked and scared, and he didn't even dare to look at Chu Chen for too long. However, he quickly calmed down and used his spiritual sense to scan repeatedly and found that Chu Chen still had a human aura.

He couldn't help but secretly warned himself that he couldn't become suspicious because the effect of the damaged Explosive Creek Pill on the other party was too unnatural.

He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, adjusting his breathing so that he could calm down.

"****** has made another breakthrough. Xuanlie, you bastard killed us. Are you trying to escape responsibility with your eyes closed?"

"This...is this happening? Isn't it said that only geniuses among geniuses can break through? Someone come and explain it to me!"

"On this Longjiao Cliff, Chu Chen is the first heaven-defying existence to achieve consecutive breakthroughs!"

In addition to Chu Chen and his group of new members, there are also some old members on Jiao Island who have not performed well in training and still stay on the island to hone their skills.

Regarding Chu Chen's incredible performance, all the old members were dumbfounded and looked at each other!

The monks were so shocked that they couldn't care less about losing the Blood Eagle points.

They looked at Chu Chen like a monster, looking at the three evil dragons, wondering if they were in an illusion?

"Okay, I'm willing to admit defeat. Why are everyone's mouths so wide open? Maybe they want to eat me."

Lan Xuan smiled slightly, "I don't think it's better than this. I'll give everyone another chance to make a comeback. This time I can put down two hundred Blood Eagle Points. I'm sure Senior Brother Chu will burst out a spiritual stream. Is anyone willing to challenge me? "

As soon as Lan Xuan said these words, the whole place fell silent, it could be said that there was no sound!

Although no one thinks that Chu Chen, who has already exposed Shuangxi, can make a breakthrough, no one dares to bet!

After all, he lost the bet once or twice. Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible to lose a bet.

As for the third bet, if you keep betting and lose again, what's the difference between you and a fool?

"How about it? Think about it, everyone, should you seize this last opportunity? Many people have already lost two hundred points. If you miss this opportunity, you will have to pay off your debt slowly!"

Lan Xuan smiled very kindly, with the look of a little fox, and looked like a businessman.

"Now that Shuangxi has been revealed,

That means we have reached the end. Even among legends, no one can explode the third spiritual stream..."

After a moment, Xuan Lie spoke again, but his tone was no longer so firm and full of hesitation.

"That's right, in history, the strongest record was the one that broke Shuangxi, and the medicine in him was exhausted." A female cultivator in black who had never placed a bet said softly.

"The revelation of Shuangxi is also a genius among geniuses. Such a thing as Three Rivers cannot exist."

Among the monks who placed their bets in the second batch, the old monk from the late Linghe period who looked very domineering also expressed his analysis.

"Very good, that means everyone has come to a conclusion, and I support everyone's conclusion, so please place your bet, two hundred Blood Eagle points per person."

Lan Xuan, who was smiling broadly, made a gesture of invitation.

On Longjiao Cliff, no one moved even half an inch forward!

Everyone knew clearly that Chu Chen, who had been promoted from the first level of Lingxi to the third level of Lingxi, would never be able to advance to the fourth level of Lingxi.

But no one is willing to place a bet and pick up these two hundred points.

Not just because you might lose two hundred points, but if you lose, you will look stupid.

Just like a fool who keeps digging into the trap, he gets hit again and again.

No one wants to be a fool.

In fact, it was Chu Chen's unfathomable performance that shocked everyone on Longjiaoya. No one dared to measure him with common sense.

Most of the monks turned their questioning eyes to Xuan Lie again.

The big man Xuan Lie's face instantly turned red and he waved his hands to everyone.

"I...I think...everyone should make up his own mind..."

Although he believed in his heart that Chu Chen could never expose Yixi to such a pervert again, he did not dare to take responsibility.

At this time, the monks who had no direction looked at the domineering old monk Linghe together.

The old monk frowned slightly, "This... should... probably... won't explode... another spiritual stream, right?"

Seeing that the old monk was talking intermittently without any confidence at all, all the monks completely lost their progress.

In fact, if we go by common sense, all monks would dare to bet on this. It is extremely rare for the Explosive River Dan to come out of two streams. As for the three streams, it has not even appeared in the legend.

The odds of betting on this bet were simply incredible, but no one dared to bet on it easily. They were all frightened by the previous two times.

Just when everyone was hesitant and undecided, something happened on Chu Chen's side.


The void trembled, and a strong golden light swept out mightily.

The golden evil dragon that emerged from the fourth dragon was larger than the other three. Its eyes were indifferent, as if it was indifferent to everything in the world.

Four golden evil dragons lay across the void, and when they roared together, the whole world trembled!

This is not the dragon of Lingxi, nor the dragon of Linghe dares to compete with these four evil dragons.

When they roared together, all the monks stepped back unconsciously, for fear of being injured by these evil dragons!

In the blink of an eye, Chu Chen changed from three dragons to four dragons. Logically speaking, all the monks should be shocked beyond measure.

But the expressions on everyone's faces turned out to be okay because they were already numb.

This Exploding River Pill allowed Chu Chen to advance directly from the first level of Lingxi to the fourth level. If a normal monk is lucky, it will take more than ten years, not to mention that the success rate of each level of advancement is extremely low. .

In the past few hours, Chu Chen had directly completed the evolution from the first level to the fourth level, and the monks no longer had any thoughts at this moment.

Anyway, my mind has already gone blank.

But Lan Xuan almost shed tears, why did your fourth evil dragon come out so quickly? My business has been ruined by you, why don't you slow down a little bit?

"Ahem... In this way, in order to treat everyone better, I think Senior Brother Chu will hit another stream, two hundred points..."

Before Lan Xuan finished speaking, all the monks dispersed in a hurry and left Longjiao Cliff one by one.

"Wait... don't leave, everyone..."

Lan Xuan didn't expect that this group of monks would all disperse without giving him any time to react!

One by one they disappeared quickly!

"That's enough. You've already made a lot of money, so you can't be too greedy."

Chu Chen's voice reached Lan Xuan's ears. At this moment, Chu Chen, who was sitting cross-legged, had opened his eyes. His eyes were bright, and his whole aura suddenly increased a lot.

Lan Xuan's eyes didn't dare to make contact with him for a moment, and he actually lowered his head. (To be continued.)

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