Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1483 Cutting in line

Decided to make a last ditch effort!

Lan Xuan gritted his teeth. The spiritual power in his body was almost exhausted. He saw the densely packed puppet dragons rushing from all directions, and the surrounding space had been blocked by these monsters connected in series with Qi machines!

Lan Xuanru was surrounded by the surging tide.

Two blue ice flames lit up in his eyes again!


Accompanied by an explosive roar that resounded throughout the world, pieces of tidal sword light burst out from Lan Xuan's body. The sword light was as sharp as ice, as cold as ice, and bone-chilling.

"Ten Thousand Hells of Silence and Destruction!"

The mighty ice-blue sword light spurted out, spreading into a sea of ​​sword light between the sky and the earth, covering several alleys!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Under the overwhelming bombardment of blue sword light, not a single puppet dragon was spared. They were all chopped into pieces by the endless sword light...


After clearing the area with one knife, Lan Xuan finally exhausted his last bit of strength and collapsed on the ground.

Seeing more puppet dragons begin to appear densely in the light, Lan Xuan sighed, took out the white jade given to him by the gatekeeper elder from the storage ring, and crushed it into pieces.

The light flickered, and the densely packed puppet dragons disappeared in a stream of light.

Lan Xuan looked up at the monks standing all over the city, and smiled helplessly at Chu Chen in the distance: "Well, I've tried my best, but I don't have any more strength."

"Lan Xuan!!"

At this moment, cheers that shattered the sky and earth resounded, and the young monks throughout the city went crazy.

There were 21,321 puppet dragons. Lan Xuan actually killed more than 20,000 puppet dragons this time, surpassing the second-ranked Wang Xuanhao and becoming the second place!

This is a legend, definitely a super record among newcomers on Trial Island!

No matter from which aspect, Lan Xuan's performance can definitely be called "amazing".

After all, he can kill more than 21,000 puppet dragons in one fell swoop with his cultivation level of half a step in the Spirit River Realm.

At his level of cultivation, it is already unparalleled!

After this battle, Lan Xuan finally showed his face!

His elegant figure will forever be treasured in the memories of the young monks.

It's just that if those girls know that they can make him do anything with money, they will feel that they don't want these memories.

After this battle, the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group will inevitably include Lan Xuan among the key members to be trained.

And this is the biggest reason why he works so hard!

After killing 21,000 puppet dragons, Lan Xuan also received a reward of 5,000 Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group points.

This arrival immediately triggered a burst of exclamation again, five thousand points, that's five thousand points!

In the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group's point system, the number of points required for a Lingxi realm technique is less than ten points!

Such a harvest definitely far exceeded all the monks' expectations.

Seeing that his performance finally achieved the expected results, Lan Xuan immediately crawled back to the temple to rest.

This time, almost all his spiritual power was exhausted, making him extremely tired, so he couldn't care less. After watching, Chu Chen killed the dragon!

After Lan Xuan left, Chu Chen was about to go off to challenge the puppet dragon, but a tall figure got there first.

A huge body like a lion stood in front of the guarding elder and said in a loud voice like thunder: "Next, I will challenge the puppet dragon!"

It's him!

Chu Chen's heart was slightly shocked. The tall monk in front of him was dressed in black clothes. His face looked about sixty years old, but his figure was stronger than that of the young monk. His eyes were bright and his silver hair was flying.

Like a strong old lion that is ready to kill its prey at any time, especially because he is extremely tall, with solid muscles and thick bones, giving people a sense of oppression like a giant!

What made Chu Chen feel uneasy was that deep in his eyes, a ray of red and green light could be seen faintly flickering, which looked extremely mysterious.

Chu Chen was deeply impressed by this lion-like old monk. When he opened the ancient veins in the sea of ​​spiritual transformation, the old man named Xuan Ke awakened the legendary phoenix tree...the sycamore tree!

Lingfeng Qitong, a sign of great virtue, an image of a saint!

As an ancient sacred tree, Fengqiu possesses the spiritual power of both fire and wood attributes.

Therefore, after awakening Feng Qimu's bloodline, the spiritual energy in the old man's body also underwent earth-shaking changes.

It turns out that the spiritual attribute in this old monk's body is earth attribute.

Now that Feng Qimu bloodline has been awakened, he has the three attributes of fire, wood, and earth at the same time!

Earth grows wood, wood creates fire, fire burns the wood and turns it into ashes, then turns into earth again.

The three attributes of fire, wood, and earth are constantly growing in the old monk's body, and actually form a small micro-circulation, like a Hunyuan small furnace, which allows the old monk's spiritual power, physical body, blood, etc. to be restored at once. Transformation!

We haven’t seen each other for just two or three days!

At this time, the spiritual aura in the body of the old monk named Xuan Ke has reached the peak level of the spiritual river realm from the original late stage of the spiritual river realm!

At his age, such a sudden increase in strength is really rare.

A late bloomer!

Such a word is absolutely applicable to Xuan Ke.

After receiving the jade token from the gatekeeper elder, Xuan Ke strode into the Puppet Alley.


The huge city gate immediately slammed shut!

Before Xuan Ke could stand still, a gust of fishy wind blew by, and a purple-black puppet dragon ran towards him.

Xuan Ke stood still and waved his palm forward. The ground beneath the puppet dragon's feet suddenly collapsed, forming a pit more than five feet deep, trapping the puppet dragon directly.

None of the monks reacted. Unexpectedly, the old monk's volley caused the earth to collapse!

The next moment, a faint green light flashed in the pit, and green vines suddenly appeared around the pit where the puppet dragon was trapped. Those vines easily pierced the puppet dragon's body like poisonous snakes. With a fierce twist, they killed the puppet dragon. The puppet dragon was torn to pieces.

The puppet dragon immediately turned into a burst of black light and dispersed!


A puppet dragon was killed, and dozens of puppet dragons suddenly appeared.

But before they could launch their attack, the ground beneath their feet instantly collapsed to form a huge pit, trapping these puppet dragons deep in it!

These puppet dragons sensed that something was wrong, and each one roared and restlessly, trying to climb out of the pit, but the old monk's second attack had already begun!

Dense vines sprouted from the edge of the pit, and lightning pierced into the puppet dragon's body, tearing them all to pieces.

Countless black lights and shadows suddenly exploded!

Just like countless black fireworks dissipating!

The old monk almost effortlessly killed them again instantly!

With such a killing technique, it seems that no matter how many puppet dragons there are, there will be no problem! ! ?

Chu Chen couldn't help but sigh, his methods were amazing! (To be continued.)

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