Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1485 The trick of the Lingxi boy

A late bloomer!

From the beginning of his cultivation journey, Xuan Ke knew that his cultivation qualifications were not very high. Considering that he was now in his sixties and about to turn seventy, he had already broken through to the first level of the Spirit River Realm in the outside world. What a miracle.

His sect elders and fellow seniors once asserted that Xuan Ke's achievements in this life could only be this.

All the potential in his body has been exhausted. If he wants to go further, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky!

He had already broken through to the cultivation level of the lower level of Linghe Realm ten years ago. In the past ten years, his cultivation level has not improved at all!

He vaguely knew in his heart that this was the limit, but he was still unwilling to give up, so he came to the Little Fairy World and entered here purely with the mentality of taking a chance to try.

But he never expected that he would unexpectedly get such a great opportunity to awaken the Fengqi Ancient Wood bloodline!

At this moment, Xuan Ke felt that he had come to life, especially since he got the top spot in Dragon Puppet Alley this time, he finally felt proud and proud.

Fengqi Gumu has awakened. Not to mention the entire small fairy world, he will definitely become the strongest among the newcomers in the Blood Eagle Group!

In this way, you will have the opportunity to be trained by Blood Eagle. After all, as soon as you join the group, you will be able to generously provide opportunities for the awakening of the ancient veins. If you are focused on training, your future will be absolutely limitless!

Just when Xuan Ke was full of ambition and high-spirited under the worship of the monks, Chu Chen, who had been quietly watching the battle, had already made a move.

Chu Chen decisively walked to the gatekeeper elder and asked for a trial.

The gatekeeper elder didn't say anything, but he saw that Chu Chen's cultivation was only at the middle level of Lingxi Realm, so he felt that he was just a newcomer to experience the dragon-shaped puppet alley.

Dragon-shaped Puppet Alley is a cruel place of trial, and it is not a place where monks can easily earn points.

Among them, the puppet dragons with the lowest cultivation level all have the strength of the early stage of Lingxi realm. It is already considered remarkable that an average Lingxi realm monk can kill a dozen or so puppet dragons.

The ones who can really shine in the Dragon-shaped Puppet Alley are those strong men in the Spirit River Realm.

The monks in the Lingxi realm are just going in for a formality and getting the minimum reward of 500 points.

After witnessing the amazing performances of Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke,

The gatekeeper elder did not have any expectations for Chu Chen.

At this time, several previous monks who were watching the battle at the city gate walked into the puppet alley when they saw a monk who was in the middle stage of Lingxi realm. They all yawned and lost interest in watching.

But just as they were about to leave one by one, a young monk beside them shouted in surprise.

"Hey, isn't this the man who broke through three realms in one fell swoop on Longjiao Cliff yesterday?"


These words immediately aroused the interest of those senior monks, and broke through to the third level in one fell swoop?

When they heard the news yesterday, these old members felt that something was wrong. Several of them were not present. When they heard the news, their first reaction was that the new club was playing a trick because they wanted to be trained by Blood Eagle. ? !

They know very well that cultivation is not about eating. The further you go in the journey of cultivation, the harder it becomes. Each step forward requires a lot of energy and resources.

If a monk has just entered the path of cultivation, it is possible for him to break through the third level in one fell swoop during the Lingshui stage. However, by the time he reaches the Lingxi stage, this situation is basically impossible to happen.

The monks who can enter Dragon-Shaped Puppet Alley must at least be in the Lingxi realm. At this level of cultivation, no matter how great the opportunity is, even if you take the legendary Explosive Creek Pill, you will only be able to break through to the first level at most. How is it possible that a person has continuously broken through the three realms?

This guy must be up to something!

These old members looked at each other and smiled, with expressions of watching a good show on their faces. Dragon-shaped Puppet Alley is not something you, a young monk from Lingxi, can afford.

At this time, Chu Chen had strode into the Puppet Alley, and the two giant doors behind him immediately closed!

The spatial fluctuations spread like ripples, and a dark red puppet dragon stepped out of the void. It roared violently and flew towards Chu Chen quickly.

Like a column of chariots coming with a bang!


Chu Chen stayed still and waved his right palm, and the vast spiritual power quickly condensed into a golden seal in the shape of a small sun in his palm!

With a press of his palm, the compressed little sun flew towards the puppet dragon.

The little sun flew very slowly at first, but suddenly accelerated, slammed into the puppet dragon, and then exploded it into pieces with a bang!

The intense golden light spread out, erupting into a dazzling air wave in the void.

well? It’s a bit interesting...

Seeing that Chu Chen, who was in the Lingxi realm, actually killed Lingxi's primary puppet dragon with one swift move, the old members raised their eyebrows and immediately became interested.

At the same level of cultivation strength, the physical body of the puppet dragon condensed by formation is actually more powerful than that of ordinary monks.

Generally speaking, if monks in the early and middle stages of Lingxi realm want to kill such a puppet dragon, they can't even think about it without a hard fight.

This young man was actually able to kill with one strike. It seemed that he really had some tricks. At this moment, in addition to the changes in the minds of a few old members, more monks were secretly looking forward to Chu Chen.


A puppet dragon was killed, and two more appeared from both sides. They roared and flew towards Chu Chen.

These two puppet dragons were extremely fast, like two dark cyan streams of light, and flew in front of Chu Chen in the blink of an eye.

The two leaping puppet dragons had a tacit understanding. They raised and grasped their huge dragon claws at the same time, then slapped down Chu Chen's head with huge power!

Chu Chen's face was expressionless, and his two palms were raised sharply. The two small suns that burst out from his palms hit the puppet dragon's claws one on the left and one on the right.

I saw the puppet dragon's body suffocated violently, and then the dragon's claws began to break apart inch by inch, and the entire body exploded with a bang in the blink of an eye.

"This guy...how is he so powerful!"

This time, the old members were really shocked.

The body of the puppet dragon is more than three feet long, and one dragon claw alone is as big as a small square table.

In comparison, Chu Chen's palm was like a mantis' arm blocking a car compared with the dragon's claw.

However, just that one arm that looked a little thin had huge and incredible power. It killed both puppet dragons with one move. This strong visual contrast made everyone stunned.

In fact, at this time, even Lan Xuan would be confused if he were watching the battle.

Because this time Chu Chen took action, it was completely different from the previous Nine Yang Burning Sky Seal, but a compressed version!

This feeling is like holding a planet in your hand that is ready to explode at any time. If you throw it out, it will explode immediately. It is terrifying!

Just as the monks were shocked, another wave of menacing puppet dragons appeared.

There were more than a dozen puppet dragons that appeared this time, and they saw those giant beasts roaring and rushing toward Chu Chen with a mountain-like wave of air. (To be continued.)

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