Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1490 The sky changes

The elder gatekeeper made all the monks quiet down with his final words.

In fact, all the monks love and fear this witch. Her peerless appearance is enough to turn all living beings upside down. Holding her body of ice and jade in their arms is the inner demon that many young male monks find difficult to control.

But her mind and methods have made her a terrifying existence that can easily control everything in the world.

Everyone seems to be like chess pieces or ants in her hands!

Can she kill more puppet dragons than Chu Chen?

No one can see the ending, they can only wait and see!

At this moment, densely packed green and black puppet dragons crowded the entire Puppet Alley. Among the dragons, the fairy-like face of the girl in white remained calm, showing no trace of any emotion.

She was as ethereal as if she no longer existed.

Seeing that the several Linghe Puppet Dragons at the front could no longer hold back and roared towards Shi Yuyan, all the monks' nerves tightened unconsciously at this moment!


Just when several huge puppet dragons at the front flew towards Shi Yuyan's head, like a huge dark cloud covering the top, Shi Yuyan quietly stretched out a white and beautiful palm and instantly waved a lone white light, and the puppets above her head The dragon suddenly shook and disappeared out of thin air.

With a wave of his palm, the white arc-shaped brilliance broke through the air and dissipated. Shi Yuyan was stunned for a moment.

At this moment, the puppet dragons in the entire Puppet Alley shook violently, and disappeared one by one like bubbles.

At the same time, an inexplicable blood color suddenly appeared in the already dark sky.

"Hey, what's wrong? Shi Yuyan hasn't taken action yet. Why have those dragons disappeared? Is there something wrong with the formation in Puppet Alley?"

"Look! Why did the sky suddenly become so red? This bloody color... suddenly enveloped the entire sky!"

"Is there really something wrong with the formation and the puppet dragon cannot be refreshed?"

Many monks subconsciously looked at the gatekeeper elder, but saw that the elder's face was also stunned, and his pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Obviously the gatekeeper elder is also at a loss!

The formation in this dragon-shaped puppet alley is an ancient divine formation.

Unless there is a big event that can affect the entire island, problems will not happen easily.

In the hands of the gatekeeper elder, there is a jade slip that controls the formation. There is nothing wrong with the jade slip at this time. What is going on?

An inexplicable uneasiness arose in his heart.

At this moment, a blood-red light pillar suddenly rose into the sky from somewhere in the center of the island.

The beam of light was extremely thick and eye-catching. From a distance, it seemed as if a red pillar suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, connecting the entire world.

"That's... not good, the stone tablet in the fairy world is a warning!"

The moment the gatekeeper elder saw the bloody beam of light, his expression suddenly changed.

Others may not know where the light pillar rises, but as the gatekeeper elder, he knows it very well.

In the center of the island is an ancient stone monument of the Immortal World.

No one knows what the origin of that stone tablet is, but whenever there is a change in the world, the stone tablet will show various strange phenomena.

In fact, such stone monuments are not only found on this island, but can be found in many places in the entire Little Fairy World.

At this moment, the entire Little Immortal World and all the stone monuments in the entire Little Immortal World rose up with a thick bloody light pillar.

Countless intense and shrill blood-colored light beams spanned the sky and the earth, turning the entire sky into a dark red.

The little fairy world seemed to have turned into the blood world at this moment!

"Quickly! Let's go to where the Immortal World Stone Monument is and see what happened!"

The gatekeeper elder roared urgently, and his figure turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the center of the island.

Whenever a blood-colored vision manifests on the stone monument in the fairy world, this time it turned out to be a blood-colored light pillar. It must be because something huge is about to happen.

Therefore, at this moment, no monk has time to conduct trials here.

Everyone, including Chu Chen and Shi Yuyan, activated their spiritual power, turned into streams of light and followed the gatekeeper elder towards the direction of the Immortal World Stone Tablet in the center of the island.

The Immortal World Monument is located in the center of this island, which is a huge square. In the center of the square, a three-foot-tall black stone monument stands silently.

On top of the stone tablet, a bloody beam of light shot up into the sky. It was extremely eye-catching, and the surrounding space was filled with blood.

When Chu Chen flew to the side of the stone monument, he found that there was already a large group of people around the stone monument.

The Immortal Monument warned that this was a major event related to the entire Little Immortal World, so almost all the people on the island gathered here at this time.

"Twelve hours later, the third change in the Little Fairy World will begin!"

When the strong red light on the stone tablet gradually dissipated, revealing the ancient writing, all the monks fell silent.

There is only that one line of words on the stone tablet. The content is very simple and easy to understand, and it will not cause any other ambiguities or opinions at all.

But the content expressed in that line made the monks feel heavy in their hearts.

Twelve hours later, the change in the Little Fairy World began. This was the third change in the world in the Little Fairy World!

At this moment, even Chu Chen's brows furrowed deeply.

His experience in the Little Fairy World during this period also gave him a general understanding of the evolution history of the entire Little Fairy World.

As far as he knew, before this, the Little Fairy World had experienced a total of two changes in the world.

During the first change in the world, all the stone statues in the Little Fairy World were resurrected. The ancient beasts hidden in some secret realms and restricted areas all went crazy, and each one of them fell into an unprecedented state of rampage.

They attacked human monks crazily, causing a heavy blow to the monks in the entire Immortal World at that time.

According to statistics, during the sudden change in heaven and earth, the monks in the entire Little Fairy World lost a full 30% of their manpower. Finally, they finally repelled the crazy ancient beasts, killed the resurrected statues, and re-established the order.

The second time the heaven and earth changed, an unprecedented heavy rain fell in the Little Fairy World. The torrential rain continued for half a month, and countless places were flooded.

Some slightly low-lying ground suddenly turned into water bodies, puddles into small lakes, small lakes into large lakes, and large lakes into oceans. The unprecedented heavy rain turned more than 30% of the entire Little Fairyland into a vast ocean.

And in the vast ocean, there are inexplicably many cruel and bloodthirsty dragons.

I don't know how many monks were devoured by those ferocious dragons.

The torrential rain for half a month has become an eternal nightmare for many people.

Every change in the world brings an extremely painful memory to the monks in the Immortal World.

And it’s more and more tragic every time!

They all represent a period of tragedy and sadness that cannot be recalled.

Every change in the world means that a large number of monks will die here, and they will never have the opportunity to leave the fairy world and return to the outside world...

Every time there is a change in the world, the fairyland will turn into a purgatory! (To be continued.)

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