Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1497 Breakout

Chu Chen discovered that once he left the island guarded by the giant dragon, there was an obvious smell of murder in the air.

There was a strong aura of danger wafting between heaven and earth, as if a mountain was about to collapse. Although the sense of crisis was invisible and intangible, it made every monk feel a strong sense of uneasiness from the deepest part of his heart.

The vast blue sea is endless, as if the edge can never be seen.

The monks have been flying in the ocean for several hours, but the surrounding scenery still has not changed at all. There is endless sea water everywhere.

Some monks doubt whether they will never be able to fly out of this sea.

However, just as everyone was flying in this blue ocean for another half an hour, a strong wind suddenly emerged between the sky and the earth.

A strong hurricane blew up from the bottom of the sea, blowing up large tracts of sea water, fish and shrimp, and even some ancient trees on the bottom of the sea, and poured them down.

The sea rolled back to the sky! ?

The monks began to walk carefully through this "sky and sea area"!

Fortunately, everyone is flying in the sea, so the sea water is not a big problem, as long as those terrifying hurricanes are avoided.


A shrill howl suddenly came out. A young monk who was in the middle stage of Lingxi realm flew in mid-air for a while. His body suddenly stopped and was wrapped in a tornado that appeared out of thin air.

In an instant, only a flash of spiritual light was seen, and it could be seen that the young man seemed to be trying desperately to break free, but in the end he was still unable to withstand the power of heaven and earth, and exploded into a ball of blood mist with a miserable howl.

These tornadoes come and go, appearing and disappearing, making everyone unpredictable and frightened while flying.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Leng Tong controlled the restless eagle dragon beast while reminding the monks to be careful.

At this moment, another green tornado appeared at the forefront of everyone's flight.

Inside the strong wind, a large group of scattered rocks was wrapped in the strong wind, like a dense wheel of knives, tearing through the void and making a harsh scream.

Leng Tong's eyes narrowed, and the eagle dragon beast under the seat let out a long roar,

Carry her body and rush to the front of everyone.

She saw a flick of her palm, and a flash of green light burst out, transforming into a gleaming green-gold nine-section soft whip in the air.

As she waved her palm, the green-gold soft whip turned into a bright stream of light dancing in the void.


Leng Tong whipped out his whip and directly hit the flying hurricane to explode and scatter in all directions!

Then she swung her whip several times, and any rocks, wood, or anything that came from the front would be crushed to pieces by the flying green gold streamer once they got close.

Leng Tong single-handedly protected the entire team


The changes in the void are getting stronger and stronger, and the dangerous feeling like a light on the back is getting stronger and stronger.

The wind was fierce, the entire sky began to turn dark, and layers of dark clouds spread across the entire sky.

Under the dim sky, strong tornadoes began to sweep more things high into the sky.

At a glance, the whole world is dark and hurricanes are everywhere, like the legendary doomsday, which is frightening.

By this time, the violent wind in the void alone had considerable lethality.

Chu Chen clearly saw an old monk driving a blue swordfish-shaped sea beast flying through the sky in the distance.

The biting wind directly transformed into invisible wind blades in the void.

The old monk was directly caught up by the wind blade group!

Being scratched by the wind blades, you can see that the swordfish-shaped sea beast has dense blood marks on its body.

This scene changed everyone's expressions!

You must know that the sea beasts living in this sea area have a natural relationship with the spiritualized sea water, and their physical bodies have been washed away by spiritual energy for many years, so they have become extremely powerful.

The powerful body of the sea beast is actually unable to withstand the destructive power contained in the wind blades flying all over the sky. The wind force is so terrifying!

"Be careful, everyone, follow me!"

Leng Tong forced his way through the world of Wind Blade, and his face became paler the more he swung his whip.

Finally, after flying for a long time, everyone finally flew away from the spiritual sea and entered a piece of land.

But before the monks could cheer, a large black thing in the void ahead made everyone change their expressions.

It was actually a forest!

An entire forest covering hundreds of acres was actually uprooted by the strong wind, forming a black forest torrent between heaven and earth. It was driven by the strong wind and wandered back and forth between heaven and earth.

At first glance, it looks like a ghost realm floating in mid-air, which gives people a creepy feeling.

After Yan Lao injected spiritual power into Leng Tong's body, she closed her eyes for a few breaths, then opened them again and regained her vitality.

Divine light burst out from her eyes, and powerful energy flowed out of her body.

"Everyone hide, I'm coming!"


The green-gold light exploded instantly, and the vast air waves roared violently, like a green-gold dragon that broke straight into the dark forest.

Leng Tong drove the huge eagle dragon beast and rushed directly to the front of everyone to clear the way.

The green-gold nine-section whip in her hand now turned into an indestructible light curtain, and anything that was about to rush over would be directly crushed by the light.

Tsk, no, this sense of uneasiness and crisis in the void... is getting stronger and stronger.

Chu Chen's brows frowned deeply. At this time, in the depths of his spiritual consciousness, the looming and strong sense of crisis began to gradually become more and more intense.

Even with Leng Tong leading the way, the sense of crisis has not weakened at all, but has become stronger.

It's like... it's like there is some unknown giant beast silently watching in an unknown space. It seems that it may be waiting for an opportunity to rush out at any time and bring a disaster to everyone!

"Everyone, be careful. I activate the formation to condense everyone's spiritual power into one, and we speed through the forest!"

Leng Tong's voice suddenly turned cold, and wisps of light blue light began to rush out around her.

Those blue lights danced vertically and horizontally in the void, faintly outlining a huge formation, surrounding everyone inside.

At this moment, all the monks were shocked and urged their spiritual power to be injected into the formation.

Then he saw the blue light flourishing, and a blue light film rushed out, surrounding everyone inside.

At this moment, everyone felt that their spiritual power was integrated with that of other monks.

The effect of the formation formed by gathering the power of all the monks far exceeded that of everyone fighting alone. At this moment, under the blue light film, everyone's speed surged. A big chunk.

Wherever the blue light film passed, all the gravel, trees and other objects it encountered were smashed into pieces.

There were even black space cracks around the blue light film, showing how powerful the formation contained within it.

At this moment, the monks turned into a moving fortress, rampaging through the chaotic void! (To be continued.)

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