Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1498 The big red crab has made a meritorious service

"To put it simply, this Hunyuan Formation is powered by our spiritual power. I just want to add something to the fuel."

Chu Chen ignored Leng Tong's shouting and quickly took out a black medicinal talisman from his arms.

"What are you going to do?"

Leng Tong wanted to fly to his side to stop him, but saw the solemn-looking Yan Lao making a quiet gesture. The monks around him who were shouting that they didn't want Chu Chen to waste their time also silenced themselves along with Leng Tong.

Chu Chen tapped the black medicinal talisman in his right palm and slapped it on the back of the big red crab. The originally dull and silly-looking big red crab's eyes became ferocious in an instant.


It seemed as if it had been attacked by a giant beast. It suddenly woke up from its deep sleep. Four-color cloud patterns of "red, blue, purple and green" suddenly appeared on its back. These dazzling four-color flames spread like a tide in all directions. !

A group of monks were also instantly placed in a space that was overflowing with light and extremely dazzling.

"Four Elephants Demon Pattern Array!"

Yan Lao was the first to understand Chu Chen's intention, and the light in his eyes suddenly brightened.

Leng Tong discovered that the blue light film surrounding the monks was also dyed with the four-elephant magic pattern at this second. The blue fortress transformed by the Hunyuan Formation turned into a small mountain peak burning with four-color flames. generally!

"So that's it. Chu Chen injected the Four-Elephant Demonic Array from the spirit crab into the Hunyuan Formation. These Hunyuan Formations also carry the properties of the Four-Elephant Demonic Array. They are no longer just poisonous smoke. We can pass "

Leng Tong immediately signaled the people who had not yet reacted to prepare to rush into the black cloud.

"Can I go in directly?"

"I... let's take a detour..."

"Just go in like this!!"

When all the monks were still hesitating due to instinctive fear, Yan Lao spoke up again.

"Chu Chen injected this Four-Elephant Demon Pattern Array into the Hunyuan Formation. It consumes a lot of soul energy and is also a burden to the Great Spirit Crab. Everyone, leave immediately!"

Under Yan Lao's thunderous order, the monks didn't care to think any more and activated their spiritual power to drive the Hunyuan Formation forward!


The "hill" burning with four-color flames crushed the void like this,

Flying into the huge black cloud.

The green and black flying smoke inside the black cloud formed a huge hand hundreds of feet high, and it directly grabbed the Siyan Hill. All the monks looked frightened, and the timid ones even closed their eyes.


As soon as the giant hand was about to touch the four-color light film, it immediately burned and turned into a huge flaming palm. In an instant, it turned into void and disappeared into the world of black clouds.

Just when all the monks were about to breathe a sigh of relief, they saw several giant hands flying out of the black cloud world and attacking the hill one after another!




Without exception, these giant hands were burned into nothingness by the demonic flames of the Four Elephants, and the hill formed by everyone quickly shuttled through the world of black clouds without any danger.

Chu Chen was focused on driving the big red crab, injecting its four-elephant magic pattern array into the Hunyuan array. He didn't even notice that there was only one word in the eyes of the monks looking at him, and that was submission!

Leng Tong, the leader, and Yan Lao, who was silent, all looked at Chu Chen with endless approval.

At such a critical moment, Chu Chen was able to lead everyone through a dangerous area, which was definitely a meritorious service. If he could safely meet the people at the Blood Eagle headquarters, he must also apply for a special reward.

The other monks were all completely convinced by Chu Chen. Before, they just thought that he was powerful and it was no big deal.

Now everyone feels that in this situation where a catastrophe is coming, everyone is really lucky to have him in the team.

This mysterious and powerful boy, walking with him at such a moment, gave his life another glimmer of hope.

The four-flame hill wrapped around everyone's figures and flew through the world of black clouds. It didn't take long before they left the world of black clouds.

Amidst the cheers of the monks, Chu Chen put away the big red crab's four-image magic pattern array.

The Hunyuan Formation has returned to the fortress wrapped in a blue light film!

Chu Chen's eyes became cloudy, and it was obvious that he had exhausted a lot of energy, and the big red crab he sat down on had a gloomy aura, like a dead thing without much life.

His eyesight was dull before, but now he looked sluggish and groggy. His consciousness seemed to have been lost and he was just flying mechanically.

Both Chu Chen and it needed to rest, especially it, which probably wouldn't be able to recover for a while.

Chu Chen nodded slightly towards Leng Tong, who looked at him gratefully, and began to adjust his breathing.

Leng Tong also focused on leading the monks on their way.

The monks who were on the road again were not relieved because they discovered that as time went by, the changes between heaven and earth began to become more and more intense.

It is obvious that the rules of heaven and earth in the entire fairyland seem to be falling into more chaos.

After everyone continued to move forward at full speed for an hour, they were shocked by a large red area in front of them!

This is actually an endless sea of ​​fire!

I don't know how many things were destroyed by this storm. It should have been that some special substances were blown into the sky and ignited by thunder and fire, creating such a terrifying sea of ​​​​fire.

Rolling flames rose up and covered almost thousands of acres of vast area, turning the entire front into a sea of ​​fire.

A few meteor-like rays of light could be faintly seen flying rapidly in the sea of ​​​​fire, and they seemed to be monks trying to escape.

In fact, at this time, it is obvious that the monks encountered on the road have become very rare.

Most of the monks have found temporary hiding places.

In this time of sudden change and spiritual energy chaos, a relatively safe place is always better than running around outside.

"The rules of heaven and earth have changed. According to this trend, the four basic rules of heaven and earth of earth, water, fire and wind in the Little Immortal Realm have been distorted. I am afraid that chaos will return!"

Yan Lao let out a faint sigh.

Leng Tong took a gentle breath, and then raised his voice, "I don't know how strong this chaos will be... Is there anyone in the team whose sea beast mount has the power to control fire? Come forward and refine it." Turn these flames into flames, and let’s speed up and rush towards them!”

"I come!"

All the swordsmen saw a golden light rushing out. It was Zhou Xingyu's dragon-scaled golden spear beast. With a hiss, he separated from everyone and rushed to the front of the team.

The spear-like golden spear beast sprayed out a large stream of pale golden light from its mouth.

This golden stream of light is very light, so light that it is almost invisible. This stream of light is like a river, rolling towards the sea of ​​fire!

Being rushed by the stream of light, the flames that came into contact with it began to dissipate and extinguish in large areas.

A small piece was missing from the sea of ​​fire!

The monks couldn't help but marvel, this dragon-scaled golden gun beast was indeed a top-notch sea rider, with a natural ability to restrain fire! (To be continued.)

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