Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1500 Leng Tong’s exclusive treasure

Leng Tong, Zhou Xingyu, Zi Wuji, and Chu Chen's big red crab, with the combined efforts of these three people, finally broke the strange wind.

But there are still countless hurricanes raging around, and the Blue Fortress will encounter storms no matter whether it is moving forward or retreating!

The Blood Eagles led by Leng Tong obviously had no intention of retreating.

So the three crabs at the front of the team worked together to clear the way!

With the top four groups at the front to withstand the impact of the hurricane, everyone within the formation suddenly felt that the pressure on their bodies was lightened, and everyone felt a lot more relaxed.

Chu Chen, the owner of the big red crab, immediately took a back seat, sat down on Lan Xuan's spiritual dolphin, and began to fall asleep.

He didn't care about his mount's life and death at all, and acted like he was completely free.

The red crab's body is extremely strong and cannot be damaged by debris in the wind. Its claws are so powerful that they can crush rocks and ancient trees.

The monks finally regained their composure.

Shi Yuyan, who was dressed in fairy-like white in the formation, glanced around and saw that one crab and three people could withstand the impact of the hurricane. The figure who was about to take action fell silent and followed the crowd silently.

As the blue "fortress" flew deeper into the fairy world, everyone discovered that the strange phenomena in the world were getting worse.

At this time, the entire fairy world seemed to be in the end of the world, with the sky falling apart, hurricanes rising, darkness, and the void collapsing.

A strong hurricane swept through the sky and the earth, turning the entire world into darkness and chaos.

The hurricane roared fiercely, black clouds filled the sky, thunder and lightning danced like dragons, and there was a chill between heaven and earth.

In this apocalyptic scene, a huge light blue film covered the figures of the monks rushing through areas covered by strong winds, ice, snow, flames, etc., as if a blue gem was flowing between heaven and earth, shine.

But the sparkling, dazzling sapphire comes with a price.

It is the endless consumption of the spiritual power of the monks!

After passing through another blizzard area, everyone came to a relatively safe plateau area, where only the strong wind carried sand and dust around.

A huge blue light castle,

It temporarily hung in the sky, like a blue moon.

All the monks were panting, and many of them were soaked with sweat. They were all in an unspeakable embarrassment.

"No one can bear it anymore if we charge like this. It consumes too much spiritual energy."

Zi Wuji's majestic face was slightly distorted and turned blue. Apparently, he was breaking through the wind to clear a path while providing spiritual power to maintain the Hunyuan Formation, which brought him close to the limit.

At this time, Chu Chen slowly opened his eyes. He quickly scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense and found that the hurricane thousands of feet away was becoming more violent, and even space cracks began to appear around the tornadoes.

These hurricanes in the distance are all on the level of the terrifying and strange winds from before! And there are so many of them!

He couldn't help but frown, it was difficult to handle!

The panting Zi Wuji couldn't help but shake his head, "It really can't be done. Even if the three of us and the big red crab work together to resist the impact of the hurricane, the pressure of the hurricane is getting stronger and stronger. Fortunately, there are all kinds of sea beasts We are protected by alien psychic powers, but we won’t be able to hold on for long. I close my eyes and think that we will be unable to move forward... With such a terrifying change, it is no longer appropriate to continue to fly..."

Zi Wuji's words were supported by Zhou Xingyu.

"Yes, the wind is getting stronger and stronger. As we move forward like this, we consume more and more spiritual energy. It is indeed no longer suitable to continue on the road. We should find a place to hide first and wait until the time is right before we hit the road."

Zhou Xingyu, who has always been calm, frowned deeply while worshiping the Human Emperor Dragon Blade flying in the void. The pupils of this young man in a fluttering blue shirt were already bloodshot, and he was almost reaching his limit.

Even the strongest members of the team are already struggling, and the condition of the monks as a whole can be imagined.

Chu Chen also felt that finding a place to take shelter from the wind might be the only option. Continuing forward would undoubtedly lead to death.

"No, the real change in heaven and earth has not come yet. These are just preludes. The storm will not get weaker, it will only get stronger. Now is the best time, and it will become more and more difficult in the future, so we can only bite Keep your teeth and keep moving forward! We must reach our destination before the complete change of heaven and earth comes, so that we can truly have a chance of survival."

Leng Tong said decisively, without any wavering in his eyes.

"But...but...if everyone continues like this, if they are not torn apart by the wind, they will tire themselves to death."

Lan Xuan had been worried that his life was in danger, so he couldn't hold it in any longer and took the lead in shouting.

The group of monks around him felt sad. No one wanted to live, so they all nodded in agreement.

"I don't want to fly anymore. Moving forward is suicide."

"Yan Lao, please say something. We are so exhausted that we can't move anywhere."

"Everyone, let's see if there is a place to hide nearby."

Apparently many of the monks were shaken and started shouting.

At this time, Yan Lao, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke up, "We must go. Staying here is a dead end."

The monks looked puzzled. They did not expect that Yan Lao, who was always calm, would actually let everyone go forward to die.

"Leng Tong, you can't hold anything back at this time. Take that thing out."

Yan Lao ignored everyone's confusion and gave Leng Tong a meaningful look.


Leng Tong nodded helplessly, his eyes focused, and after taking a deep breath, he brushed his hand, shook his hand, and pulled out a dark gold bracelet, which flew into the air.

This dark gold bracelet is about the size of a fist. The ring wall is densely carved with mysterious lines, and circles of dark gold light bloom in the void.

Like a small divine ring that emits light in the dark!


As Leng Tong raised his hand to inject spiritual power, the bracelet in the void became so radiant that it dyed the entire surrounding space a hundred feet into dark gold!


The dark gold bracelet slowly rotated in the air, and suddenly there was a roar of a ethereal beast that shocked everyone.

Chu Chen couldn't describe how distant and desolate the roars of these beasts were, as if they came from the ancient times and traveled through endless time and space.

Like there are countless ancient beasts, what are they calling in the distance?

Shocked by the beast's roar, all the sea beasts present shook their bodies, and unexpectedly roared loudly in unison.

Hundreds of sea beast mounts roared at the same time, and roaring sounds rose into the sky!

In an instant, a lot of the surrounding hurricanes were dispersed!

Amidst the roars of the beasts, all the sea beasts were surrounded by a dark golden halo.

In the halo, the auras in those sea beasts surged.

And when the hurricanes that reappeared in the surrounding heaven and earth touched the dark golden halo of the big red crab swimming outside the formation, they were all bounced away, as if they were blown against an indestructible steel wall.

The wind can no longer get close to the beast? !

"This is...an ancient rare treasure, the Copper Mountain Ring of Ten Thousand Beasts? I didn't expect this rare treasure to be in Miss Leng's body..."

When the blood-clothed elder among the crowd saw this scene, his eyes showed infinite shock. (To be continued.)

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