Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1502 The World-Destroying Demonic Wind

Seeing that all the monks were in panic of unknown life and death, Leng Tong did not do much to comfort them and continued to emphasize the precautions he mentioned.

"Behind the super storm area, there is a Red Flame volcano. Because that volcano contains strong earth rules, it can withstand the impact of hurricanes. So once we are separated, we will gather at the foot of the Red Flame volcano. Everyone Do you understand?"


Time was running out, and everyone nodded to express their gratitude. At this moment, a violent muffled sound suddenly came from the sky.

It is impossible to describe how distant and dull the muffled sound was, as if an unknown door above the sky had been opened.

Amidst the dull loud noise, the world suddenly turned black again.

Looking up, the entire sky has become extremely dark, and the sun is covered by thick clouds, creating layers of blood-colored halo.

"The storm area is about to move over, and the changes in heaven and earth have officially begun. Let's rush through the storm area. The farther back the changes in heaven and earth go, the stronger the degree of changes will be. Take advantage of the fact that the changes in heaven and earth have just begun. It’s so strong, let’s leave quickly!”

Leng Tong's eyes were full of anxiety. As a senior member of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group, Leng Tong naturally knew more about the changes in the Little Immortal Realm.

The sound that sounded like a door being opened just now was actually not an illusion, but the vision of heaven and earth that manifested after the real "door of rules" was opened.

As the saying goes, there is no circle without rules, and the world itself has its own rules.

Since the creation of heaven and earth, heaven and earth have been divided into yin and yang, transformed into four phenomena, divided into five elements, and evolved into all things.

It is precisely because of the existence of these rules that this world exists.

The place where these rules of heaven and earth condense is an invisible "door of rules".

Any world will have its own gate of rules, ranging from the entire world to a small independent storage space.

That is the basic framework of the entire world. Once the "Gate of Rules" of a space changes, it means that something earth-shattering will really happen in that space.

At this moment, Leng Tong clearly heard the sound of the "door of rules" in the fairy world being opened.

This change originating from the rules of heaven and earth itself brings a sense of fear from the deepest soul to everyone.

Most monks didn't know what this meant, but Leng Tong did.

This means that the changes in the world of Little Fairyland have officially begun from now on... The previous prelude has ended!


Spiritual power exploded, golden light burst out, and the huge dark gold formation enveloped all the monks and they began to rush forward quickly.

Under this apocalyptic change in the world, everyone began to burst out their strongest cultivation skills to inject into the formation to increase speed, not daring to hide any secrets.

The monks had not rushed far when a violent explosion suddenly sounded across the world.

It was as if a thunder suddenly fell from the sky, splitting the entire fairy world in half.

Everyone looked up in shock, and saw a dark ink-colored light falling from the sky, striking the entire earth fiercely, and the mighty ink light spurted out. Wherever it passed, the void collapsed, the earth cracked, and the earth shook. It seems like the world is about to be destroyed.

"We are beginning to encounter a storm area. This is a world-destroying demonic wind. Everyone, be careful!"

Before Leng Tong's exclamation could be heard in the void, the piece of ink light at the front had already rushed directly in front of everyone.

The dark golden light film was directly torn apart by the ink light. A monk riding a shrimp mount at the front was swept up by the ink light. He was instantly swept high into the sky and disappeared in the blink of an eye. not see.

Chu Chen's pupils shrank violently in an instant. The vast ink light looked like some kind of light, but in fact it was a strong wind compressed to the extreme.

It is unimaginable how violent the violent wind contained in it is. It has even surpassed the scope of the power of "wind". It is a condensed law of heaven and earth to the extreme!

"Shrink the formation, everyone hugs together, get as close as possible, and gather together to avoid being blown away by the strong wind!"

Amid Leng Tong's slightly panicked roar, a mighty black light surged in, like a black tide flooding the world.

At that moment, all the monks felt their bodies suddenly lighten.

It was a very strange feeling. In an instant, everyone felt as if they had no weight at all and turned into a piece of light feathers, floating around involuntarily in the black wind. All they could do was to hold on tight. body-protecting sea beast.

At this moment, the rules of the surrounding world were completely chaotic. The world seemed to have suddenly turned into chaos, and it was no longer possible to distinguish up, down, left, and right.

The attraction of the earth was completely cut off. Without the attraction of gravity, everyone's body could not help but float in all directions.

Several monks were involuntarily caught in a black gust of wind, and disappeared into a huge black space crack in front of them as if swept by water currents.

"Quick, continue to operate the spiritual power array!"

The dark golden light film was quickly torn apart by the black wind. Leng Tong gave a low drink and his expression changed wildly. He drove the sitting eagle dragon beast and flew towards the huge crack in space. , blocked it directly! ?

The next moment, pieces of gray-yellow light rushed out from her and the six elders of the Blood Eagle Formation Breaking Group, solidifying and connecting with each other, forming a vast gray-yellow ancient mountain shadow between heaven and earth. Everyone was enveloped.

Since ancient times, only mountains can withstand strong winds.

The mountain is a condensation of the rules of force and a representative of "stillness", as the saying goes, "it is as motionless as a mountain."

It is exactly the two extremes from the constantly "moving" strong wind.

Therefore, when the phantom of this gray-yellow ancient mountain first appeared, everyone felt their bodies tighten. They came back from the state of weakness and regained control of their feet.

However, beyond the shadow of the ancient yellow mountain, the black light is still surging!

As if he was about to rush in at any moment.

"Quick, let's use our spiritual power to form chains and connect them together. The wind is too strong and our formation won't last long!"

Leng Tong's voice rang in his ears, and the monks immediately began to push their cultivation to the strongest level.

Thousands of rich auras transformed into crystal clear chains in the void, entwining, condensing, and binding each other, slowly beginning to condense everyone into a whole.

"Be careful, everyone spread out!"

At this moment, Chu Chen suddenly let out a roar, waved his palm, and a golden sun burst out from his palm, roaring towards the north.

Everyone looked along his line of sight and saw that a hill hundreds of feet high was uprooted by the black wind, and then smashed madly in the direction of everyone as if it was being lifted up by an invisible giant with both hands! (To be continued.)

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