Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1511 Tooth for Tooth

Chu Chen had already decided to retaliate in kind!

To deal with sonic attacks... naturally we also use sonic counterattacks!

Chu Chen, who was in the boundless sea of ​​music, had already made a plan. His expression moved, and he suddenly raised his head to the sky and let out an extremely ear-piercing eagle's cry!

Phew...! !

The sound of rolling eagles soared straight into the sky, and in the darkness, it seemed as if a huge golden-winged roc appeared around Chu Chen and broke through the sea of ​​sound.

Its pair of giant wings that cover the world spread out violently!

It’s like breaking through the shackles of heaven and earth!


Muffled thunderous explosions resounded from all directions between heaven and earth. Chu Chen possessed the incarnation of a silver roc, so his eagle chirping naturally contained the unique spiritual energy of the golden-winged roc lineage.

The sound of an eagle's chirping immediately set off a huge wave in this ancient starry sky illusion.

The naked eye could see the sound wave formed by the strong roar of the lion, and the silver ripples formed by Chu Chen's eagle cry suddenly exploded and turned into little arcs of light that exploded in all directions.

Being rushed by the silver ripples, the twelve Spirit River cultivators around Chu Chen who formed the Ancient Roaring Formation were shaken at the same time, and they spurted out a large mouthful of bright red blood with a "pop" sound.

The light in their eyes went out one after another, and they fell down from the sky one by one. It was obvious that each of them had their heart veins broken and died!


Boom! Boom!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Twelve dead corpses of Linghe Realm monks fell to the ground like meteors, knocking a lot of deep pits out of the earth!

Several young monks just stared dumbfoundedly at these flying corpses from the sky, landing not far from their feet.

Is this how the battle is resolved?

Although they were all on the ground, they did not miss any details of the battle high in the sky.

After all, they are at least Lingxi monks,

The spiritual sense is enough to understand the battle situation.

No one would have thought that the battle was finally ended by Chu Chen's roar. The roar of a young Lingxi monk broke the hearts of twelve Linghe monks! ?

This...this is really outrageous!

Lan Xuan also felt that it was too exaggerated. He had expected Chu Chen to have a chance to win, or how to win, but he did not expect that in the end he would kill people with a roar that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks!

Next, even if Chu Chen told Lan Xuan that he could kill people with his eyes, Lan Xuan decided to believe him unconditionally.

He felt that he would probably never meet a more perverted monk than Chu Chen in his life!

"Senior Brother Chu's skills are like a harvester in the Linghe Realm!"

"We are really lucky to have such a thick thigh as Senior Brother Chu. We can survive even if we face the changes in the world."

"The world will be in chaos. Fortunately, we have Senior Brother Chu..."

When the few monks were overjoyed, Chu Chen also flew down from the sky.

"Come on, everyone, hurry up and clean up the battlefield. The Golden Lion Formation Breakers are well-off, these people are not weak, and they must have a lot of good things with them. Let's speed up and leave!"

There must be a lot of good things on the corpses of these members of the Golden Lion Group.

In fact, Chu Chen didn't need to remind them. These young monks knew it, but everyone agreed that these were Chu Chen's exclusive trophies. If he didn't say anything, who would dare to take action?

After Chu Chen spoke, Lan Xuan quickly shouted to help, calling everyone to go to the battlefield to collect the storage rings, storage bracelets and other treasures of these members of the Golden Lion Group.

As a result, everyone discovered that the people in the Golden Lion Formation Breaking Group were indeed from well-off families. The storage rings contained a dazzling array of elixirs, exercises, magic weapons and other treasures, and they even had bags of heavy fairy crystals. It looks like there are probably thousands of them.

A team composed purely of monks from the Linghe Realm, this can be regarded as one of the main attacking teams in any formation-breaking group.

Such a main force team has a high status within the entire formation-breaking group, so it has a lot of resources. It is supported by the entire formation-breaking group, and it carries a lot of good things with it.

In the Golden Lion Group, although the Linghe monks are not special, at least they have really good stuff.

While Lan Xuan and others were cleaning the battlefield, Chu Chen also took out an ancient healing pill from the storage ring and swallowed it.

When he first fell into the Ancient Roaring Formation, he was slightly injured because he encountered this kind of pure sonic attack for the first time.

However, his cultivation was profound, so only a little blood spilled from his ears, and the rest was nothing serious.

After swallowing the healing elixir and quietly circulating the spiritual energy for a while, the injuries on his body were basically completely healed.

Chu Chen urged everyone to clean the battlefield as quickly as possible, and he also healed his injuries as quickly as possible. There was a reason for all this.

Because since he killed the old man of the Shen family in Moyue, Chu Chen and these young monks were walking among the ruins, and he had already noticed that there seemed to be a pair of eyes passing through the layers of space in the dark, above the nine heavens. Looking at himself.

And now, these thirteen members of the Golden Lion Group have been killed by him, but those mysterious peeping eyes have still not disappeared!

Chu Chen understood that his group was still under surveillance.

That mysterious peeper is likely to take action at any time. He has been observing himself. It is very likely that these thirteen members of the Golden Lion Group were sent by him to test him.

He was already in the dark, ready to make a move. Chu Chen felt that if his calculation was correct, this mysterious man, at least at the Tianhe level, was not someone he could compete with at this stage.

"Senior Brother Chu, why do you look so ugly? You obviously won the battle, but why do you feel like you lost and lost all your pants..." Lan Xuan smiled and wanted to lighten the atmosphere, but he also felt that something was wrong.

Because Chu Chen has never been a cheerful person, there must be something wrong with his serious expression.

Chu Chen glanced at Lan Xuan, who immediately asked the few monks next to him who were excited to get the Golden Lion Trophy to quiet down.

"Everyone, listen up."

Chu Chen glanced at everyone and pointed in the direction of the Scarlet Flame Mountain Range, "All of you, leave here immediately!"

"Brother Chu, what's wrong?"

Lan Xuan felt that something was wrong. Chu Chen's expression was too solemn. He had been surrounded and killed by thirteen Linghe Realm monks before, but Gujing remained unfazed.

Now it feels like the end of the world is coming.

"The mysterious man who has been spying on us, or should be said to be spying on me, has now begun to take action. He will arrive soon."

Chu Chen said in a deep voice.


"I'm not very sure. It's probably a senior member of the Golden Lion Group. He finally decided to show up after the death of thirteen people."

Chu Chen took a deep breath.

"What state is he in?"

"I'm not sure, but at least he's a legendary monk in the Tianhe Realm!"

Chu Chen said word for word.

Lan Xuan's face froze for a moment, and the faces of the other young monks were extremely pale, without a trace of blood.

Because they all know what the terrifying Tianhe monk means! (To be continued.)

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