"Tonghu" shot forward recklessly, dozens of holy beasts like ancient mountains chased him frantically, he flew in the bombardment explosion without looking back, the formation kept making way for him, and pointed at the formation the center of the eye.

There was an indescribable coldness in his expression, as if the collapse of the world had nothing to do with him.

Elder Lingxin has been capturing it for a long time with his spiritual sense, and finally found that "Tong Hu" was rushing towards the formation, his arms were slightly swinging by his side at an extremely fast frequency, and the five fingers of his left hand were also outlined in the void. wearing something.

The naked eye could see thin strands of spiritual light erupting from his fingertips like silk threads, spreading to the entire range of the formation.

\u0026nb"Pig" "Pig" "Island" novel www.zhuzud.omsp; This... This is...

Elder Lingxin only felt a shock in her heart. At this time, she finally understood that this set of ancient killing arrays did not annihilate themselves because they existed for too long.

The reason why it will automatically give way to Chu Chen is entirely because Chu Chen has successfully manipulated this large formation! ! !

Just now, under the siege of the Four Great Sacred Beasts, Chu Chen kept wandering around the edge of the square. While fighting, he was not only trying to crack this big formation, but was also subtly influencing and modifying the operating rules of this big formation. .

At this moment, it finally came to a critical juncture, and successfully manipulated a part of this peerless killing array!

This kid... is too scary, not only this formation, but also able to manipulate it to such an extent.

What kind of monster is this?

Even if you use the existing ancient formations in the world, I'm afraid it won't be able to achieve this level! !

Elder Lingxin only felt that his head was blank, and flashed back to the scenes from the encounter with "Tong Hu". What is the background of this young man?

As soon as he made a move, he manipulated a part of this set of infinitely powerful ancient killing formations. It still couldn't stop the four holy beasts from attacking, but there was a glimmer of life.

The electric "Tonghu" got closer and closer to the blood-colored beam of light, and suddenly a huge tiger roar rose into the sky. Among the four giant holy beasts, the white tiger holy beast, which was like a white sacred mountain, roared and accelerated to chase.

Boom boom boom...

In the process of running wildly, its huge claws continuously pressed countless deep cracks on the ground of the square. Suddenly, a smear of death flashed across the pair of icy tiger eyes, and a hazy white light erupted from its whole body. kick on the ground,

Leaping high into the air, he rushed towards "Tong Hu".

It was as if a vast ancient mountain was rapidly overturning, trying to suppress "Tonghu"!

At this time, the entire formation suddenly swelled violently, and countless white beams of light suddenly shot up into the sky.

The white tiger master murder is the most murderous and destructive holy beast among the four holy beasts.

Seeing that huge and unparalleled white tiger suddenly pounced down with an unprecedented speed, the heart of the elder Lingxin in the distance suddenly tightened, and he almost cried out.

The white holy mountain was getting closer and closer to "Tong Hu". First, a huge shadow completely covered "Tong Hu" in the sky, and then it locked on and quickly approached him.

"Tong Hu" is fast, but the giant white tiger is faster at the moment, "Tong Hu" can't escape its slaughter!

Elder Lingxin opened his mouth slightly, wanting to tell Tong Hu to run away, but he couldn't make any sound. During the pursuit of this giant white tiger, it was once swept by the golden red sword energy of "Tong Hu", but its The white murderous aura instantly extinguished the golden red flame on his body, and Tong Hu's attack had no effect on it...

"Tonghu" is gone.

In the next second, Elder Lingxin's eyes froze completely.

The "white ancient mountain" that covered the sky and the sun seemed to be crushed to the top of "Tong Hu", and when it was more than ten feet away, "Tong Hu" suddenly shot!

I saw him lift his left hand, his five fingers danced like flying, and quickly created several seals in front of him, bringing up countless threads of spiritual energy, dancing like flames and wind.

Suddenly, a fiery brilliance flashed across the blood-colored beam of light in the center of the formation, and a blood-colored dragon-shaped sword light burst out instantly, shooting straight through the void, and shooting at the white tiger holy beast in mid-air!


Amidst the earth-shattering explosion, the white tiger holy beast didn't even have time to make a sound, it was directly shot through by the dragon-shaped sword light and exploded to death.

Elder Lingxin felt that his heart also exploded at this moment!

She was both surprised and happy, happy that "Tong Hu" survived, and surprised that "Tong Hu" manipulated this ancient killing formation to a level that could be called abnormal.

She felt that she was going crazy, how dare the ancient killing array manipulate and play like this?

Use the original power of the formation to annihilate the killing intent of the formation itself! !

While Tong Hu rushed to the formation without hesitation, he was still seeking to control and manipulate more formations.


With a loud roar, Xuanwu among the four holy monsters arrived first, leaped directly over the top of "Tonghu", and landed directly in front of him with a "bang", a huge mountain blocked his way at once. !

This Xuanwu's eyes are chaotic and bloodthirsty, his whole body is as black as ink, and the huge tortoise shell is full of sharp thorns, emitting a cold light.

With a loud roar frightening the enemy, Xuanwu's huge limbs and head suddenly shrank and hid in the mountain-sized tortoise shell, and then the body rotated rapidly, and the whole body turned into a giant wheel with extremely sharp stabbing blades.

"Swoosh!" "Swoosh!" "Swoosh!"

Its giant body is like a whirling giant peak, with an endless vortex of death, stirring the surrounding space, blasting towards "Tong Hu".

After the lightning and flint, another blazing dragon-shaped sword light once again traversed the void, piercing the giant wheel in an instant.

The blood-colored beam of light is the center of the entire formation, so the power it contains is also the most powerful and purest. Even Xuanwu, the most defensive of the four holy beasts, cannot resist the dragon-shaped sword issued by the blood-colored beam of light. An angry blow!

Roaring and shaking the sky, the holy beasts in the formation have completely fallen into a state of madness.

Even though the two holy beasts, Baihu and Xuanwu, were killed in an instant, the remaining Qinglong and nine Suzakus still rushed forward desperately.

In the process of teaming up with "Tonghu", the ten holy beasts let out a long roar and opened their mouths at the same time, their ancient mountain-like bodies lit up one after another.

It became ten rounds of flying sun, one round of blue sun covered the sky, and nine rounds of red sun surrounded it with brilliance!

They bloomed with divine light, illuminating the ancient city and the entire sea area brightly.

The ten great holy beasts join forces, and the ten rounds of scorching sun are mighty in the sky, and the rays of light shine on each other.

A blue light and nine red lights burst out, blasting towards "Tong Hu" together!

And these ten terrifying rays of light merged into one in mid-air, turning into an immortal red beam of light piercing the void, intending to annihilate the world.

Where the red beam of light passed, the void cracked inch by inch, and fine spatial cracks appeared one after another.

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