Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1518 The Strongest Wind Escape

The endless purple mist sea surged from the high sky, as if it was going to completely submerge the sky and the earth!

Wherever Zi Lan goes, the space is corroded and swallowed up, turning it into nothingness.

As the storm was approaching, Yu Wenguang's pupils suddenly shrank, and his body shook violently. Vast spiritual power spurted out from the white figure, transforming into spiritual shields around him.

At the same time, pieces of magical weapons with murderous intent also exploded out, forming a solid barrier of brilliant colors in the void, completely surrounding him!

At this moment, he finally understood why this Lingxi monk had enough time to confront him... Obviously, Chu Chen seemed to have already determined the area where Zixiao Tianfeng would land and led him here.

Chu Chen's strength was not enough to compete with him, so Chu Chen used the "power of heaven" to become his enemy!

It can only be said that this little monk from Lingxi was too scary. While escaping, he was thinking about a way to survive. In this stormy world, he finally found a glimmer of hope!

"Entering the realm of Zixiao Tianfeng together, your chance of survival may not be preserved in the storm..."

Yu Wenguang, who had used almost all the defensive magic weapons, still did not dare to relax at all. He continued to form defensive seals one after another with his hands flying. Layers of protective barriers had solidified around him, but he still frowned.

From high in the sky, he saw a layer of rich golden-red light rippling around Chu Chen on the ground.

This little monk relies on this protective aura to fight against Zixiao Tianfeng?

A sneer flashed across Yu Wenguang's pale face.

Boom! !

That vast and unparalleled purple-red light finally descended, completely submerging the world!

In an instant, countless purple-red thunderbolts seemed to suddenly fall from the sky and the earth.

After a moment, the entire space was filled with a mighty purple-red light, and nothing else could be seen.

Wherever the purple-red light goes, the space continues to collapse and shatter!

Leave behind a void of darkness!

To Yu Wenguang, this bright purple-red light was like a sword cutting down from heaven, destroying the protective barriers around him in one fell swoop.

Yu Wenguang let out a low scold, and a cold light burst out in his eyes. His figure moved, and four red lights burst out from his body, transforming into four long swords as red as blood in the air.

These long swords have the power to devour space!

The space around the sword body is absorbed by the sword body! !

As soon as the four red swords appeared, they immediately enveloped the body, transforming into a strange light curtain as red as blood.

The vast purple sky wind bombarded the red light curtain, but it seemed to be hitting a solid rock, unable to move at all.

It's just that you can clearly see that Yuwen Guang's complexion instantly turned pale in the light curtain, as if he had lost a lot of energy.

It is conceivable that the light curtain formed by these four red swords is probably his secret skill. Now that he has to use it in a life-and-death situation, it has already damaged his vitality.

But he had no choice but to grit his teeth and persist in this purple-red light.

Time passed minute by minute, and the time of a stick of incense was almost as long as a century. The vast purple sky wind was raging for a long time before slowly dissipating.

The world seemed to have experienced a huge sweep. Everything had disappeared completely. The ground seemed to have been swept clean. Not even a stone the size of a thumb could be seen.

The space has been cycled for countless rounds between fragmentation and restoration, and the aura of destruction still lingers in this reborn world.

A suffocating sense of cruel apocalypse pervades this world.

Chu Chen's figure had already disappeared without a trace, and he was swept somewhere by the purple sky wind.

Although the little monk from Lingxi has disappeared, Yu Wenguang can feel that his vitality has not been cut off. It is obvious that he escaped with the help of the sky wind!

Yu Wenguang's spiritual consciousness search found nothing, his face was as dark as water, his eyes could not hide the gloom, and he even started coughing continuously.

A Tianhe monk chased and killed a young Lingxi monk, but he escaped alive under his nose...


As if he had suffered great humiliation, Yu Wenguang couldn't help but let out an angry roar, which resounded throughout the whole world...

"You brat, I, Yu Wenguang, swear to heaven and earth: If I meet you again, I will cut your bones and flesh into pieces and cut you into pieces with a thousand knives!"

Thousands of miles away, Chu Chen, who escaped with the force of the sky wind, could faintly feel the anger of the Tianhe monk.

The momentum of the sky wind was so violent that it still carried him through the void, like a blasting cannonball!

To be precise, it should be a black iron furnace shuttling through the layers of void!

"It's scary. The legendary Zixiao Tianfeng is really scary..."

The iron furnace turned into a stream of ink light, spinning and flying towards the due north, and hiding in the furnace was Chu Chen who had escaped.

After continuing to shoot three cups of tea in the void, the iron stove finally stopped.

A piece of golden-red light burst out from inside, transforming into Chu Chen's figure with an expression of surviving a disaster.

Although Chu Chen finally got rid of Yu Wenguang's power of heavenly wind, he was still afraid of the danger involved.

Because the terrifying power of Zixiao Tianfeng was really beyond his expectation.

Even the space was torn apart!

He gritted his teeth and used all his strength to activate the power of the barren stream to the extreme. He also used the Taiyi Purple Blood Furnace to protect his body, and re-infused the refined essence of the ancient barren mountain into the Taiyi Purple Blood Furnace. Above, a hundred-foot-long purple mountain appears.

It's like hiding in a huge purple mountain.

Even under this heavy protection, the huge mountain he was hiding in was corroded on one side, and was blown hundreds of miles away by the wind in an instant!

The prototype of the Purple Blood Furnace was blown out of the giant mountain by the sky wind, and Chu Chen was also extremely dangerous in it.

The invincible and vast power passed through the iron furnace and was continuously transmitted to Chu Chen.

Hidden in the furnace, Chu Chen could only use his spiritual power to resist the impact, and the energy and blood in his body almost boiled like boiling water.

In this way, Chu Chen was carried thousands of miles by the sky wind. The momentum of the sky wind was gone, and Chu Chen regained his composure.

After Chu Chen left the Taiyi Purple Blood Furnace, he found that the surrounding scenery was completely different from before!

Chu Chen, who was in the air, glanced around the surrounding environment, and then took out the three-dimensional map of the place for comparison, with a look of relief on his face.

He was swept up by the purple night sky wind and came to a volcanic area.

What was in front of him at this time was a vast rolling red volcanic area.

Volcanoes of various sizes spewed hot and strong air currents in front of his eyes, and the void exuded a strong smell of sulfur.

Although there aren't many storms in this volcanic world, it actually makes him feel more dangerous? ! (To be continued.)

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