Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1524: Is it alive in the fairy world?

Blood rained from the sky, and pieces of meat fell in a patter, but only for a moment, they were swept away by the strong wind without a trace!

Only Chu Chen and the others were left alone in this chaotic world.

"The tiger dragon beast is almost invulnerable..."

Lan Xuan panted heavily and turned pale. He knew that the tiger dragon beast was extremely difficult to kill.

This group of tiger dragon beasts looks like there are dozens or hundreds of them. If it were normal, they would come in a surging force, even the Linghe monks would have to stay away.

But now, such a powerful group of ancient beasts were completely smashed to pieces by the purple sky wind. This terrifying scene deeply shocked all the monks.


Just when Shi Yuyan was hesitant, Chu Chen took the lead to fly out. He actually took on the responsibility of leading the way and flew forward without hesitation.

When Shi Yuyan saw that Chu Chen had already set off, she bit her teeth and flew against the wind. The other monks had no choice but to follow suit.

So a group of young monks began to move forward arduously in the wind and thunder.

Chu Chen's style as a leader is completely different from Shi Yuyan's. Unlike Shi Yuyan's swimming like a fish, Chu Chen can be said to be running rampant.

Four huge golden-red fire dragons opened the way ahead, constantly devouring and tearing apart the rolling wind and thunder, and actually forced a bloody path through the hurricane and thunder in the sky.

These four golden-red dragons had extremely ferocious eyes. They seemed to have come to destroy the world. The wind and thunder were torn apart by them, or were scattered directly!

The monks followed Chu Chen in fear, trembling forward in the path carved out by the wind and thunder in the sky.

"Has Senior Brother Chu shown his true strength?"

"Would it be too domineering to open the way like this? How long can Senior Brother Chu carry it?"

"In such a harsh situation, if you can live for one minute longer, you will be grateful to Senior Brother Chu. Why do you care so much?"

Amidst the discussion among the monks, monks with extremely discerning eyes like Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke discovered that although Chu Chen was running rampant, the route he chose was still very particular.

They will avoid those death zones where the purple sky wind or the world-destroying devil wind are raging.

But just by being able to do this, Chu Chen was enough to make them admire him.

Because whether it is the Purple Sky Wind or the World-Destroying Demonic Wind, it often appears suddenly without any warning, sweeping the world directly.

Chu Chen seemed to have the ability to foresee, but in fact they didn't know that Chu Chen was frantically using his abnormal spiritual sense to scan the world he was in to monitor the storm as he moved forward. Every possibility of change.

Such an ability is impossible for even Tianhe cultivators to achieve, and only a monster like Chu Chen with abnormal soul abilities can achieve it.

The monks who risked their lives constantly saw the last tragic scenes before the destruction of various worlds.

Another loud bang exploded in front!

I saw a black ball of lightning sinking into a huge stone mountain.

The stone mountain is made up of dozens of natural boulders hundreds of feet high, seemingly forming a huge natural nest.

It was suddenly blown to pieces by the black ball of lightning light, gravel flew everywhere, and smoke filled the air in all directions.

Among the rolling rubble, an ancient beast that looked like a giant elephant but was covered with thick long hair rushed out in panic.

"Ancient Mammoth!"

All the monks were moved in their hearts. This legendary beast had long been extinct in the outside world, and it could only survive in this small fairy world.

This giant beast is two hundred feet long, has extremely dense flesh and blood, and is extremely heavy.

In this windy weather, hiding under an ancient mammoth beast is the best choice.

"Let's control this ancient mammoth and hide under it! It should be a lot easier..."

The surprise in Lan Xuan's eyes had just lit up when a mighty black wind column accompanied by black thunderbolts fell from the sky and directly bombarded the rampaging mammoth that was more than a hundred feet tall.


With a shrill howl of pain, the vast wind pillar passed through like a heavenly sword, cutting the giant mammoth running at full speed in two from the middle.

Cut it off directly!

The ancient beast's rich blood spurted out like a tide, instantly dyeing a large area red.

This black wind and thunder was so overbearing. After killing the colossus, it actually expanded a lot in size?

Fortunately, it was several thousand feet away from the monks, but everyone still had an uncontrollable instinct to escape.

"Look, there are several ancient behemoths there!"

A young monk exclaimed, and everyone turned to look. Several more mournful ancient beasts suddenly appeared in the void.

These ancient beasts hiding in the void did not even hide from the black wind and thunder. Instead, they flew towards it from a distance. To be precise, they were pulled by an invisible force field and rolled towards it. That black wind and thunder?

First there was an ancient beetle-like black-yellow beast, covered in thick armor, with six slender spider-like legs, and two claws on its head that were more than ten feet long. There was a strange muffled sound in the abdomen.

But one can still hear its fear and helplessness.

Less than a hundred feet away from it was a huge silver lion-shaped ancient beast. It roared and flew towards the black wind involuntarily.

The ancient beast was more than ten feet tall, with a body length of forty feet, and eight sharp claws under its belly. It looked particularly majestic, but at this moment, its expression was more desperate than that of a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

Captured from the void by the black wind, there was also a huge python covered in silver light that was beating the world crazily, but it could not resist the suction of the black wind.

There are three pairs of colorful wings growing on the back of the silver python. Its upper body stands upright, and the membrane wings on both sides of its head are slightly open. The mysterious totem on it looks like two huge eyes from a distance, giving people a creepy feeling. It felt terrifying, but its eyes were staring at the black wind that was getting closer and closer.

"Chia-armored mysterious beast, eight-clawed lion monster, six-winged silver-blooded python! These...these are all legendary super ancient beasts!"

Lan Xuan cried out. These ancient beasts were extremely intelligent and knew how to hide in the void, but the black wind seemed to have wisdom, forcibly pulling them out of the void and flying them to his side!

The next scene could be described as tragic. These ancient beasts, large and small, with high spiritual intelligence were all caught up in the black wind. It was as if they had entered a meat grinder, and they didn't even have time to scream.

It has been twisted into a puddle of flesh and blood!

The black wind was spinning crazily and spreading their plasma all over the world. If it weren't for the spiritual power of the monks to protect their bodies, they would have been covered in red spots in this rain of blood.

Why do these wind and thunder evolve into a state of intelligence, trapping, killing and hunting down all living creatures?

Chu Chen felt a chill rising from his back, and his hands and feet were cold.

The wind, thunder and lightning in the sky seem to be gradually gaining intelligence. Are they evolving automatically, or are they controlled by some unknown entity?

In addition to the black wind, Chu Chen's spiritual sense also scanned thousands of feet away, a silver lightning chain more than three feet long, constantly chasing a group of wind-horned beasts!

Five thousand feet high in the sky, blood-colored calamity clouds penetrated into the body of a thousand-foot-sized gray giant dragon!

The fairy world has come to life? () "Nine Yang Emperor" only represents the author Jian Zong's views. If its content is found to be in violation of national laws, please delete it. Our position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform.

【】,thank you all!

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