Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1543 Dangerous Secret Treasure


The magma giant watched angrily as such a tiny thing jumped onto his shoulder. His giant eyes were filled with rage. He turned his head and opened his huge mouth, and a mighty black magma spewed out.

This black torrent flooded the void. Chu Chen had no time to dodge. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly let out a soft whistle. The aura around him exploded, transforming into a golden-red shield to wrap around his body.

The black magma sea surged forward. Chu Chen gritted his teeth, resisted the vast black torrent that flooded the world, and flew into the sky.

His skyfire shield had been updated countless times before it allowed him to cross the black ocean, fly into the air, dive, and rush directly to the top of the giant's head.

The head of this huge giant is like a small hot planet, covered with pits and black and red lines.

He flew to the center of the giant's head, his eyes were cold, and without even looking, the black broken sword appeared in his hand, he quickly held it behind his back, and stabbed it down with all his strength!


The earth shook, and the two-foot-long broken sword was like a needle sticking into a human body compared to the hundred-foot-tall giant. But although the broken sword was short, at this moment, the broken sword burst out with countless rich golden-red flames.

These mighty golden-red flames were like shining electric rays, piercing into the giant's head from where Chu Chen had penetrated, and soon these golden-red electric currents couldn't stop flowing!

Just as the magma giant let out a miserable roar, lightning spread throughout its body.


The golden-red fire seemed to be highly corrosive. Wherever it passed, the black-red body of the magma giant began to collapse and decompose in large areas.

This scene caused the magma giant to wail repeatedly after suffering pain, and its huge body danced crazily!

The huge force caused Chu Chen above him to lose control of his body for a moment, and he was thrown out by it, flying hundreds of feet into the air.

But even though the man was thrown away, the broken sword was still stuck in the giant's head, and the golden-red electric light still surged out from it, constantly destroying and decomposing the magma giant's body.

Chu Chen was standing on a stone pillar hundreds of feet away, with cold eyes, clasping his hands together, making a magic formula, and continued to control the broken sword to output sky fire and continue to attack.

The space around the magma giant's body was extremely unstable due to its random collision, and the magma lake water continued to splash everywhere.

All four of its arms were scratching at its head crazily, but his palms were too big, and compared to Broken Sword's size, they couldn't touch it at all.


As more and more golden-red light flows, more and more parts of the magma giant's body collapse.

Rolling golden light exploded, and after a few breaths, the giant's four arms disintegrated one by one. Then its legs, abdomen, chest...

In less than half a cup of tea, the magma giant's hundred-foot-tall body completely collapsed and turned into rolling lava again and fell back into the magma lake.

Only a huge golden-red fireball was left burning, completely burning the giant's core of life into ashes.

knock off!

Chu Chen breathed out softly, removed the magic formula with both hands, and with a move of his left hand, the Wang Iron Broken Sword in the magma lake rose into the sky from the lake, crossed the void, and flew back to his hand.

He glanced at the broken sword and thought to himself that he had to find a way to repair it soon, and then put the half of the black sword into the storage space.

With a raised gaze, his figure left the stone pillar on which he stood, and after a few ups and downs, he flew over the altar.

Looking at the gray light suspended in mid-air.

Chu Chen suddenly felt that his heartbeat began to increase crazily!

His powerful spiritual sense made him instinctively feel that this gray light was dangerous!

However, after repeated scanning with his spiritual sense, he still could not see inside the gray light group, and the situation outside might be very critical. Even if he sensed the danger, Chu Chen had no other choice.

After taking a deep breath,

Chu Chen gritted his teeth and stretched out his right hand, slowly reaching towards the floating gray light.

A little...a little...and a little more!

Chu Chen's hand moved slower and slower, but in the end it got closer and closer. Gritting his teeth, he simply opened his right hand and grabbed the gray light!

But at this moment, his expression changed!

The sky and the earth darkened at this moment and turned into nothingness!

There was only this gray light left in the whole world.

A vast, ancient, and distant atmosphere came to my face.

At this second, Chu Chen felt that what he was grasping was not a ball of gray light, but an ancient and vast world.

Such an ancient and vast aura is like intercepting a piece of time and space from ancient times.

In a daze, he felt as if he had arrived on an ancient land. This land was boundless and vast!

Just like the original appearance of heaven and earth.

He was suspended in the sky above this land, looking at the endless desolation and emptiness in front of him.

Suddenly, the earth shook. Countless huge cracks opened in the originally vast and vast land.

Along with the huge explosion, a huge earth bag suddenly bulged out from the flat land.

The next moment, the earth bag burst, a torrent of fiery red magma spurted out, and thick black smoke billowed up, covering most of the sky.

The mighty magma flow rolled up like the Milky Way in the Nine Heavens, and under the billowing black smoke, it looked like a red dragon sweeping across the sky!

It's unimaginable how much magma spewed out from the ground, and a radius of thousands of miles was completely enveloped in billowing black smoke.

The wild dragon-like blood-colored magma rushed to a distance of tens of thousands of feet, then exhausted all its strength and began to fall back, immediately forming a vast ocean within a radius of several miles.

The rolling magma swept out waves hundreds of feet high, spreading endlessly in all directions.

This vast and endless power of heaven and earth exploded, causing countless ancient beasts and birds around to suffer.

The sky and the earth were all red, and vast heat swept across all directions. The earth was roasted by the terrifying high temperature and even formed patches of glass-like crystal ground.

The magma in the center accumulated more and more, and soon it accumulated into a small mountain.

As more and more magma was erupted, more and more magma rushed into the sky and fell back. The volcano became taller and larger, and faintly formed the prototype of a huge ancient volcano...

Chu Chen was shocked. At this moment, his entire consciousness seemed to be attracted by this huge and magnificent ancient volcano.

Under the close-range spiritual perception, he could feel the majestic and unimaginable power contained in it. That is the real power of heaven and earth!


Having witnessed with his own eyes the entire process of the formation of this ancient volcano, when Chu Chen's consciousness wanted to withdraw from this space, he was suddenly stunned.

This space actually contains some kind of mysterious forbidden power. His spiritual consciousness fell into this space and was unable to leave. He was trapped in this ancient volcanic crystal core!

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