Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1550 1 I refused at first

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"With your current physical condition, can you still give me a chance to lose your virginity?"

Chu Chen chuckled, "Don't use the survival skills passed down by you from the Scarlet Shadow Sect to me. I know that when women from your Scarlet Shadow Sect are in trouble, they deliberately make promises to men to seduce people's hearts. , to survive.”

Chu Chen's words caused a blush to appear on Shi Yuyan's beautiful face. The Scarlet Shadow Sect has a survival guide for female disciples who are seriously injured.

It stands to reason that a goddess like Shi Yuyan would not easily use this method even if she was in a desperate situation.

Although she was born in the Feiying Sect, as a goddess of the first generation, she was completely different from ordinary female disciples.

She is the sweet girl of heaven above the clouds. She uses her heart to seduce people, but she is ashamed to use her body to seduce people.

But don't know why?

Facing Chu Chen, she actually spoke directly. When Chu Chen asked him a question, she couldn't hide her shyness.

But her fragile and charming appearance, at the mercy of others, coupled with her shyness, definitely increased the temptation for Chu Chen who was holding her.

"Whether it's your way of survival or whether you commit yourself temporarily, I will take what you say as true."

Chu Chen smiled meaningfully at her, and she closed her eyes weakly, so she could only escape reality directly.

"If you close your eyes, are you going to let me kiss you?"

Chu Chen's face came closer, and Shi Yuyan could clearly feel his burning breath on her neck, which made her feel a shiver in her heart.

Is it panic or anticipation?

She couldn't tell. She thought of something and quickly opened her eyes. "Why is there so much mud on my body? It's so wet and slippery..."

"There were a few twists and turns along the way."

Chu Chen didn't bother to explain anything to her, but the mud contrasted with her snow-white body, adding a little more temptation.

This goddess of the Scarlet Shadow Sect is indeed a scourge that has conquered the entire country. The more she looks at her, the more attractive she becomes. No wonder the little hamster reminds himself to stay away from her.

Chu Chen took a gentle breath to calm down, but the girl's soft voice came to his ears again.

"I have something to ask for..."

Shi Yuyan looked like he was hesitating to speak, biting his lower lip gently.

"Say it."

The girl hesitated for a while, then she said in a low voice with difficulty: "That..."


Chu Chen couldn't help but wonder, what did this weak witch want to do?

"Can you help me to the stream over there? I have to take a bath, I'm too dirty..."

Shi Yuyan blushed and finally said the request out of her mouth.

Seeing that her body was too weak, Chu Chen didn't say much. He nodded and carried her to a creek not far away.

The stream is clear and bright, and there is a small pool next to a big rock.

Walking to the edge of the green water pool, a cool air suddenly hit my face, which shocked me. The shadow of Chu Chen holding Shi Yuyan was reflected horizontally.

"You are so weak, can you stand still? How about we wash together? I can help you too."

Chu Chen was talking nonsense seriously, and the blushing girl broke free from his arms and walked behind the big stone that was more than ten feet high by the pool.

"You dare to come and take a peek, I...I..."

Shi Yuyan wanted to warn Chu Chen, but thinking of her current situation, she could only swallow the harsh words she was planning to say.

To her, although Chu Chen looked serious, he felt dangerous.

Especially the last time in the underground volcano, I used my charm skills to accidentally arouse his animal fire, and he was attacked by a hungry tiger. I still have lingering fears when I think about it.

Now that she is seriously injured, if this Chu Chen really has any evil intentions,

It doesn't end well.

"Don't worry, if you want to take advantage of others' danger, I would have done whatever I wanted when you were unconscious. Just because of your appearance, you are far worse than my little junior sister."

Chu Chen casually said a word, and after seeing that the ground around him was still clean, he simply sat down on the ground, stretched out, and yawned.

Shi Yuyan knew that Chu Chen often talked nonsense seriously, but who was the junior sister he was talking about?

It shouldn’t exist, right?

"I said, hurry up and wash up. I'm also covered in mud and I'm waiting to take a shower."

"I know!"

The girl leaned behind the big stone and watched carefully for a while. When she saw Chu Chen lying on the ground and sleeping by himself, she felt a little relieved.

After a while, the sound of water sounded, and the stream was slightly cold. When my delicate body soaked in it, I immediately felt a coolness, which was very different from the heat in the hinterland of the volcano.

Carefully scrubbing off all the dirt on her body, she revealed her perfectly proportioned snow-white breasts and her wet black hair, which gave off an indescribable temptation.

Because she was afraid that Chu Chen was not far away, the girl did not dare to take off her clothes completely.

She just took off her long skirt, then reached into her underwear and scrubbed her body carefully. However, the nearly transparent underwear was getting wet and fastened, and it basically couldn't cover much.

But just when she stretched out her hand to wash her back, she might have used too much force, and her weak body couldn't control her balance for a while, and she fell into the stream with a splash.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing that the sound of the water was obviously different, Chu Chen frowned and asked loudly.

But no response was heard. He quickly got up and came over to take a look, and saw the girl lying in the stream with a sluggish look on her face, her face pale.

"What's going on? What bit you?"

Chu Chen quickly rushed over, jumped into the stream, fished her body out of the water, and held her in his arms.

Even if a strong man close to the half-step Tianhe level is seriously injured, the pressure he carries with him is not something ordinary water snakes dare to approach.

So he was a little nervous, fearing that she might have been bitten by some highly venomous ancient beast and snake.

"No, it's okay...it's just that my blood is not flowing smoothly."

Shi Yuyan's body was cold and she was lying in Chu Chen's arms. The hot air from Chu Chen's body burned her delicate skin like fire, making her body warmer and her consciousness clearer.

not good!

After she finally regained her composure, she subconsciously reached out and covered her chest.

At this time, she had taken off her long skirt and was only wearing a thin piece of undergarment. It was completely soaked by the water and clung tightly to her snow-white skin.

The girl's perfect curves were immediately exposed. Such an eager posture was too dazzling.


Fortunately, the girl didn't move. Her delicate body twisted and turned weakly in his arms. Even with Chu Chen's concentration, he felt a sudden heat in his body, and he couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly.

To be honest, such a scene is too exciting for an inexperienced brother Chu.

"You, please stop hugging me!"

Shi Yuyan seemed to feel that the breathing of the man beside her suddenly became a little heavier. Shi Yuyan was confused, but her body wanted to be closer to this man, so she could only deliberately keep the expression on her face as cold as ice.

Express your refusal!

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