Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1557 Who will save him!

Chu Chen was shocked, seeing that the long sword marks not only did not disappear with the passage of time, but became more and more obvious, and finally formed a square cage with a radius of more than 100 feet, imprisoning him in it.

His eyes suddenly turned cold.

As the monks' cultivation level continues to increase, their contact and understanding of the rules of heaven and earth will become deeper and deeper, especially the rules of space.

The Tianhe monks already have their own heaven. Each monk's heaven has different effects in different spatial environments based on different attributes.

For example, the Ice Sky Realm will be enhanced dozens or even hundreds of times during a blizzard.

In the volcanic zone, the destructive power produced by the Flame Heaven Realm will also increase exponentially!

Tianyu, pays attention to the unity of heaven and man, the way to ascend to heaven, and use the power of heaven to punish the world!

The four sword marks of the swordsman in white stretch into the void. Their purpose is not to kill Chu Chen, but to condense a space and time to trap him!

This is the terrifying ability possessed by Tianhe-level powerhouses... using the sky as a prison!

"Would you like to take a bet on whether you can escape from under my nose again this time?"

The void fell silent, and Yu Wenguang flew to the front of the sword energy cage with a radius of a hundred feet, his sickly face carrying a playful look like a cat playing with a mouse.

He looked at Chu Chen with a half-smile.

"It seems like there's no escape."

Chu Chen, who was imprisoned in prison, said calmly, his tone was as if he was not the one trapped in the heavenly cage.

Chu Chen knew very well in his heart that this sword energy cage was a kind of control over the rules of heaven and earth. Unless his control over the rules of space surpassed that of the Tianhe-level swordsman in white, there would be basically no way to escape.

"There is also self-awareness."

Yu Wenguang's pair of dull eyes on Yu Wenguang's originally sickly face suddenly became sharp!

The murderous intent in his eyes exploded like a tsunami, overwhelming the sky and sweeping across all directions!

Chu Chen could clearly feel that the boundaries of this heavenly cage were constantly expanding and contracting, just like the beating of a heart.

"Trick me into the purple sky wind,

It took me a lot of effort to get out of trouble, and it took me so much time to find you. What do you think I should do with you? "

The sick scholar in fluttering white clothes looked very elegant, but at this moment he was full of murderous aura.

Bursting with murderous intent, he was as dazzling as a blazing sun in the sky.

"This habit of torturing prey is really not good...but I just can't control myself..."

Yu Wenguang smiled evilly and stuck out his tongue, licking his pale lips, showing a hint of enjoyment.

At this moment, Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke, who had escaped some distance and were still flying, and Zhou Lin, who was the closest and was hiding in the cracks of the rocks, all started to tremble uncontrollably.

No one can resist the murderous intention of Tianhe cultivator!

Zhou Lin, who was closest to the battlefield, bit her lower lip hard. She was too afraid that Chu Chen would be torn to pieces in the next second.

"Cut off your limbs, and then use the sword to pick out the meridians all over your body, and pick off your bones and flesh..." Yu Wenguang became more and more excited as he spoke, "Let's start with the limbs first. In this way, I will also give you a chance to chop off your bones first." It's up to you to decide which leg or hand to break..."

Chu Chen, who looked extremely small in the huge Heavenly Sword Cage, had an even colder look in his eyes at this moment.


Thousands of feet away in the void, three figures were flying rapidly, like three meteors streaking across the wilderness.

However, these three figures all began to decrease in size.

The girl in white was the first to stop. She stood on the top of a barren mountain. The cold mountain wind made Shi Yuyan's white clothes flutter like a fairy.

But her expression was full of uneasiness, and under Tianhe's murderous intent, her whole body was trembling slightly.

She doesn't know why herself?

An extremely ridiculous idea suddenly appeared in her mind!

She wanted to turn around and go back to rescue Chu Chen from under the eyes of the Tianhe-level swordsman!

The girl thought she must be crazy.

Although he could use the Dayan Sky-Swallowing Technique to forcibly break through to the half-step Tianhe realm, he was still vulnerable to a true Tianhe-level legendary powerhouse!

Thinner than paper!

Why do I have such irrational thoughts?

If it happened to someone else, Shi Yuyan would definitely smile coldly, but if it happened to herself, it would be ridiculous!

She knew that Chu Chen was finished, absolutely finished.

No matter how many trump cards this mysterious young man had, or how many secrets he hid, Chu Chen had no way out in front of the absolutely powerful Tianhe cultivator.

But deep down in her heart, she didn’t want Chu Chen to die like this!

From the time she was sensible in the Feiying Sect, she was taught that men are just tools. If she wants to have the world at her fingertips, she must not have feelings for, let alone be moved by, a man who is just a tool!

But this young man in gray clothes, for some reason, made her feel different from all the men in the world.

She was born with a stunningly beautiful body, capable of enchanting a country and a city. Her talent, talent, and understanding were all excellent. She was truly the proud daughter of heaven.

He has been trained as an elite among the elites of the sect since he was a child. All the cultivation resources such as elixirs, magic weapons, and exercises are available to him at his disposal.

And when she grew up, her peerless beauty made her the center of the sect. No matter where she went, she seemed to be a high and mighty goddess, and could easily play with all the men in the world. .

In her world, men are definitely just tools.

Many times, she doesn't need to do anything at all. Just a look, a movement, and a subtle change in expression can make the men around her willing to die for her!

This is her ability and her charm.

Absolute beauty brings her a kind of pride and dignity that is superior to all living things!

But since meeting Chu Chen, everything has changed.

This insignificant little cultivator, who seemed to be only at the Lingxi realm, failed her again and again. In front of the bad guy, her beauty and charm seemed to have no effect at all. Instead, she was teased again and again...

Her feelings for the boy became complicated.

Do you want to take revenge on him, or do you want to thank him for saving your life?

Regardless of ten thousand reasons, Shi Yuyan at this moment just wanted to go back and save him!

However, with my own strength, there is no chance of saving him, so I can only risk my own life.

This feeling of powerlessness made the girl in white clothes turn red.

Do you want to watch him die?

In the other two directions of the Tianyu Sword Cage, on the wasteland thousands of feet away, Lan Xuan and Xuan Ke also stopped.

Lan Xuan was half-kneeling on the ground, while Xuan Ke was flying in the air.

Lan Xuan gritted his teeth, his forehead was full of veins, and his eyes were full of anger. He roared loudly, "Senior Brother Chu, who can save Senior Brother Chu!"

Xuan Ke's face was as sinking as water, like a ghost without even the breath, looking helplessly in the direction of the sword cage without saying a word!

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