Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 977 Blood Dragon

Looking back at the vast and boundless huge undersea vortex gradually forming, like a terrifying spiral hell, Elder Lingxin was shocked, and couldn't help asking aloud, "You just let it eat this blood sea ancient pearl? "

Seeing Chu Chen who was pulling her upstream, he turned his head and said calmly, "That ancient bead suits her, so I gave it to her."

"Just give it?"

Lingxin's eyes widened in an instant, "Do you know that it is the only creation made of all the cultivation base, flesh and blood, energy, spirit, etc. of the ancient evil powerhouse. If it is used properly, it can not only greatly improve the cultivation base, but even It can be forged into a treasure that can destroy heaven and earth..."

"I know."

Facing Elder Lingxin's agitated and puzzled look, Chu Chen's expression also became serious.

"Perhaps I spent a lot of effort to refine this ancient bead with a certain chance, but... the energy contained in this bead is the spirit of the evil powerhouse in the ancient times. If it is really refined by me , conflicts with the exercises I practiced, and there will be endless troubles in the future."

Chu Chen turned his head and glanced at Elder Lingxin, "So, it's not that I haven't considered refining this ancient bead myself, but the best choice is to give it to me."

Following Chu Chen's guidance, Elder Lingxin's eyes stopped on the crazy black dragon in the huge vortex, it should be said that it was the red dragon.

"It is extremely talented, and its nature is fierce and violent. The evil energy contained in this blood bead is penetrating, and it can be perfectly absorbed by it. It can transform its body and make it have the blood of a real dragon. You don't need to spend time refining it. So it can rely on that ancient bead to evolve towards the legendary blood dragon."

"You... you want to create a blood dragon?"

Elder Lingxin was shocked when he heard the words. Even though she was shocked before, she was still very surprised when she heard Chu Chenyun feed the ancient blood sea pearl to the black flood dragon in a calm and breezy manner.

What does this kid think of the blood sea ancient formation?

The sea of ​​blood was an ancient formation that trapped many superpowers to death, so he casually fed it to his pet, a thin and small dragon.

Could this little black dragon really evolve into a blood dragon?

The blood dragon... that is the strongest battle dragon in the legend!

In the age of ancient mythology, there was a saying: That is, only one of ten thousand dragons can transform into a real dragon in the end, and only ten thousand real dragons can transform into a blood dragon!

That is undoubtedly the dragon of battle, the dragon of slaying, and the ultimate dragon!

The blood dragon can be said to be born for fighting,

It has a body that is almost immortal, even if its body is battered in battle, just a drop of blood can restore it to its peak state and rejoin the battle.

This is the scariest and most powerful true dragon in the legend.

This black flood dragon... looks like it's only three feet long, and it doesn't seem to be well developed. Could it become a real dragon?

You must know that the blood dragon is the most special and arduous path of transformation. This is to go through countless battles, suffer countless injuries, and be on the verge of death countless times before it is possible to successfully transform.

It is not easy for a real dragon to transform into a blood dragon, let alone such a thin dragon, no matter how you think about it, it has no qualifications to embark on this road.

The Blood Sea Ancient Bead might allow it to have a trace of true dragon blood, but since ancient times, only people with strong and astonishing true dragon blood in their bodies could successfully evolve blood dragons!

Could this "Tonghu" be too risky?

"No matter what, I want to give it a try. If I don't fight, it will be a flood dragon at most. If I fight, maybe it will be a blood dragon among real dragons."

Chu Chen said word by word.

Elder Lingxin stopped talking, and felt that this young man was really extraordinary. He looked very ordinary now, but he would definitely be a dragon among men in the future, but God was too cruel to let such a genius have his legs disabled.

Chu Chen saw the sad expression on Elder Lingxin's face, but smiled, "This black dragon devouring this ancient bead, on the one hand, is to move towards the evolution of the blood dragon, and on the other hand, it will perfectly inherit that ancient bead." The ancient killing array contained inside the bead."

"Inherit the ancient killing array?" Elder Lingxin was surprised again.

"That's right, the ancient formation that derived the sea of ​​blood and many fog beasts is extremely powerful, and I naturally can't let it disappear. If this ancient bead is in my hands, the possibility of the formation reappearing is almost zero, but Use the body of the dragon to warm and nourish the ancient beads, and the ancient beads will continue to be repaired as the dragon evolves."

"Using the dragon as the carrier, nourishing the ancient beads, reproducing the formation, how can it be like this?"

Lingxin found that compared with this young man, his vision was too narrow.

"Based on the aptitude of my black flood dragon, after a few evolutions, the outline of the formation can be revealed, and finally the true power of the ancient killing formation can be reproduced, and it can even reach the level of the fallen ancient Xeon." The extent to which the player controls the formation!!"

The boy's plain voice lingered in his ears, completely making Elder Lingxin not know what to say.

To be honest, Elder Lingxin asked himself that based on his own experience, he has seen all kinds of storms. Apart from the way of refining medicine talismans, there should be nothing in this world that can cause his mood to fluctuate so violently.

But once she was beside this young man named Tong Hu, she suddenly felt that all her previous experience was a joke, every action, every movement and even every word of his could make her feel again and again from the deepest part of her soul. Feel deeply shocked and surprised!


The vortex on the bottom of the sea expanded to a certain extent, and the extremely dull explosion sound came quickly from the depths of the distant sea, shaking people's eardrums with pain.

Sensing that the upheaval at the bottom of the sea seemed to be just the beginning, Chu Chen's eyes twitched a few times, and he quickly pulled Elder Lingxin to speed up, and quickly accelerated towards the surface of the sea.

Chu Chen, who was swimming in a strange posture, almost turned into a ray of light, so fast that the Elder Lingxin was puzzled, but she said to herself, whatever happened to this young man, she should think it was normal. got used to.

It didn't take long for Chu Chen to leave the bottom of the sea with Elder Lingxin and rushed out of the sea.

In an instant, a piece of blue sky came into view, and the surrounding world suddenly opened up, causing Chu Chen to involuntarily take a long breath.

Elder Lingxin couldn't help panting slightly, she was wet all over, and there was an indescribable charm and temptation in her beauty at this moment.

Chu Chen looked up and saw that the huge steel building ship was moored on the sea not far away, but at this time the whole building ship looked dilapidated in many places.

The cast-steel hull is covered with big holes one after another, and many holes even penetrate the front and back. You can see the bottom at a glance, as if it has suffered a great devastation.


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