Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1574 Lan Xuan is in a dilemma

The futile incident caused everyone's eyes to focus on one place, and Zhao Xueer, who was standing directly in front of the square, shook violently and looked at the mask of surprise, a ray of light quickly passing through her eyes.

The brilliance exploded, dazzling, and the bright aura swept across all directions like a tsunami.

Lan Xuan looked at this scene in surprise and couldn't help mumbling to himself.

"Huh? Looking at this news, someone won't win the biggest prize, the legendary magical weapon, right? Who can be so lucky??"

The corner of Chu Chen's mouth curled up, and then his brows furrowed slightly.

What's going on? Wasn't the prize that he won the lottery transferred directly to his hand? There was no movement. Could it be that something went wrong?

Just see the mask changing! ?

"Congratulations to this senior brother."

At this moment, Zhao Xueer, who was standing in the center of the square, stretched out her palm, and an ice-blue battle armor appeared in the flickering light of her palm.

It was a half-body armor with golden Taotie ancient cloud patterns carved on it.

Pieces of soft light glowed from the armor, and from a long distance, one could sense that there was a huge and unparalleled power inside it.

A legendary magical weapon, and also a legendary protective armor!

The intact legendary armor!

At this second, the pupils of all the monks shrank violently in unison. Most of the legendary magic weapons were weapons such as swords and guns. It was rare to see legendary magic weapons like armor.

Because it takes much more genius and treasure to cast a piece of armor than weapons, and defensive treasures are more difficult to make, magic weapons of the armor type are also particularly precious.

Such a legendary armor is definitely the best of the best. To be able to extract such a treasure with a white talisman, this person is really lucky!

Under everyone's gaze, Zhao Xueer's slender arms dragged the ice-blue armor through the area where the monks were, and walked to Chu Chen, smiling brightly.

"Senior brother, congratulations on winning the biggest prize in the white treasure pool. From now on, this armor is yours."


Chu Chen nodded calmly and took the armor.

The lottery winner appeared, and he turned out to be a young man with an unattractive appearance? !

And he is only in the Lingxi realm. What a joke, there are not many Lingxi realms in this place, and he actually won the prize!

Is this what the legend says, the weakest people have the best luck?

For a moment, the monks looking at Chu Chen were filled with envy, jealousy, and hatred.

And at this moment, Chu Chen clearly felt an extremely obscure wave sweeping towards his body, coming from this lolita in white.

His expression was calm, and he calmly mobilized the power of his soul to form an invisible shield to protect himself.

Seeing that she couldn't spy anything, Zhao Xueer bowed and left Chu Chen's side.

Chu Chen greeted each other with a smile, looking like a winner in life.

"I'm going to kneel down, Senior Brother Chu, have you really drawn this legendary magical weapon? It's completely unreasonable!"

Lan Xuan tried to kneel down to Chu Chen, his mouth was so wide that he couldn't close it.

Zhou Lin looked at Chu Chen with admiring eyes as always, while Xuan Ke also looked dumbfounded.

Shi Yuyan sighed lightly, this kid is indeed a pervert!

Lan Xuan bit his hand hard, this was all too fake!

You must know that Chu Chen has a total of fifteen white treasures. He used up the first fourteen and still got nothing. However, the last one actually won the only grand prize. How is it possible?

The surrounding monks were also envious and envious. The only valuable treasure in the white treasure pool was taken away by a Lingxi rookie with more than a dozen white treasure talismans.

Some monks draw a hundred treasure talismans at once, but still get nothing.

"Legendary level armor, this little monk is really lucky!"

"If I read it correctly, it is a battle armor made of ice-sea-sunken iron unique to the ancient times. The ancient ice sea has evaporated, and the ice-sea-sunken iron has completely disappeared. This is a real ancient treasure!"

"With so much ancient heavy iron, if it is made into a flying sword, it can almost create a set of legendary magic weapon sets. It is really luxurious. Did this little monk step on **** today or something? He is so lucky. unbelievable!"

Eyes full of envy and jealousy all gathered towards Chu Chen. At this moment, the whole square was boiling.

Whether it was the maids from the Northern Ming Breaking Formation or the powerful ones standing proudly, everyone's eyes were full of surprise.

Even in this small fairy world where treasures are everywhere, legendary magic weapons are not so easy to find, let alone this kind of top-quality armor.

Ouyang Tuo, who was in the front row, glanced at Chu Chen with an extremely contemptuous look, obviously very dissatisfied with the Lingxi rookie holding the grand prize.

But the old demon Duan Ji in the distance looked at Chu Chen with a somewhat meaningful look.

"I've tried my best to think about it, but I don't think luck is enough to explain this last move."

Lan Xuan, who was sitting next to Chu Chen, narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Senior Brother Chu, do you have any hidden tricks? Tell me about it. If you have money, we can make money together, so that I can redeem myself from the old devil as soon as possible."

Chu Chen didn't expect that Lan Xuan would ask this question. This guy is not stupid.

Chu Chen smiled lightly, "What's the trick? I've always been very lucky, don't you know?"

After glancing at him, Chu Chen turned his eyes to the side, not intending to continue talking to him.

At this moment, a white shadow quickly emerged from Chu Chen's chest and jumped onto his shoulder.

The chubby little mouse made an advanced pose of stroking his beard, and sneered, "Boy Lan, if you want tips, you have to ask me."

"Master Mouse, it is said that there was a kind of treasure-hunting rat in ancient times, which can search for all kinds of treasures. To be honest, Brother Chu is so lucky, did you help me? I have long suspected that you have the trick, please help me too chant!"

Lan Xuan's eyes lit up, and he saluted the little hamster on Chu Chen's shoulder with a flattering look on his face, "I don't expect much luck, I just need to get a legendary magical weapon."

"Haha, treasure hunting rat? How can such a low-level thing be compared with this uncle?"

The little hamster sneered and lowered his voice, "Boy Lan, of course I can help you. I know you still have some rare elixirs. If you give them all to me, you won't have no chance..."

Before the little hamster could finish speaking, Chu Chen pinched its round face with two fingers, squeezing its fat face out of shape and making him speechless.

"Senior Brother Chu, what do you mean?"

Lan Xuan was shocked and angry.

"You idiot, this rat is cheating you of the elixir. My success in drawing the treasure has nothing to do with it. I have reminded you that no matter how stupid you are to be deceived out of the elixir, you deserve it..."

After Chu Chen finished speaking, he slowly let go of the hand holding the little hamster's round face.

The little hamster had an embarrassed smile on his face, "Am I a liar? Boy Lan, this opportunity is rare. Don't listen to Chu Chen... Once the opportunity passes, it's gone."

Lan Xuan was stunned for a moment, not knowing who to believe.

"Senior Brother Lan, with your IQ, I suggest you take a look first before talking."

Zhou Lin on the side looked at Lan Xuan's confused look and couldn't bear it, so she kindly gave her own suggestions.

At this time, the monks' attention returned to the center of the square again, because the second round, that is, the lottery for the blue treasure pool was about to begin!

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