Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1581 Duan Laomo, friend of justice

The little lolita in white, Zhao Xueer, burst out with murderous aura, and little snowflakes appeared in the void around her. These seemingly dancing snowflakes were flying in a mysterious rune-like way.

The monks in the space where Xue Hua was located began to feel that their souls were about to freeze, and they all ran out of a radius of ten feet with Zhao Xue'er as the axis.

Shi Yuyan, Lan Xuan, Xuan Ke, and Zhou Lin all stood up and stood behind Chu Chen.

Although Lan Xuan and Zhou Lin were almost frightened, they gritted their teeth and did not leave, and Zhou Lin clenched her fists.

Shi Yuyan always looked like a fairy who was aloof and impervious to all evil, while the old monk Xuan Ke had a face as deep as water, like a lion on alert.

"Luck is destined by nature. If Miss Xueer has any questions, just ask God."

Chu Chen replied calmly.

"I don't need to ask the sky, I just want to ask you, do you think there is no one in my Beiming Break Formation Group?"

Zhao Xueer's every word is sharp and the snowflakes are dancing.

"Miss Xue'er, I don't understand what you are saying. Aren't you all here?"

Facing the overwhelming murderous intent, Chu Chen smiled calmly.

"Big brother, do you think you can get away with it by pretending to be confused at this time?"

"Miss Xue'er, you must be the ones who are confused!"

A cold light flashed in Chu Chen's eyes, "When you do business, you must understand the word credit. The Sky Auction is held by your Beiming Formation Breaking Group. All the rules are naturally set by you. I will draw the treasure according to your rules." , that means that any treasure I draw is reasonable and legal. You have also checked it. Since no problems have been found, you have to challenge me. Is this the way your Beiming Formation Group does business? "

Chu Chen's voice was unpleasant and not loud, but each one reached the ears of all the monks in the square.

Zhao Xueer's face turned red for a moment, and she was choked by Chu Chen and didn't know what to say.

The senior officials of the Beiming Breaking Formation Group in the central area of ​​the square were also very embarrassed.

Because what Chu Chen said was very reasonable, he drew the treasure according to the rules, and Beiming didn't find out what loophole he had taken advantage of, and directly attacked him, which was indeed unjustifiable.

But he obviously cheated!

All the members of the Bei Ming Formation Breaking Group were red-faced and unable to advance or retreat.

Zhao Xueer had a thousand thoughts in her mind, and finally she gritted her teeth. At this point, she had no choice but to take a rest and take Chu Chen away.

"Everyone, please be patient. Can you please listen to me and give you a fair word?"

A thunderous sound sounded from another empty corner of the square, shaking the eardrums of all the monks present.

The speaker was a tall, thin old man dressed in black robes. His appearance frightened many people.

He is none other than Duan Ji, one of the ten most powerful demon kings in the world!

Everyone knows that he is a peerless devil and a businessman. Although he acts unscrupulously, he has his own rules in doing business and will never violate them!

If he wants to speak, Beiming Breaking Formation Group obviously cannot stop him.

Zhao Xueer turned around and saluted respectfully in the direction of Duan Ji. At this moment, an imperceptible smile flashed across Chu Chen's lips behind Zhao Xueer.

The old man finally took action!

In fact, after seeing Duan Ji present, Chu Chen changed his strategy from occasionally winning a heavy treasure to randomly drawing heavy treasures without any restraint or restraint.

Because he had calculated accurately, Duan Ji, the old fox, would definitely protect him, so he would do whatever he wanted. He was able to predict Duan Ji precisely because of the word "profit"!

"I have been friends with Bei Ming for a long time."

Duan Ji sighed quietly, "Since entering the Little Immortal Realm, I have been communicating with people from Beiming. It is because Beiming broke the formation and kept his word and was not greedy for small profits.

Don't do anything that breaks the rules. "

Zhao Xueer bit her lower lip and nodded gently. There was no way to deny such words.

"And now, as the young man in gray said, he acted according to the rules of your Beiming Breaking Formation Group, and you didn't find anything unusual. If you attack him under such circumstances, I'm afraid it will be broken. Your Bei Ming Breaking Formation Group has finally established a reputation.”

Old Duan was dressed in a black robe and danced in the wind, making a hunting sound, "If you are really an organization that doesn't even take the rules seriously when doing business, then I will leave the Sky Auction now and call on all the demonic monks in the fairy world, Let’s resist Bei Ming who is dishonest in his words!”

Zhao Xueer and all the senior executives of Beiming turned green. They did not expect that Duan Ji, the old devil, would stand up and react so strongly!

What's happening here?

Isn’t this old devil always a nosy person?


Sweat was dripping from Zhao Xueer's forehead.

"Senior? Huh! If you really think I am a senior, then listen to me. While the sky auction is still going on, don't break the rules and harass the guests who can't find any problems. If others are lucky, you have to accept it. , the auction is over, and if you want to check, you can naturally ask him to help make adjustments until you find out."

Duan Ji said coldly.


While Zhao Xueer was still hesitating, Chu Chen suddenly took the "semi-chaos treasure" Huntian Ling from her hand.

While stroking the yellow treasure in his hand that made the surrounding space blurry, he nodded, "That's right. Since it's the treasure I drew, just hand it over to me."

Zhao Xueer, who was holding an empty plate, opened her mouth slightly, wanting to say something, but not knowing what to say, so she was stunned on the spot.

After Chu Chen slowly put Wuji Huntian Ling into the storage ring, he made a gesture to ask to leave, "Miss Xue'er, the sky auction must continue, so don't waste time with me. You sent it I have also collected the treasure, please take it back."

Zhao Xueer could only grit her teeth, turned around and left. After taking a few steps, she turned back and said Hanshuang, "After the sky auction is over, we will have a good talk with Mr. Chu. No matter who the senior is, Master, we Beiming will never retreat."

After the little Loli left angrily, the lottery for the red treasure pool started again.

The monks didn't care about so much anymore. They used up their treasure talismans first, lest all the good things would be drawn by Chu Chen.

Among all the people, the one with the deepest anger in his eyes was Ouyang Tuo in the front row. He did not expect that Beiming's attack by breaking the formation would allow this lowly Lingxi boy to escape temporarily.

However, there was a peerless old devil like Duan Ji who came out to speak for this kid, so he could no longer speak out easily, lest he angered the old devil.

A group of monks were trying to use the treasure talisman before Chu Chen drew the treasure again. Suddenly, the whole place was filled with dazzling red auras.

The whole place was reflected in blood red.

At this time, Chu Chen slowly took out his last red talisman.

Seeing the performance of the monks on the field, Chu Chen was angry and funny. He thought to himself, you guys are so anxious. It's a good thing. No matter how hard you grab it, you won't be able to grab it until I stop.

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