Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 1584 The giant beast in the sky

Zhao Xueer had the consciousness to be on strict guard against Chu Chen.

Even if a dragnet is laid, this scourge in the Lingxi Realm cannot cause trouble again.

"How's the check going?"

Zhao Xueer looked at Chu Chen in the distance as if she was a thief, and then gently waved to her side, and a maid in white walked over quickly.

"Are you sure?"

Zhao Xueer lowered her voice, fearing that someone might hear her.

"Yes, senior sister, that guy did not buy any golden talismans in his hand, and our auction rules are very clear. Only the talismans purchased by oneself can draw treasures. Talismans cannot be borrowed from each other."

The girl in white said respectfully.

Zhao Xueer nodded and took a long breath.

What a blessing among misfortunes!

The Bei Ming Breaking Formation Group has held so many auctions, and no matter how the gameplay and rules have changed, it has never encountered such a situation.

They are actually afraid of someone coming to the auction!

It was so embarrassing to say this.

You must know that in the previous Beiming Formation Breaking Group, they wished that more and more people would come to participate!

After feeling reassured, Zhao Xueer had the courage to open the next treasure pool.

As Zhao Xueer waved her palm, the red treasure pool rippled with pieces of soft light and slowly disappeared.

Hongbao Pond ends!

The monks looked at the disappearing treasure pool with unfinished thoughts, their eyes full of greedy desire.

She waved her hand to signal the monks to be quiet, and then introduced them with a smile.

"After the previous rounds of treasure draws, many friends have drawn their favorite treasures. Then, the next step is the opening of the highest-grade treasure pool in this auction, the golden treasure pool!"

Just one sentence immediately attracted the attention of all the monks.

this moment,

Whether it was Ouyang Tuo who looked indignant or Duan Ji who had been lazy and indifferent, or even Shi Yuyan who had always been calm, all eyes were focused on Zhao Xueer, and everyone's eyes were filled with fire...

The best treasure in the red treasure pool is already the intact semi-chaos level treasure Wutian Ling. So in the highest grade golden treasure pool... what grade can the best treasure reach?

No one knows the answer. The only thing that is certain is that the best treasure in the golden treasure pool must be stronger than Huntian Ling!

This alone is enough to drive all the monks present crazy!

In fact, if the foundation of Beiming Breaking Formation Group were not strong enough, I am afraid that many people present would have thought of waiting for the golden treasure pool to open and then rob it directly!

At the very least, Chu Chen knew that if he hadn't revealed the truth to him, who knows what more brutal methods that old guy Duan Ji would have used to seek treasure.

"Most of the treasures in the golden treasure pool are ancient treasures obtained after our Beiming Formation Breaking Group captured a mysterious life restricted area."

Zhao Xueer's voice suddenly became very soft and ethereal.

"Both the grade and the power of this batch of magic weapons are far beyond the treasures shown before. There are even some top-quality magic weapons among them, which have been lost for many years... We will wait and see what they are specifically."

Zhao Xueer had a smile on her face, a half-innocent and half-playful smile. Just when she was about to activate her spiritual power to activate the golden treasure pool, a sudden change occurred!


A distant, dull thunder suddenly sounded from the depths of the distant sky. The rolling thunder sounded like ancient chariots crushing the void.

At the same time, a huge and vast aura suddenly enveloped the entire world.

The monks subconsciously looked up and realized that the sky had turned dark at some point.

A huge black shadow shrouded the sky, and the huge pressure surged and rolled like an ocean, and the entire void creaked under the pressure.

"What is that? That's definitely not a dark cloud!"

"The sky is covered by this black shadow!"

The expressions of all the monks changed greatly. You must know that the venue for the sky auction is a huge mountain suspended in the sky, which is at least tens of thousands of feet above the ground.

This height has exceeded the clouds and is suspended above the clouds.

Therefore, the black shadow is definitely not a dark cloud, and the rolling thunder is not real thunder...

"Oh my god! It's actually a king-level ancient beast!"

"This ancient king-level beast is so big that it covers the sky!"

Shouts of exclamation instantly caused the entire square to explode. The huge pressure was like substance. It was only less than half a cup of tea since the black shadow appeared. The true form of the huge black shadow was above the heads of the monks. ,A bird's eye view.

Chu Chen looked up to the sky with the other monks, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Above the head is an ancient black whale with a body length of thousands of feet. Its huge body covers the sky, completely blocking the sun's rays.

The pitch-black body seemed to be made purely of steel. Just floating far above the sky gave people an extremely powerful visual impact.

An ancient whale from the deep sea actually flew so high into the sky!

This huge king-level ancient beast gave Chu Chen a stronger feeling than any one he had encountered before!

Chu Chen felt that it was like the top of the pyramid in the world of king-level ancient beasts.

Along with its breathing, huge and unparalleled pressure poured out unbridled, making all the monks feel as if a mountain range was suddenly pressing down on their heads!

In an instant, everyone's bodies were bent a little.

"The Ning Kong Giant Beast! This ancient whale is the rarest king beast of the Ning Kong Ancient Whale clan in ancient times!!"

The faces of all the monks instantly became very ugly. The whale lineage has always been the absolute overlord among the ocean beasts, and the Ning Kong Ancient Whale is the royal family among them.

This lineage is born with the ability to control the rules of space. The adult Ning Kong Ancient Whale is known as the "Ning Kong Behemoth". It can travel across the sky and the earth, and can fly deep into the sky even without wings.

According to ancient legends, the ancient whale, the strongest in the line of Ning Kong Behemoths, once even competed with the True Dragon for hegemony and was one of the True Dragon's strongest opponents!

Its power is evident! !

The Ning Kong Ancient Whale that appeared in front of everyone had grown to the size of a thousand feet. For the Ancient Whale lineage, this was a sign of complete maturity.

Such an ancient beast is a true king beast, powerful and experienced, and can hunt any opponent in the world!

In the ancient times, no one could suppress such a space-based beast king except for legendary powerhouses!


Just when the monks were holding their breath and concentrating, the giant beast roaming freely in the sky seemed to have discovered the existence of this hanging island, and suddenly opened its big mouth and let out a shocking roar.

The heaven and the earth trembled!

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