Emperor of Nine Suns

Chapter 979 Jump into the Sea and Die

This is no longer the time when everyone was trapped by the sea of ​​blood and jumped into the sea in a hurry to find a way out. Thinking of jumping into the West Sea now, the fat monk felt that he was about to pee in fright!

"So you choose for yourself, thank you with a smack of your head, or jump into the sea by yourself..."

Before Qiu San could finish his sentence, the fat monk knelt on the ground and licked Chu Chen's head like a pounding onion, hitting the cracked deck hard.

After smacking his head a few times, the fat monk raised his swollen forehead, his eyes were full of flattery, as if he was afraid that he was not doing enough, so he directly slapped his fat face hard.

"Crack "Pig\u003cPig\u003cIsland"Novel www.zuhua!"

"It's because I have blind eyes. I see people as inferior with my dog's eyes. I offended little brother Tong Hu. I beg you to have a lot of adults, so I will spare the villain this time."


"This time the villain was rescued by Brother Tong Hu, and he will definitely repay him well in the future..."


"The villain is wrong, you can't punish the villain too much, you are high and low, and you will definitely not care about trash like the villain..."

Just as the fat man was slapping his fat face vigorously, Chu Chen was already walking towards the cabin with the wheelchair pushed by Elder Lingxin.

After Chu Chen left, Qiu San also called all the monks to go back to the cabin to have a good rest. After all, after experiencing the bloody disaster, everyone was exhausted and needed a good rest.

When everyone walked past the fat monk, they had contemptuous eyes, and everyone disdain to be with him. The fat monk suddenly found that this extremely contemptuous and disgusting look was very familiar. It was the one he had been using to see Tong Hu before. eyes.

"I have no integrity at all. This kind of waste is not worthy of being a monk at all."

"If I were him, I would rather jump into the sea and seek my own way of life than humiliate myself like this."

"I don't know if his master will be offended when he sees his current virtue."

The people's words kept drifting to the ears of the fat monk with the increasingly cold sea breeze. At this moment, he really wanted to jump into the sea.

He never imagined that in thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi,

Immediately, he became the most despised person on the entire ship.

Originally relying on his eloquence and ability to perceive words and demeanor, he used to curry favor with the strong and bully the weak, so he managed to get along well among the monks, and he got the best of both worlds.

He never dreamed that his proud gaze was wrong this time. Who would have thought that this crippled boy would transform into the savior of this ship.

Why did I want to provoke him in the first place? Thinking of this, the fat monk felt that his intestines were going to regret, or he would just jump into the sea.

Sooner or later, the ugliness of myself on the boat will be spread, so I won’t have the face to go back to my teacher’s school. Those disciples who have been waiting to see my jokes, this time they have their wish.

The more he thought about it, the more anxious the fat monk became, his eyes went dark and he passed out.

"Father, this man seems to be dying, please save him."

The person on the other side of the deck saw the fat monk fainted, and hurriedly wanted to run over.

"No, he's a monk, he just lost his breath for a while, it's nothing serious, besides, treating this kind of person who has always been against the little brother, dirty my hands."

The middle-aged pharmacist shook his head slowly, and grabbed his daughter.

"Father, brother Tong Hu won't care about this kind of person. He is a real dragon among men. The gap between him and this fat monk is as huge as a dragon and an ant! The dragon will always be there He won't care what a group of ants think of him, and he will never care how a group of ants ridicule him, because his sight is far beyond that, his eyes are in the farther and wider world..."

When the girl mentioned Tong Hu, her eyes lit up, "So, even if you save that fat monk, Big Brother Tong won't care."

Seeing his daughter's nympho look, the middle-aged pharmacist felt his temples twitch and ache, "Didn't you say that the person you admire most is your father?"

"It's always been my father. I just lament that these ants can't see Mount Tai and dare to underestimate the dragon. It's really pitiful."

Rumble! !

Just as the girl in red muttered to herself, a loud noise suddenly appeared in the calm void.

The azure sky seemed to have been smeared with thick black ink suddenly, and dense and thick dark clouds quickly gathered, like a jet-black curtain covering the sky.

When dark clouds covered the sky, on the sea level where the sea and sky intersected, bright silver thunder crashed down, like silver dragons soaring down from the nine heavens, and the rolling thunder continued, resounding through the world.

"This silver thunder is very bright, isn't it?" The middle-aged pharmacist subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands. He has traveled all over the world for so many years, and he has never encountered any kind of thunderstorm. different.

The next moment, violent gusts of wind suddenly appeared on the calm sea surface. These gusts rolled up the sea water to the sky, and mixed with thunder and lightning rolled down, the sky dimmed almost instantly.

Then, pea-sized raindrops fell, and before the middle-aged pharmacist covered his eyes with his hand, the torrential rain filled the entire sea area.

"What's going on? The weather on the sea can change as you say, and it's weird. Could it be that the sea of ​​blood broke out again?"

The girl in red was startled, and subconsciously looked into the distance.

The sky on the sea looked terrible, dense with dark clouds, pitch black like ink, but without a trace of the blood red color unique to the blood sea, let alone the slightest bloody evil spirit, it should be an ordinary storm, right?

Thunder and lightning flashed across the entire sea area, torrential rain poured down, and countless tornadoes scurry across the sea.

But this is much more overbearing than ordinary storms?

"Why is it so good, it suddenly became such a violent storm?"

Hearing her daughter's question, the middle-aged pharmacist in the rainstorm frowned and looked into the distance, "It's weird, but it's not a sea of ​​blood. The breath of the sea of ​​blood has completely disappeared, and it has been completely resolved. This should be just an ordinary storm. After all The climate on the sea is changing rapidly, it is not as stable as on land, and the wind and waves come without warning, let's go back to the cabin to take shelter from the rain."


The girl in red hurriedly ran all the way, and returned to the cabin together with the middle-aged pharmacist.

But at this time, because of the sudden appearance of a turbulent wind and waves covering the sky and covering the sun, the crew members rushed out from the originally empty deck.

On the huge deck, the crew hurriedly reinforced the damaged hull, while Qiu San activated the last defensive formation on the ship.

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